Know Your Black History


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Edmond, Oklahoma
February 17, 2022

Know Your Black History​

By Sloan Oliver

February is Black History Month, which means it’s important to know black history. Our media, leftists, and Democrats (I repeat myself) such as Biden, Hillary, LeBron James, Jesse Smollet, CNN, Lori Lightfoot, Stacey Abrams, and countless others would have you believe that America was founded on racism, is a racist nation, and has always been a racist nation. Are those Democrats correct? History’s important, so let’s exam some history.

In the past, America has had racial problems. At first, all colonies allowed slavery. However, by the early 1800s, the northern states had outlawed it. Nevertheless, southern Democrats refused to free their slaves. When Abe Lincoln, a Republican, was elected, southern Democrats fought the Civil War to keep their blacks enslaved. Then, after Reconstruction, southern Democrats implemented Black Codes and Jim Crow laws. “Jim Crow” was the name given to numerous laws passed by Democrats, throughout the South, designed to keep blacks “in their place.” These laws existed from the 1870s to the 1960s. They effectively disenfranchised blacks from the vote via poll taxes, literacy tests, and residency restrictions. Jim Crow laws made blacks second-class citizens who couldn’t vote, serve on juries, or run for office. Other laws created “separate but equal” institutions that segregated blacks from society; and established separate black schools, hospitals, water fountains, restrooms, railroad cars, and sports leagues. If segregation wasn’t bad enough, other businesses simply refused to serve blacks; hence the need for The Negro Motorist Green Book which listed businesses that would serve black travelers. Not only were the Jim Crow laws humiliating, the separate facilities were not equal. Black schools were fewer in number, had few books, and were in terrible condition. Black hospitals left blacks with unequal health care. Democrat president Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) segregated all federal agencies. In the 1920s, the KKK reappeared nationwide. The Democrats’ Jim Crow laws effectively kept the country segregated until civil rights laws were passed in the 1960s.

Since the 1960s, the basis for blacks’ advancement was Martin Luther King Jr’s charge to the nation “to judge one on the content of their character, not on the color of their skin.” MLK’s charge was one of the greatest challenges to any nation, and has benefited more Americans (regardless of skin color) in the ensuing years than any government program could ever hope. His words caused all Americans to look inward, do some soul searching; and ask if we (individually and as a nation) were truly living up to the principle that “all men are created equal.” The result was the 1960s civil rights laws.

Over the next 30-40 years, blacks made tremendous strides. For example, in 1958, 44% of whites said they would relocate if a black family moved next door; by 1998, that figure was 1%. In 1964, 18% of whites claimed to have a black friend; by 1998, 86% did and 87% of blacks claimed a white friend. Economically, black gains were just as dramatic: in 1940, 60% of employed black women were domestic servants; by 1998 that number was 2.2%, while 60% held white-collar jobs. In 1944 only 5% of black men were employed in non-manual, white-collar work; by 1998, 30% of black men held white-collar jobs. Largely by the late 1990s and early 2000s accusations of racism were no longer heard. Why? Because, thanks to the Civil Rights Laws and the realization that discrimination was wrong, racism had been defeated. Blacks had (and still have) opportunities to excel in any field they desire.

Then, in the early 21st century came our Obamas (Barack and Michelle) and you’d have thought we were back in the 1950s and the Civil Rights Movement had never occurred. Michelle claimed she had never been proud to be an American because of racism. Suddenly, everything became racial. Disagree with Obama, it’s because of racism. (So claimed Jimmy Carter.) A policeman mistakenly arrests a black homeowner for breaking into his own house (2009), it’s because all cops are racist. A black youth tries to grab a policeman’s weapon and gets killed in the process (Michael Brown, Ferguson, MO, in 2014), again, it’s because all cops are racist -- burn down the city. Since Obama, chants of racism have only gotten louder and more frequent. Trump got elected because of racism. Stacey Abrams didn’t get elected because of racism. Black COVID deaths exceed white deaths because of racism. Even Canadians aren’t safe. When Prime Minister Justin Trudeau attacked the Canadian truckers protesting vaccine mandates, he called them -- you guessed it -- racists and misogynists. The accusations of racism are endless and always one way -- conservatives are the racists. Doesn’t matter if the conservative is black or white, he’s racist. So, Senator Tim Scott, Justice Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens, Larry Elder, Allen West, and the late Herman Cain are all racist (despite being black themselves) because they know their history, escaped from Plantation Democrat, and refuse to accept their victim status.

