Suicide Squad

I dunno, mostly everything coming out mainstream so far is negative.

Summation so far of what I've read: Will Smith, good. Margot Robbie, good. Joker, hardly in it. Everything else including story, hot mess.
I still like BvS. Hell, I liked most of the Superman reboot with Kevin Spacey and the hot Lois and the idea that he has a kid (if you just take away the guy playing SM who was obviously trying to be Chris Reeves and it just came over very anti-hetero).

You ever think about like... you know if SM does everything super then how do his little swimmers not, you know, come out like a shotgun and stuff... ok anyway...

Marvel has its share of duds, too, its not just a DC conspiracy. Every Fant 4 movie ever made, the whole DD/Elecktra thing, The first Hulks, Man Thing, Howard the Duck, the Punishers, the Ghost Riders; hell, that's almost 20 movies in the past 30-35 years that are darn near unwatchable.
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IMHO, the enjoyment factor of the movie is directly related to the youngest audience member they studio is trying to attract.

DC wants you to be able to take your 7 year old with you to the Superman movies. Because of the faux wholesome factor, they usually blow. Batman got exponentially better when the Nolan brothers made them more adult, darker, and edgier. The best superhere movie of all time, Deadpool, probably isn't appropriate for anyone under 16-17.
Marvel has its share of duds, too, its not just a DC conspiracy. Every Fant 4 movie ever made, the whole DD/Elecktra thing, The first Hulks, Man Thing, Howard the Duck, the Punishers, the Ghost Riders; hell, that's almost 20 movies in the past 30-35 years that are darn near unwatchable.

There is a huge difference in the quality of movies made by Marvel and those made by other companies who own the rights to those characters. Almost every movie you listed as a dud was not actually made by Marvel.

Since Marvel started making their own movies (Iron Man) they've got a pretty high success rate. When Marvel has control of the movie it goes very well more times than not. DC is trying it just hasn't worked nearly as well yet.
There is a huge difference in the quality of movies made by Marvel and those made by other companies who own the rights to those characters. Almost every movie you listed as a dud was not actually made by Marvel.

Since Marvel started making their own movies (Iron Man) they've got a pretty high success rate. When Marvel has control of the movie it goes very well more times than not. DC is trying it just hasn't worked nearly as well yet.

As I have said before, some of the Marvel studios movies are incredibly overrated. The only good Ironman movie was the first one. The first Cap movie was good not great (the second was obviously incredible). They haven't made a good Thor or Hulk movie yet. While the first Avengers movie was really good, the second was lacking. All were highly rated by Rotten Tomatoes. (Of course, so was Ghostbusters 2016, Spy Kids, and Sharknado.)

My absolute favorite Marvel movie was Guardians of the Galaxy. I was shocked and incredibly entertained thru the whole thing.
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As I have said before, some of the Marvel studios movies are incredibly overrated. The only good Ironman movie was the first one. The first Cap movie was good not great (the second was obviously incredible). They haven't made a good Thor or Hulk movie yet. While the first Avengers movie was really good, the second was lacking. All were highly rated by Rotten Tomatoes. (Of course, so was Ghostbusters 2016, Spy Kids, and Sharknado.)

My absolute favorite Marvel movie was Guardians of the Galaxy. I was shocked and incredibly entertained thru the whole thing.

I don't disagree with any of this (except I liked Thor). I'm still going to see Suicide Squad at some point and hopefully I like it. The reviews just don't sound promising. I love the old Suicide Squad comics.

I just don't think there is any Marvel fanboy conspiracy going on when it comes to DC movies. Most of them just haven't been good or entertaining. Of course this stuff is just opinion.
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I agree. I grew up way more of a DC/Justice League kid than a Marvel/X-Men kid.

I just think, by an overwhelming margin, movies based upon Marvel heroes have been much better than the DC ones.

Interesting that many DC heroes have had very successful tv shows in the past; I wonder if that's why they haven't translated to the big screen so much.
I agree. I grew up way more of a DC/Justice League kid than a Marvel/X-Men kid.

