How would you know? You don't have time to read actual science.The change did not occur because of science. It occurred because of politics
How would you know? You don't have time to read actual science.The change did not occur because of science. It occurred because of politics
How would you know? You don't have time to read actual science.
I'm on the right side of history on this one.
Transgenderism, homosexuality, and lesbianism is abhorrent, perverted sin and for the longest time categorized as a mental illness.
Again, the only reason the diagnosis changed was radical leftist political pressure.
You really do have a reading comprehension problem. The change did not occur because of science. It occurred because of politics (as is often the case, see the global warming scam).
I'm still waiting for you to link those studies that prove that homosexuality is a mental illness.
Says who? An ancient book of fables that also claims some guy came back from the dead after a week, a woman got pregnant without insemination, some guy made the Red Sea split so people could walk across it, some guy built an ark and managed to fill it with two of every form of life on the planet including things he didn't know existed, that we have to do what some invisible force tells us to or we'll be tortured for eternity by some other invisible force that has horns, a pitchfork, and a pointed tail, that some guy commanded an army of zombies, and a mystical being said abracadabra and created the multi-billion year old universe in 6 days 6,000 years ago?Transgenderism, homosexuality, and lesbianism is abhorrent, perverted sin and for the longest time categorized as a mental illness.
Uh huh. I've already posted two links addressing that. But they were links to scientific stuff, so I'm sure you won't have the time to read them.Do some reading before the 1974 politicalization of the APA. It's not hard to find. Google can be your friend.
That's why I asked rather than asserted that is what you were be clear.
I'll again ask though....should the rare nature of a scenario be a factor in deciding how much people should care or view the injustice they believe is being done in your opinion? If that is your opinion, I'm good with it. Not that you would give a flip with what I'm good or not good with.
I will confess that I was getting a Scott Adams "Wizard Trump" vibe from your post re: manipulation so I went and watched his commentary video where he talked about the transsexual ban. He basically said that people would be talking about the trans issue whether or not his tweet was meant as a distraction. Said he didn't know whether this was more word wizard work (paraphrase). He did talk about the fact that Trump tried to make it a financial issue rather than an ethics one in his tweets. I think he tried to made it about both and people here have addressed both reasonably and rationally. I even agreed with Adams's underlying stated personal opinion on the issue. He said that he generally had a willingness for higher costs associated with full access to the military, but that it does reach a point that the financial costs could outweigh his preference for openness to all to serve.
Anyway....It was not my intent to attack, mischaracterize, or strawman you. I value and seriously consider your input on this board and I hope you know that.
I'm on the right side of history on this one.
Transgenderism, homosexuality, and lesbianism is abhorrent, perverted sin and for the longest time categorized as a mental illness.
Again, the only reason the diagnosis changed was radical leftist political pressure.
Wow, I bet you are a blast at parties!
If someone decides to include hormone therapy as part of their gender identification, they have to keep taking it to maintain the effects. Much like the use of anabolic steroids, some changes are permanent even if they stop taking the hormone. Other changes, such as enhanced muscle mass in female to males, will diminish over time.
The 40% suicide rate probably refers to suicide attempts/gestures. I'm not sure there is good data for actual completed suicides. But as I posted earlier, the cause of suicide isn't from their gender identity. It's from depression from discrimination and victimization. There is some really good research out that compares suicide and life quality in transgenders based on family supportiveness. As anyone could predict, transgenders with supportive families are much less likely to attempt suicide and be treated for depression, and report a much higher quality of life. This isn't unique to the transgender or gay communities.
Nope. Not russled. Not married to a tranny either. I can put a picture of my wife as my avatar if you'd like. I'm not an activist of any sort. I'm just a firm believer in equal and respectful treatment of everyone who hasn't declared themselves to be human scum by their actions such as rapists, murderers, child molesters, terrorists, etc.Dayum Medic. Jimmies seriously rustled in this thread. Are you married to this trans "friend"?
