Thanks Joe, but no...

Versus anything to attack Trump. Trump presented a unique situation by becoming President, he was one of the first none politicians elected to be the President of the country.
I didn't attack him, lol. You made sure to carve out a self-dealing exception for him while complaining about financial corruption in the other party. #cult
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I didn't attack him, lol. You made sure to carve out a self-dealing exception for him while complaining about financial corruption in the other party. #cult
Isn't it strange how your only concern is about Trump's established business, while you ignore the millions a politician received from foreign adversaries.
No one should be. Once again, you are promoting a Democrat you know has no chance of winning the nomination as a way for you to attack Democratic voters. A Democrat you would never vote for or support if you thought he had any real chance of securing the nomination and actually challenging the eventual Republican nominee.

You do this every cycle.
Pay attention. I’ve made a deal with Pilt that if he votes for Kennedy I’ll break tradition and vote for him, too. Besides I disagree wholeheartedly with you: I think if Kennedy gets the Democrat nomination he would have an excellent chance to win the whole thing. You, of course, being a fake progressive who defends the establishment without exception - even against progressives - really mean Kennedy can’t win the Democrat nomination and it drives you batty that a fellow Democrat will expose the Biden establishment for the frauds they are. I’m the radical here. Send the establishment packing, I say!
Pay attention. I’ve made a deal with Pilt that if he votes for Kennedy I’ll break tradition and vote for him, too.
You will never vote for Robert K. Kennedy Jr. Just as you never voted for Tulsi Gabbard. Stop playing your silly games Lonesome Dan.

Not to mention, why in the world do you need a bet with someone else to get you to go vote for a person you claim to support?🙄

Besides I disagree wholeheartedly with you: I think if Kennedy gets the Democrat nomination he would have an excellent chance to win the whole thing.
I never stated that Kennedy couldn't win the general election if he somehow won the Democratic nomination. I stated that you would never talk of supporting him if you thought he had any serious chance of winning the nomination and challenging the potential Republican nominee.

Don't twist my words.

You, of course, being a fake progressive who defends the establishment without exception - even against progressives - really mean Kennedy can’t win the Democrat nomination and it drives you batty that a fellow Democrat will expose the Biden establishment for the frauds they are.
And there it is. This is the whole reason you are promoting Kennedy right now. So that you can attack Democratic voters. Just as I stated above. You did the same thing with Gabbard. Nothing new here, just a different person you have latched on to for now.

btw, my opinion of (and willingness to vote for) Kennedy has nothing to do with the establishment or with the notion that Kennedy will expose President Biden somehow. I disagree with Kennedy on a number of important issues. If he were to change his positions on those issues and distance himself from certain people he is allowing to influence him, I would give serious consideration to supporting him. There are other issues I agree with him on.

It is about the issues for me and also for many Democratic voters. Perhaps one day you will figure this out.
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I didn't attack him, lol. You made sure to carve out a self-dealing exception for him while complaining about financial corruption in the other party. #cult
Just the same ol' nonsense from Bearcat. Doing what he always does.

You are exactly right about him sy. #cult defines him perfectly.
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Isn't it strange how your only concern is about Trump's established business, while you ignore the millions a politician received from foreign adversaries.
This isn't what @Syskatine did though.

Sy clearly stated that he doesn't believe any sitting US president should receive money from anybody except the taxpayers. He then asked if you agreed and what did you do? Instead of simply agreeing, you know, be consistent for once, you attempted to carve out some exception for your dear leader Trump lol. This is of course what you always do. #cult.

The real question you should be asking yourself is if you find it rather strange that your only concern is when you think Democrats are doing something while defending, creating exceptions, and excusing away Republicans (you like) who are doing that which you claim to be so outraged about.
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You will never vote for Robert K. Kennedy Jr. Just as you never voted for Tulsi Gabbard. Stop playing your silly games Lonesome Dan.

Not to mention, why in the world do you need a bet with someone else to get you to go vote for a person you claim to support?🙄

I never stated that Kennedy couldn't win the general election if he somehow won the Democratic nomination. I stated that you would never talk of supporting him if you thought he had any serious chance of winning the nomination and challenging the potential Republican nominee.

Don't twist my words.

And there it is. This is the whole reason you are promoting Kennedy right now. So that you can attack Democratic voters. Just as I stated above. You did the same thing with Gabbard. Nothing new here, just a different person you have latched on to for now.

btw, my opinion of (and willingness to vote for) Kennedy has nothing to do with the establishment or with the notion that Kennedy will expose President Biden somehow. I disagree with Kennedy on a number of important issues. If he were to change his positions on those issues and distance himself from certain people he is allowing to influence him, I would give serious consideration to supporting him. There are other issues I agree with him on.

