The Oxymoron That Is Trade War

Who wants war? (Besides your AEI neocons and the CIA taking over into the Dem party)

Methinks you are mistaken about who (or what) I am. I imagine the CIA, for instance, would be surprised that a person who identified as a philosophical anarchist (one who objects to the existence of a state) would be connected to one of the most evil agencies of a state. Do you see the conflict there? Likewise any relation to neoconsevatives, who have never seen a war in which they didn’t think other people’s sons should be sacrificed. As a human being I certainly am deserving of criticism where needed. God knows plenty of people on this board have not failed to take advantage. But the least you should do is criticize for just cause!
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Who wants war? (Besides your AEI neocons and the CIA taking over the Dem party)


Which federal prison is he in?
I don’t think you’re connected to sinister state agencies (I didn’t write that you were) — and I’ve seen enough of your posts and writing to think you’re a genuine libertarian absolutist.

I think your ideas could be quite promising if we actually had control or our borders and extrmelely strict immigration.

In theory, there’s plenty of space in this country to experiment with your idea of government and freedom. You know, states are supposed to be laboratories of democracy.

Unfortunately though, our government has has 50 years to grow and metastasize from what JFK and Eisenhower were already warning about in the early 1960s — and we’ve spent that same period of time mass importing foreign cultures who want (and vote for) cradle-to-cradle government services.

Libertarianism is a wonderful idea in theory, but our government and cultural reality has made it almost impossible.
Well, now is not the time to give up.

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