I just think, by an overwhelming margin, movies based upon Marvel heroes have been much better than the DC ones.

Interesting that many DC heroes have had very successful tv shows in the past; I wonder if that's why they haven't translated to the big screen so much.

I've wondered that as well. I wish like hell they would do an adult oriented Batman on something like Netflix, HBO, Starz, Amazon, etc.
My brother saw an early screening last week in NY. Said it isn't bad, but doesn't come close to living up to his expectations/hype. In his words, I probably would have liked it a lot more if I hadn't seen any trailers or read anything about it beforehand.
I might hate it, but I'll go see it.

I saw BvS, Tarzan and Jason Borne in spite of reviews. (I really liked BvS and Tarzan, but didn't really get into Borne.)
I rarely go to theaters to see movies. Only have seen Civil War and BvS this year.
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I enjoyed Guardians the best of all of them, because I had zero knowledge of any of the characters going into the movie.

I will see BvS this weekend. Still haven't seen Civil War.
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I enjoyed Guardians the best of all of them, because I had zero knowledge of any of the characters going into the movie.

I will see BvS this weekend. Still haven't seen Civil War.
Civil war is my favorite probably. So many characters... But it was well done. Lots of humor.
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I liked Winter Soldier better.

Guardians remains my favorite of the genre.

I wasn't especially a big fan of what Nolan did to Batman, especially in the final 2 of the trilogy. His first effort was the best in my book.
What is your favorite of the 80/90s Batman films?
I've been a Batman fan since I was a little kid. Now I know why.

I've read the story on Wikipedia and it sounds awesome. I think this movie is going to be great.

IMHO, critics are idiots. MOS was awesome, while Civil War was a dud. Batman v Superman is an infinitely better movie than X-Men Apocalypse, but if you look at Rotten Tomatoes you certainly wouldn't see that. Ultron is good but not great. The Winter Soldier is clearly the best Marvel movie so far. Most of these critics have romanticized the old Christopher Reeve movies and Nolan Batman movies and are letting these movies cloud their judgement on the current DC movies.

If I had to rank super hero movies, my top 10 would go like this. I think it's a good mix of good movies, but Rotten Tomatoes wouldn't agree.

1. Man of Steel
2. The Dark Knight
3. Winter Soldier
4. X2
5. 1st Avengers movie
6. 89 Batman
7. X-Men DOFP
8. X-Men First Class
9. Guardians of the Galaxy
T10. Age of Ultron
T10. Batman v Superman
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I've read the story on Wikipedia and it sounds awesome. I think this movie is going to be great.

IMHO, critics are idiots. MOS was awesome, while Civil War was a dud. Batman v Superman is an infinitely better movie than X-Men Apocalypse, but if you look at Rotten Tomatoes you certainly wouldn't see that. Ultron is good but not great. The Winter Soldier is clearly the best Marvel movie so far. Most of these critics have romanticized the old Christopher Reeve movies and Nolan Batman movies and are letting these movies cloud their judgement on the current DC movies.

If I had to rank super hero movies, my top 10 would go like this. I think it's a good mix of good movies, but Rotten Tomatoes wouldn't agree.

1. Man of Steel
2. The Dark Knight
3. Winter Soldier
4. X2
5. 1st Avengers movie
6. 89 Batman
7. X-Men DOFP
8. X-Men First Class
9. Guardians of the Galaxy
T10. Age of Ultron
T10. Batman v Superman

You lost me when you stated that "MOS was awesome, while Civil War was a dud".

MOS was a steaming pile of crap. I would rank it somewhere in the 30's when looking at the top 10 list you posted above. Civil War would be clearly in my top 10 and possibly in my top 5.

Obviously, we are all entitled to your opinion, but, it is not only the critics, but also the audiences that agree with me.