It is about the issues for me and also for many Democratic voters. Perhaps one day you will figure this out.
Actually I made a deal with Pilt, not a bet, a distinction that probably escapes you. And actually I told him I’d vote for Kennedy in the *primary,* but if he pulled it off I’d vote for him in the general, too, just like I would have for Tulsi. It’s ironic that you accuse me of twisting your words.

You disagree with Kennedy on a number of issues, you say, which not surprisingly are issues with which he disagrees with the establishment. Why don’t you man up for once and admit you’re not a progressive, you’re straight establishment, a “company man,” a team player who will disavow anyone who strays from the company line? It would give you much more credibility than you currently have.
You know you could use Google to get the facts about the Afghanistan withdrawal just like you used it to figure out what a clitoris is. Just sayin.

He was shocked - shocked I say! - to learn it has all those nerve endings!
Isn't it strange how your only concern is about Trump's established business, while you ignore the millions a politician received from foreign adversaries.
Let's play again! Cite for the politician receiving millions from foreign adversaries? The only person I know that comes close to that is Trump -- which you're okay with, lol.
This isn't what @Syskatine did though.

Sy clearly stated that he doesn't believe any sitting US president should receive money from anybody except the taxpayers. He then asked if you agreed and what did you do? Instead of simply agreeing, you know, be consistent for once, you attempted to carve out some exception for your dear leader Trump lol. This is of course what you always do. #cult.

The real question you should be asking yourself is if you find it rather strange that your only concern is when you think Democrats are doing something while defending, creating exceptions, and excusing away Republicans (you like) who are doing that which you claim to be so outraged about.
Oh I'm sorry for pointing out Trump being a businessman that has been elected President is a unique situation. Have we ever had a businessman who has never held public office elected President? Should a business person be required to shut his business and livelihood down in order to be President? How would that work? Is it Constitutional to force a person to shut their business down in order to hold political office? Should businesspeople be forbidden from running for political office because they have a business?
Let's play again! Cite for the politician receiving millions from foreign adversaries? The only person I know that comes close to that is Trump -- which you're okay with, lol.
LMAO, if you do not want to accept SARs reports and banks statements as evidence I can't help you.
This isn't what @Syskatine did though.

Sy clearly stated that he doesn't believe any sitting US president should receive money from anybody except the taxpayers. He then asked if you agreed and what did you do? Instead of simply agreeing, you know, be consistent for once, you attempted to carve out some exception for your dear leader Trump lol. This is of course what you always do. #cult.

The real question you should be asking yourself is if you find it rather strange that your only concern is when you think Democrats are doing something while defending, creating exceptions, and excusing away Republicans (you like) who are doing that which you claim to be so outraged about.
LOL watch him --it's culting 101. No other president had business interests or revenue coming in from any other source. It's just too much for Trump to set aside making money while he's president, but everyone else should do exactly that.

LMAO, if you do not want to accept SARs reports and banks statements as evidence I can't help you.

Now we're cooking with gas!! Bank statements are excellent proof instead of some right wing incel serving a cult!

Okay -- link to the bank statements?
Actually I made a deal with Pilt
Again, why in the world do you need to make a deal with someone else in order for you to vote for a person you claim to support? Why do you need someone else agreeing to vote for Kennedy for you to vote for him? lol

You will never vote for Kennedy. I would vote for Kennedy before you ever do. Your promotion of Kennedy has nothing to do with you wanting to vote for him or hoping he becomes President. It has everything to do with your attempt to create a lame way to attack Democratic voters. You do this every election cycle.

Why don’t you man up for once and admit you’re not a progressive, you’re straight establishment, a “company man,” a team player who will disavow anyone who strays from the company line?
You just keep proving my point. This is all Kennedy represents to you, a way for you to attack Democratic voters.

As for what I am, I am a progressive. That is why I agree with Kennedy on some issues. However, on other issues, I believe Kennedy moves away from progressivism and embraces crazy regressive ideas (even conspiracy theories). My concern with Kennedy is when he stops being a progressive and crosses over into something else that is rather dangerous. But again, if he were to change his positions on some issues and distance himself from certain people, I would give him serious consideration. I would have no problem doing this.

Also, as you know, I supported Sanders for the nomination in 2020, not Biden. And if Sanders ran again this time, I would support him over Biden. I find it hilarious though how you never back Sanders and talk about his challenges to the "establishment." Talk about how true progressives should support him. Talk about how you would vote for Sanders.

We both of course know why you don't do this. Because you know Sanders actually has political power and influence, he had/has the actual potential to win the nomination. Promoting Sanders would force you to actually agree with progressives (and others) in the Democratic Party instead of attacking them.
LOL watch him --it's culting 101. No other president had business interests or revenue coming in from any other source. It's just too much for Trump to set aside making money while he's president, but everyone else should do exactly that.

