PERFECT!!!! Now the D.O.J. can't do anything!! BWAAAHAHAHAHA!! And why is that? I called this. Biff controls it all. Charge her. Impanel a jury and present evidence. Nah -- better not to actually have an objective jury look at the facts, that way you can bitch and accuse without having the accusations subject to objective scrutiny. Chickenshits gonna chickenshit. Now you freely admit no charges will be filed, but you're really gonna bitch when some report comes out. Talk talk talk.
Geezus, Triggerasaurus. I didn't say there wouldn't be charges. I said I'm not under any realistic expectation that there will be because the DOJ nerfed the
investigation matter. Only a true shyster would try to pretend that wasn't the case. Hell, you have to wonder how much evidence was destroyed. We do know the FBI destroyed Clinton crony laptops for them. Is that normal procedure?
The results were predetermined before the subjects of the investigation were even interviewed by the FBI. How many Clinton people were granted immunity? Is it normal for a subject of a criminal
investigation matter who has been granted immunity and already given an FBI interview to be allowed to be the counsel for another subject of the same criminal
investigation matter during her FBI interview? I can't say I've ever heard of that, but you're the shyster here so I'm asking you. Shit, Comey even had to make a rushed announcement because the Attorney General got busted meeting with the husband of the subject of a criminal
investigation matter. So sloppy it was like watching the Three Stooges with bad choreography. Is that part of a normal criminal
investigation matter? Why was the AG hell bent on it being called a "matter?" Or was it actually a security review like The Cankle claimed? Tough to keep all of their stories straight.
We both know that you know exactly what's floating out there. Knowing how squirmy it makes you makes me chuckle. I remember when you lefties were trying to convince us that The Cankle wasn't under FBI investigation. That aged well.