Do some reading before the 1974 politicalization of the APA. It's not hard to find. Google can be your friend.
No, not like diabetes at all. If you stop taking insulin or oral glycemic agents, your blood sugar will rise and if left untreated, you'll develop diabetic ketoacidosis which will be fatal without administration of insulin. A transgender who stops taking hormones might have unpleasant side effects similar to menopause, but it isn't something that is ever life threatening.Well if they have to keep taking the treatments is that not like diabetes in a way? Just trying to better understand your position
I just thought I had seen that 40% number. I did not mean to imply that was a fact.
Says who? An ancient book of fables that also claims some guy came back from the dead after a week, a woman got pregnant without insemination, some guy made the Red Sea split so people could walk across it, some guy built an ark and managed to fill it with two of every form of life on the planet including things he didn't know existed, that we have to do what some invisible force tells us to or we'll be tortured for eternity by some other invisible force that has horns, a pitchfork, and a pointed tail, that some guy commanded an army of zombies, and a mystical being said abracadabra and created the multi-billion year old universe in 6 days 6,000 years ago?
You'll have to forgive me for believing science over a book of religious fairy tales.
Oh no way. I'm a firm believer in Zeus. He tried to kill this lady. He's yet to stand trial for his crime.Next you are going to try to convince us that the sun is not really Apollo driving his golden chariot across the sky and that lighting bolts are not hurled to the ground by Zeus.
I really am!
Oh no way. I'm a firm believer in Zeus. He tried to kill this lady. He's yet to stand trial for his crime.
I'm going to be completely inappropriate in this post. Ban me, delete it, do whatever, but I just cannot waste this opportunity.She probably deserved it. Must have given some dude a blow job or sinned in some other way.
Why did you choose Christianity for your references of fairy tales? Why not another religion? Do Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists get a pass?...don't forget the Jews!Says who? An ancient book of fables that also claims some guy came back from the dead after a week, a woman got pregnant without insemination, some guy made the Red Sea split so people could walk across it, some guy built an ark and managed to fill it with two of every form of life on the planet including things he didn't know existed, that we have to do what some invisible force tells us to or we'll be tortured for eternity by some other invisible force that has horns, a pitchfork, and a pointed tail, that some guy commanded an army of zombies, and a mystical being said abracadabra and created the multi-billion year old universe in 6 days 6,000 years ago?
You'll have to forgive me for believing science over a book of religious fairy tales.
Why did you choose Christianity for your references of fairy tales? Why not another religion? Do Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists get a pass?...don't forget the Jews!
Nope, but I'm pretty sure there aren't any Muslims, Hindus, or Buddhists posting in this thread. There might be some Jews. We'll need to check with NZ Poke.Do Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists get a pass?...don't forget the Jews!
^^^^^This 100%^^^^^I would imagine it might be because the person he was quoting and to whom he was responding is a professed Christian and his stated positions in this thread are based at least in part on his Christian principles.
Why did you choose Christianity for your references of fairy tales? Why not another religion? Do Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists get a pass?...don't forget the Jews!
Still looking. Can't find any science that supports your stance. Help me out.
Nope. Not russled. Not married to a tranny either. I can put a picture of my wife as my avatar if you'd like. I'm not an activist of any sort. I'm just a firm believer in equal and respectful treatment of everyone who hasn't declared themselves to be human scum by their actions such as rapists, murderers, child molesters, terrorists, etc.
I'm enjoying abusing the guy who's gone from "science," to it's his belief, back to "science," and now "history" to defend his view. I'm a science guy myself. I honestly don't give a shit what his beliefs are. Pick a position and stick with it. If it's going to be "science," then be prepared to be questioned on it. You can only ride one water slide at a time. You look damn dumb trying to go down 4 at once.
Here's the thing. I don't believe in god. I'm not religious. I don't identify as any sect of non-believer, such as atheism. I'm just a guy with my own individual beliefs.Why did you choose Christianity for your references of fairy tales? Why not another religion? Do Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists get a pass?...don't forget the Jews!