Now we're cooking with gas!! Bank statements are excellent proof instead of some right wing incel serving a cult!

Okay -- link to the bank statements?
Haven't been publicly released yet, only divulged by the House Committee doing the investigation. That was good enough for you during the Trump administration, don't tell me you now have a different standard?
Haven't been publicly released yet, only divulged by the House Committee doing the investigation. That was good enough for you during the Trump administration, don't tell me you now have a different standard?
Well, numbnuts, how about a link to the committee's work, then? Or is it another fevered dream of you guys like Cosmo pizza, Seth Rich, wmd's, election fraud, etc?
Well, numbnuts, how about a link to the committee's work, then? Or is it another fevered dream of you guys like Cosmo pizza, Seth Rich, wmd's, election fraud, etc?
LMAO don't play dumb you've seen Comers interviews.
I guess you have a logical explanation of why our foreign adversaries were paying the Biden's millions of dollars.
Example: Here' s a link. It reports your Fatass was raking it in while President, which you object to Biden doing.

Do you have a citation for your allegation?

Any other way I could request a link?

I love this exercise -- they get all whipped up by their cult and when pressed for factual support, poof.
Yea you can Google it, select the your choice of sources and see it all for yourself. Would you like for me to provide you the phrase you need to Google it?
I have to leave for an appointment and will not be back till later this afternoon. Look forward to your comparisions.
I have to leave for an appointment and will not be back till later this afternoon. Look forward to your comparisions.
Yeah, let me engage in an exercise of explaining why it's okay for the republican politician to make money off foreign enterprises while in office, but not for Biden. Now that's an exercise for a good cult member!
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Versus anything to attack Trump. Trump presented a unique situation by becoming President, he was one of the first none politicians elected to be the President of the country.
"anything" - Ole Chump has given his critics plenty to "attack" him on. Some of it is even substantive.
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Now that you can't answer on the merits will you start attacking people's character?
Bwaaaaahahahahahahahaha!!!! I feel another model of Dodge is on the drawing table.

You found the clitoris via Google, david. The facts surrounding the Afghanistan withdrawal shouldn't be any more difficult for you to find. Shall I start us out with a timeline of events?

Why would you need to? There's an entire world of info out there besides Maddow and The View.
In fairness, you probably missed the additional information I added. Please revisit and help me understand why it took President Trump 4 years to make any progress on a withdrawal from Afghanistan.

EDIT- 2 points for Hufflepuff for providing a reasonable (though truncated) timeline of the Afghan withdrawal. The headings kind of say it all don't they:

Trump Strikes a Deal​

Biden Follows Through​

In fairness, you probably missed the additional information I added. Please revisit and help me understand why it took President Trump 4 years to make any progress on a withdrawal from Afghanistan.

EDIT- 2 points for Hufflepuff for providing a reasonable (though truncated) timeline of the Afghan withdrawal. The headings kind of say it all don't they:

Trump Strikes a Deal​

Biden Follows Through​

Shhhhhhhhh. The plan is to talk a game, then NOT get out of Affghanistan, leave it for Biden, and then bitch when he actually gets out of the second war that republicans started in this century and then didn't have the courage to leave.
In fairness, you probably missed the additional information I added. Please revisit and help me understand why it took President Trump 4 years to make any progress on a withdrawal from Afghanistan.

EDIT- 2 points for Hufflepuff for providing a reasonable (though truncated) timeline of the Afghan withdrawal. The headings kind of say it all don't they:

Trump Strikes a Deal​

Biden Follows Through​

And now the assembly line is in full production...

And now the assembly line is in full production...

LMFAO anything yet?

I see Trump got charged and more coming this summer. Did I miss your updates on his charges like your daily "LOCK HER UP" updates with Hillary?
And now the assembly line is in full production...

Do you remember this?

Seemed disappointing at the time that someone who ran on getting us out followed the same playbook as his predecessor and instead increased troop commitments.

Why didn't Trump follow through?

Do you remember this?

Seemed disappointing at the time that someone who ran on getting us out followed the same playbook as his predecessor and instead increased troop commitments.

Why didn't Trump follow through?

LMFAO and they're critical of Biden, lol.

You can't make this stuff up. He talked shit and ran his mouth and did nothing, just like with everything else, and the one guy stepped up and they ignore Trump's cowardice and rip Biden.
Do you remember this?

Seemed disappointing at the time that someone who ran on getting us out followed the same playbook as his predecessor and instead increased troop commitments.

Why didn't Trump follow through?

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