Actually, in America, apart from the constant accusations of racism, there’s so little racism that racial incidents must be trumped up. Based on a 30-second video, Nick Sandman, the Covington Catholic kid, was accused of racially accosting a Native American. After viewing the entire 30-minute video, it was clear that the Indian had confronted Sandman. Jussie Smollet (a Trump hater) couldn’t find any racist white guys, so he hired two black Nigerians to beat him up so he could claim a racial attack. Bubba Wallace (an anti-Trumper) claimed a pull-rope in his NASCAR garage was a noose placed there to intimidate him. The FBI sent 15 agents to investigate and determined that it was a pull-rope. Last September, racist graffiti at a Missouri high school led 1,000 students to walk out in protest. Turns out a black student admitted he wrote “HOPE ALL BLACK PEOPLE DIE” and wrote the N-word on the bathroom wall. A comment, to the report summed it up very well: “The demand for racist incidents is outstripping supply! Therefore, fraudulent incidents are being dreamt up to bridge the gap!”

In the past 15 years, almost every single claim of racial hatred and bigotry has been a rush to judgement by Democrats and their media darlings. Beginning before the Civil War and continuing to this day, the most racist group in American history is, and continues to be, the Democrat Party and its voters. So, yes, Obama, CNN, LeBron, and Biden are correct about racism. However, it’s Democrats who are guilty of the systemic racism, and why it’s important to know your black history.
America is so Racist that the 1st Black President was elected for 2 terms.
I remember when he was POTUS if you said anything negative about the job he was doing you would be called a Racist. It has been weaponized by the left as a means to silence anyone that dares question or disagree with them and its rather vulgar if you ask me.

Blacks Owning Blacks: The Story of William Ellison​

On March 26, 1857, William Ellison wrote to his son Henry Ellison about the family business. Life was going well and Ellison wanted to update his son on how things were going at home. John, one of Ellison’s 53 slaves had just been to the river to collect payment from a number of white slaveowners for the cotton gins they had purchased from Mr. Ellison. He came back with no money at the end of the day though. Ellison’s customers had either made excuses such as wanting to consult their overseer before paying or had not been where they said they would be. There was no frustration in Ellison’s tone as though this is something that he has had to deal with before. He then gave instructions to his son to purchase a number of farming tools that would inevitably be used in the fields by his slaves. He gave a brief farewell and ended the letter.
This same type of letter may have been sent a thousand times from a slaveholding father to his slaveholding son in mid nineteenth century American South. But William Ellison and his son, Henry Ellison, were different. William Ellison was African American, born into slavery in April of 1790 with the name April Ellison to a slave mother and white slavemaster father, Mr. William Ellison. As a young man he was apprenticed to a cotton gin maker rather than working in the fields and allowed to keep a portion of the wages he earned for his master and father, money that he later used to purchase his freedom. At the same time, he changed his name to William Ellison, after his father, to fit in with higher society. After purchasing his family, he moved to Sumter County, South Carolina and hired out other free African Americans to work in his cotton gin shop. While working, he discovered a common problem among freed slaves in the South. The expense of wages left him with a profit that would never compete with what slaveowners were earning. Wanting to move up in society, he purchased his first slaves in 1820.
By 1850, Ellison had 37 slaves while his sons owned another 16. He was one of about 180 black slave masters in South Carolina at the time, most of whom were former slaves themselves. Like Ellison, they realized that the only way to get out of the lower middle class that so many freed blacks were stuck in, was slave labor. With nearly 9,000 free blacks in South Carolina, that 180 made up a tiny percentage who were willing to do anything to compete with the upper class white slaveowners at the time. Just because they owned slaves though did not mean they were treated equally among slaveowners. As Ellison subtly hints in his letter, white slave owners would avoid interacting with African Americans as much as possible. Ellison provided many whites in the area with what were the best cotton gins available which meant that if they wanted to produce the most cotton, they would have to do business with them. They would often try to avoid paying him though. Despite the discrimination, blacks owning blacks continued all the way up to the Civil War, with many African American slave owners, including Ellison, contributing and supporting the Confederate side. Stories like Ellison’s and other black slave owners showed the economic power of slavery in Southern America in the nineteenth century. The easiest way to achieve financial and social success was to own slaves and the allure of southern wealth was enough that it convinced a few of slavery’s former victims to switch to the other side.