MOS was ranked at 55% by critics and 75% by audiences. Civil War got 90% from both. B v S got 27% from critics and 65% from audiences. Apocalypse got 48% and 71%. Maybe there is some kind of bias, from critics, against DC movies, but I don't see how that argument can be made for the audience scores, especially when the audience scores are likely for hundreds of thousands of individuals rather than just a select few. You obviously like the DC movies better than the average individual. That doesn't make your opinion wrong. It just means that what you look for in a super hero movie may not be what the majority of critics/movie goers finds appealing.
You lost me when you stated that "MOS was awesome, while Civil War was a dud".

MOS was a steaming pile of crap. I would rank it somewhere in the 30's when looking at the top 10 list you posted above. Civil War would be clearly in my top 10 and possibly in my top 5.

Obviously, we are all entitled to your opinion, but, it is not only the critics, but also the audiences that agree with me.

MOS was ranked at 55% by critics and 75% by audiences. Civil War got 90% from both. B v S got 27% from critics and 65% from audiences. Apocalypse got 48% and 71%. Maybe there is some kind of bias, from critics, against DC movies, but I don't see how that argument can be made for the audience scores, especially when the audience scores are likely for hundreds of thousands of individuals rather than just a select few. You obviously like the DC movies better than the average individual. That doesn't make your opinion wrong. It just means that what you look for in a super hero movie may not be what the majority of critics/movie goers finds appealing.

Civil War had a boring villain and basically made no sense. Crossbones should have been the main villain. Just because a movie has Spiderman and some jokes does not make it great.

Apocalypse was just stupid, and I love X-Men. The best part of that movie was the opening scene in Egypt.

MOS was great, because it showed how powerful Superman is. It actually showed off his powers and he fought the way Superman fights in the comics and cartoons. Zod was a great villain. I thought the movie looked great. It had some problems, like Superman not saving his dad, but I'm not going to let one scene ruin a movie for me.
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It actually showed off his powers and he fought the way Superman fights in the comics and cartoons

Disagree. This was one of the big issues I had with MOS. Superman did most of his fighting right in the middle of the city with no concern about all of the innocent people who were (most likely) getting caught and killed amidst a huge amount of destruction. Superman would not do that in the comics. He would find a way to draw Zod away from the city to an uninhabited area.
(I still have not seen B v S, and my understanding is that this complaint might not hold as much water after I see it).
Disagree. This was one of the big issues I had with MOS. Superman did most of his fighting right in the middle of the city with no concern about all of the innocent people who were (most likely) getting caught and killed amidst a huge amount of destruction. Superman would not do that in the comics. He would find a way to draw Zod away from the city to an uninhabited area.
(I still have not seen B v S, and my understanding is that this complaint might not hold as much water after I see it).
Zod just said he was going kill every human on Earth. I doubt Superman was going to draw him out anywhere.

You were OK with Magneto killing millions in Apocalypse?
Zod just said he was going kill every human on Earth. I doubt Superman was going to draw him out anywhere.

You were OK with Magneto killing millions in Apocalypse?

1). I would not rank Apocalypse as #1 on my superhero movie list (like you did MOS). I wouldn't even put it in the top 4 among X-men movies

2). Magneto is a villain, who thinks humans are inferior to mutants and has no qualms about killing them. In the movies, he is less clearly villainous than he is in the comic books.

3). Superman (comics) is portrayed as pure and good and something of a messiah figure. You get the impression that if he was responsible for the death of 1 innocent person, he might feel so guilty that he would leave earth and opt to live elsewhere.
1). I would not rank Apocalypse as #1 on my superhero movie list (like you did MOS). I wouldn't even put it in the top 4 among X-men movies

2). Magneto is a villain, who thinks humans are inferior to mutants and has no qualms about killing them. In the movies, he is less clearly villainous than he is in the comic books.

3). Superman (comics) is portrayed as pure and good and something of a messiah figure. You get the impression that if he was responsible for the death of 1 innocent person, he might feel so guilty that he would leave earth and opt to live elsewhere.

