The bright shining star for the Dems ...


LOL I just watched the clip of her talking, and it is like.... nothing. Compared to Fatass rambling about raking the floors of forests this weekend, his daily lies.... ya'll are pitiful trying to make something out of that.
LOL I just watched the clip of her talking, and it is like.... nothing. Compared to Fatass rambling about raking the floors of forests this weekend, his daily lies.... ya'll are pitiful trying to make something out of that.

Looks like Gov. Brown in Cali agrees with Trump.

It's a forest management problem.
He lies all the time you idiot. Did you mention cortex’s stupid comment. Good grief you are a blank screen.

Yes...I the thread, idiot. And you say you “aren’t a big fan of it”...that’s not exactly a condemnation of his lies fact, it’s a dismissal of the importance of them. Deal with it.
Many states have mismanaged their forest for years. Lived in Jackson Hole in 1988 during the Yellowstone fires, you could see the plumes of smoke from just outside of Jackson going north (over 100 miles away). After that fire the Forest Service started letting fires, that weren't threatening structures in populated/high visit areas burn so the understory could burn off minimizing the potential of what you have seen in CA. Many conifers also need the heat of a fire for their seeds to germinate, which also contributes to the creation of new growth forests. California has been incredibly negligent in their management for years, unfortunately that coupled with other things always turns out bad. The loss of life, property, memories and livelihoods will take years to come back, if ever. Of all disasters these are one of the most manageable and they still can't figure it out.

There is also programs by insurance companies that give guidelines on how to avoid having your house burn in areas prone to wildfires. Good article on the subject One of the very few things I fear while backpacking in Wyoming is getting caught in a wildfire. My itinerary always includes "safe zones" near my overnight camping spots. Load those areas in my GPS and circle on my map.

The press and liberals hatred of Trump is so visceral, that no matter what he says they will criticize it without doing a dam bit of research. They take a comment like his on this subject and start lambasting him without any research. This has been an issue even brought up in California previously btw. There was even a proposal to let goats loose to eat the dead grass and some of the native understory to reduce wildfire risks, but to no avail. Camels could do the same job.
Ha... WWR posts in the wrong thread and I followed. Guhh.

Proper forestry practices.
The way in which the forests could be managed that would reduce/prevent these types of fires.

I've learned a lot on the topic over the last week. It is a multi-faceted problem. Forest management is definitely part of the solution. But, I don't think I ever said that it wasn't.
Even you guys have to admit that it is funny that Sarah Palin, of all people, is making fun of Cortez.

Didn't she once claim that she could see Russia from Alaska?

Yes but it was Tina fey who said you can see it from "my house" while portraying Palin in an SNL skit.

The actual quote: “They’re our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”


Yes but it was Tina fey who said you can see it from "my house" while portraying Palin in an SNL skit.

The actual quote: “They’re our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”


Oftentimes in the winter the water freezes between the two islands, actually connecting them. My son once landed on Little Diomede and walked across to Bid Diomede until he was told a Russian border patrolman might shoot him.
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