  • Michael P. Johnson and James L. Roark, Black Masters: A Free Family of Color in the Old South (New York: Norton, 1984), Whole Book
  • "William Ellison to Henry Ellison" (Letter, March 26, 1857, Ellison Family Papers, University of South Carolina, Colombia, South Carolina)
  • 1850 Slave Census Schedule, South Carolina Department of Archives and History (1850), Colombia, South Carolina
I oppose Black History Month. I fully support American History Month as does Morgan Freeman.
Mensa Man is wrong again...

“You're going to relegate my history to a month?” Freeman said in an interview on CBS' “60 Minutes.” “I don't want a black history month. ... Black history is American history.”
Mensa Man is wrong again...

“You're going to relegate my history to a month?” Freeman said in an interview on CBS' “60 Minutes.” “I don't want a black history month. ... Black history is American history.”
Dude, did you not read the very well done study I posted? You just made his point for him, davey. You're slippin.
Mensa Man is wrong again...

“You're going to relegate my history to a month?” Freeman said in an interview on CBS' “60 Minutes.” “I don't want a black history month. ... Black history is American history.”

Easy to see why you have white guilt, so out of touch.
Ever had or have any Black Friends Dave? Ever dated anyone outside of your Race? Ever had a person of another Race eat at your home or eat at their home? I have but 2 pesos says I am a Racist.

Oh and Mensa Man 24 Dave 0
Last edited:
You just confirmed his post, cracker.

Dude, did you not read the very well done study I posted? You just made his point for him, davey. You're slippin.

Easy to see why you have white guilt, so out of touch.
Ever had or have any Black Friends Dave? Ever dated anyone outside of your Race? Ever had a person of another Race eat at your home or eat at their home? I have but 2 pesos says I am a Racist.

Oh and Mensa Man 24 Dave 0
Be easy on Dave. Dave is one of the board's 6.

I appreciate you guys so much. You don't give a mouse's hiney what color Dave, Morgan and I am. You care about what's in our hearts.
Be easy on Dave. Dave is one of the board's 6.

I appreciate you guys so much. You don't give a mouse's hiney what color Dave, Morgan and I am. You care about what's in our hearts.
The slow would perhaps buy your attempt to twist Mr. Freemans quote to mean he does not value Black History Month when his quote actually suggests it isn't sufficient, in fact we need more focus on integrating black history into our understanding of American history. Not sure if you understood that or are just weak at manipulation.
The slow would perhaps buy your attempt to twist Mr. Freemans quote to mean he does not value Black History Month when his quote actually suggests it isn't sufficient, in fact we need more focus on integrating black history into our understanding of American history. Not sure if you understood that or are just weak at manipulation.
Uhhhh, dave? You OK? Watch this clip of Morgan Freeman discussing Black History Month. This is where the quote came from.

Now maybe you can tell us WTF you think you're talking about.
It stands on it's own and is entirely consistent with what I said. You'd have to point out where it isn't....

"My history is American history". He doesn't believe in dividing people by race.

Let's be honest, the overwhelming majority of people get along just fine. It's the political and grifting class that are the ones pushing racism.
It stands on it's own and is entirely consistent with what I said. You'd have to point out where it isn't....
Since I suspect you didn't bother to sniff out your bullshit via the video clip, here's the transcript to point it out to you....

MIKE WALLACE, CBS`s "60 MINUTES": Black History Month, you find...



FREEMAN: You`re going to relegate my history to a month?

WALLACE: Come on.

FREEMAN: What do you do with yours? Which month is White History Month? Come on, tell me.

WALLACE: I`m Jewish.

FREEMAN: OK. Which month is Jewish History Month?

WALLACE: There isn`t one.

FREEMAN: Why not? Do you want one?

WALLACE: No, no.

FREEMAN: I don`t either. I don`t want a Black History Month. Black history is American history.

WALLACE: How are we going to get rid of racism until...?

FREEMAN: Stop talking about it. I`m going to stop calling you a white man. And I`m going to ask you to stop calling me a black man. I know you as Mike Wallace. You know me as Morgan Freeman. You`re not going to say, "I know this white guy named Mike Wallace." Hear what I`m saying?
Since I suspect you didn't bother to sniff out your bullshit via the video clip, here's the transcript to point it out to you....

MIKE WALLACE, CBS`s "60 MINUTES": Black History Month, you find...



FREEMAN: You`re going to relegate my history to a month?

