That is your question and not one I am obligated to answer. I am not taking up arms unless I have to.The question before you is how will you and your fellow MAGA’s react if Biden is declared the winner and Trump tells you they cheated him again? What’s your insight there?
The have to situation seems most likely to come from Iran/Hamas propagandists that have poisoned our youth to hate America and Israel, combined with all the illegals in this country that actually expect free shit and to be able to commit crimes with no incarceration, will be the fuse and spark that possibly starts a fire. I will in that instance and if need be defend myself and my family, and I will do that no matter who the aggressor is.
You are encouraging violence on our shores with your hate speech. You are more dangerous than 80 million Trump supporters put together. The fact you have the underdeveloped brain of an elitist 20 something on a woke campus as an adult is rather hard to fathom.
The lady that works in my office that is Jewish visited Israel for about 10 days again and just returned. She mostly did volunteer work with her friends to make “hunger baskets” for people in need. She visited the site of the concert in which the massacre happened.
She is more brave than you who posts articles full of propaganda. She is actually helping her people.
Myself and others would gladly pay for an airline ticket for you to visit Gaza and provide volunteer help to all of those loving Palestinian families. It is your calling to “save” these people and you refuse to go. These are your people Dan that are being slaughtered according to you and you do nothing. Have you donated to Hamas yet? Need to get on it if not. Probably find an NPO in this country that funnels donations to the terrorist group.
I am more than happy to pay my tax dollars to defend Israel, something they want to handle on their own with our help with military supplies.
If these Hamas terrorists and illegals start something over here? I have no problem defending my family.
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