Then you actually know nothing of Freud's thoughts on homosexuality. Let me help you.I am admittedly an outlier that is in agreement with Freudian analysis of the condition.
Read my previous link. Lots of information out there on the motivation for the change. I honestly don't know if they were right or wrong. I just like debating even if I have little time.
Perhaps the thinking before was BS. Perhaps today it is.
Then you actually know nothing of Freud's thoughts on homosexuality. Let me help you.
"Sigmund Freud's basic theory of human sexuality was different from that of Ellis. He believed all human beings were innately bisexual, and that they become heterosexual or homosexual as a result of their experiences with parents and others (Freud, 1905). Nevertheless, Freud agreed with Ellis that a homosexual orientation should not be viewed as a form of pathology. In a now-famous letter to an American mother in 1935, Freud wrote:
"Homosexuality is assuredly no advantage, but it is nothing to be ashamed of, no vice, no degradation, it cannot be classified as an illness; we consider it to be a variation of the sexual function produced by a certain arrest of sexual development. Many highly respectable individuals of ancient and modern times have been homosexuals, several of the greatest men among them (Plato, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, etc.). It is a great injustice to persecute homosexuality as a crime, and cruelty too....
"If [your son] is unhappy, neurotic, torn by conflicts, inhibited in his social life, analysis may bring him harmony, peace of mind, full efficiency whether he remains a homosexual or gets changed...." (reprinted in Jones, 1957, pp. 208-209, from the American Journal of Psychiatry, 1951, 107, 786)."
Because there is zero scientific evidence to support classifying it as a mental illness, not because of some political movement as you suggest. Sound medicine is based on sound science. If there is zero evidence to support something, such as giving 5% dextrose in water as the only treatment for coronary artery thrombosis, then medicine evolves and stops doing what isn't supported by evidence.According to the APA in 2017, homosexuality is not a mental illness.
This is absolutely something I can respect. I wish you had posted this in the beginning. As I've stated, I'm not one to judge the beliefs of others. But if you claim science as the basis of your belief, I will challenge you. It's just how I'm wired.Read my previous link. Lots of information out there on the motivation for the change. I honestly don't know if they were right or wrong. I just like debating even if I have little time.
Perhaps the thinking before was BS. Perhaps today it is.
From a theological perspective, I have no problem with the suggestion that some are born with a predisposition towards homosexuality or transexuality. I believe the Bible teaches that we are all born in sin. For a practicing Christian it is wrong to act on sinful predisposition we were born with. Lying, stealing, murder, adultery, homosexuality.
Our nation is going to do whatever we are going to do. Transgenders are going to serve again in the military in the very near future.
And that fact, though surprising to some who have been adults for 20 plus years, is not a shock at all to me. We live in a post Christian America. In fact, according to George Barna, even most church attendees do not possess a biblical world view (and that has been the case for at least 15 years in America).
So we are where we are, for better or worse, and as always are the sum of our collective moral compass.
As long as there are no abhorrent sinners there too.
Aren't you the person who refers to the Jayhawks as the Gayhawks? I'm assuming it wasn't meant as a slur?FYI, a good portion of Medic's post referred to items from the first 5 books of the bible (otherwise known as The Torah), so the Jews likely understood his references. In addition, the overwhelming majority of non-Christians, who grew up in this country, are likely aware of the portion of the Bible that discusses the birth of Jesus, and the story of his resurrection.
Any source for that statistic?Most Americans at the moment find practicing transsexuals as weird or repulsive.
Aren't you the person who refers to the Jayhawks as the Gayhawks? I'm assuming it wasn't meant as a slur?
"Love is Love"..."Love trumps hate"...unless you have a differing opinion.You sure are passionate about the homosexuality issue. While most of us disagree with you, I just want you to know that we love you for whoever you are and just want you to be happy.