WALLACE: Come on.

FREEMAN: What do you do with yours? Which month is White History Month? Come on, tell me.

WALLACE: I`m Jewish.

FREEMAN: OK. Which month is Jewish History Month?

WALLACE: There isn`t one.

FREEMAN: Why not? Do you want one?

WALLACE: No, no.

FREEMAN: I don`t either. I don`t want a Black History Month. Black history is American history.

WALLACE: How are we going to get rid of racism until...?

FREEMAN: Stop talking about it. I`m going to stop calling you a white man. And I`m going to ask you to stop calling me a black man. I know you as Mike Wallace. You know me as Morgan Freeman. You`re not going to say, "I know this white guy named Mike Wallace." Hear what I`m saying?
Time for google boy to quadruple down on his self-own.
The slow would perhaps buy your attempt to twist Mr. Freemans quote to mean he does not value Black History Month when his quote actually suggests it isn't sufficient, in fact we need more focus on integrating black history into our understanding of American history.

FREEMAN: I don`t either. I don`t want a Black History Month. Black history is American history.

Time for google boy to quadruple down on his self-own.
Yeah, Morgan Freeman plainly said he thinks Black History Month is "ridiculous" and said he doesn't want a Black History Month. I have no idea what in dave's brain thinks those words mean that Morgan Freeman thinks we need more Black History Month.
Yeah, Morgan Freeman plainly said he thinks Black History Month is "ridiculous" and said he doesn't want a Black History Month. I have no idea what in dave's brain thinks those words mean that Morgan Freeman thinks we need more Black History Month.

You can show it to him and explain it to him but you cannot make him understand it. 🤣
Uhhhh, dave? You OK? Watch this clip of Morgan Freeman discussing Black History Month. This is where the quote came from.

Now maybe you can tell us WTF you think you're talking about.
Thank you, Medic007. The majority of us understand. I'll repeat. Getting through to the board's slow 6 is completely beyond your reach, as it is CoastGuardCowboy, JimmyBob, 2012Bearcat, Scottsdale.Sooner, wyomingosualum, iasooner2000 and a whole bunch of others.

Morgan Freeman and I oppose Black History Month, White History Month, Flathead History Month and Jewish History Month. I'm of 3 races which I brag about regularly. But I'm not a spec better than anyone because of it.
I'm sorry, what is it you are waiting for? You'll have to refresh me on your expectations...
DodgeAllen strikes again!!!

Bless your heart. Reality is difficult for you. You were telling us how rabidly supportive Morgan Freeman is of Black History Month despite him calling it ridiculous. You could simply scroll up to read what you apparently can't remember. Did you read the article I posted about THC?

I'm sorry, what is it you are waiting for? You'll have to refresh me on your expectations...
Let's start with this to ease into your stupidity...

The slow would perhaps buy your attempt to twist Mr. Freemans quote to mean he does not value Black History Month when his quote actually suggests it isn't sufficient, in fact we need more focus on integrating black history into our understanding of American history. Not sure if you understood that or are just weak at manipulation.
Maybe you can get Mr. Freeman to sort this for us. Let me know what he says.

Since I suspect you didn't bother to sniff out your bullshit via the video clip, here's the transcript to point it out to you....

MIKE WALLACE, CBS`s "60 MINUTES": Black History Month, you find...



FREEMAN: You`re going to relegate my history to a month?

WALLACE: Come on.

FREEMAN: What do you do with yours? Which month is White History Month? Come on, tell me.

WALLACE: I`m Jewish.

FREEMAN: OK. Which month is Jewish History Month?

WALLACE: There isn`t one.

FREEMAN: Why not? Do you want one?

WALLACE: No, no.

FREEMAN: I don`t either. I don`t want a Black History Month. Black history is American history.

WALLACE: How are we going to get rid of racism until...?

FREEMAN: Stop talking about it. I`m going to stop calling you a white man. And I`m going to ask you to stop calling me a black man. I know you as Mike Wallace. You know me as Morgan Freeman. You`re not going to say, "I know this white guy named Mike Wallace." Hear what I`m saying?
I like David, but he has had a few horrendous takes that are fun to poke at. Whitesplaining what Morgan Freeman said very plainly is not as bad as the "not being able to decide if forcing fingers into a vagina without consent is rape" all time worst take, but still funny.

thats probably why his son is a conservative. A lifetime of ridiculous emotional takes would be easy to see through.

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