I think the thing they were trying to do (whether or not it was successful is another story) is how the real world would respond to a hero such as Superman and how Superman might struggle with heroism in the real world (that really carried over into BvS).

Man of Steel wasn't the greatest comic book movie ever (neither was BvS). Both were fairly decent for different reasons.

The best comic book movie ever in my mind is Guardians of the Galaxy. (I think it captured more of the spirit of the original Star Wars than the 2015 movie.)
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1). I would not rank Apocalypse as #1 on my superhero movie list (like you did MOS). I wouldn't even put it in the top 4 among X-men movies

2). Magneto is a villain, who thinks humans are inferior to mutants and has no qualms about killing them. In the movies, he is less clearly villainous than he is in the comic books.

3). Superman (comics) is portrayed as pure and good and something of a messiah figure. You get the impression that if he was responsible for the death of 1 innocent person, he might feel so guilty that he would leave earth and opt to live elsewhere.

After Magneto killed millions Xavier was ready to let bygones be bygones and have him join the X-Men. You're fine with Xavier forgiving genocide, but because Superman didn't get Zod to fight him in the desert it's a turd of a movie? Again, this isn't the Christopher Reeve version of Superman, this is a realistic Superman.
After Magneto killed millions Xavier was ready to let bygones be bygones and have him join the X-Men. You're fine with Xavier forgiving genocide, but because Superman didn't get Zod to fight him in the desert it's a turd of a movie? Again, this isn't the Christopher Reeve version of Superman, this is a realistic Superman.

Well, it could also be argued that Apocalypse was mind controlling Magneto and he was not responsible for his actions. But, even if you don't buy that, I would counter with the following...

You stated that MOS was in line with Superman of the comics. I disagree entirely. His actions in the movie were opposite those of comic book Superman (as I described above). Meanwhile, Magneto having no regard for human life is extremely consistent with Magneto of the comic books.

To expand our debate a bit further, I feel that most Marvel movies (including the X-men franchise which is not produced by Marvel Entertainment) provide the viewer with a great mix of action and light-hearted/comedic moments. Conversely, the DC movies tend to go in more of a dark, foreboding, apocalyptic direction. I don't read current comics, but when I did, I felt the opposite was true. DC comics were brighter and less dour. They took place in imaginary cities and were less realistic. Marvel comics were a bit darker, with more death and destruction and more of an attempt to make you think that they were depicting realistic events.

For whatever reason, the 2 companies have flip flopped with their movie making. Except, I feel that Marvel depicts a world similar to the one we live in, but with beings that have super powers, while DC depicts more of an apocalyptic dark world where the existence of super powered being results in a worse outcome than the world we currently live in. I guess that might be the overall issue I have with DC movies. I feel that the world should be displayed as a better place with the addition of super heroes, not a darker place where humans have to live in more fear that they are going to get caught in the crossfire between warring super beings.
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Well, it could also be argued that Apocalypse was mind controlling Magneto and he was not responsible for his actions. But, even if you don't buy that, I would counter with the following...

You stated that MOS was in line with Superman of the comics. I disagree entirely. His actions in the movie were opposite those of comic book Superman (as I described above). Meanwhile, Magneto having no regard for human life is extremely consistent with Magneto of the comic books.

To expand our debate a bit further, I feel that most Marvel movies (including the X-men franchise which is not produced by Marvel Entertainment) provide the viewer with a great mix of action and light-hearted/comedic moments. Conversely, the DC movies tend to go in more of a dark, foreboding, apocalyptic direction. I don't read current comics, but when I did, I felt the opposite was true. DC comics were brighter and less dour. They took place in imaginary cities and were less realistic. Marvel comics were a bit darker, with more death and destruction and more of an attempt to make you think that they were depicting realistic events.

For whatever reason, the 2 companies have flip flopped with their movie making. Except, I feel that Marvel depicts a world similar to the one we live in, but with beings that have super powers, while DC depicts more of an apocalyptic dark world where the existence of super powered being results in a worse outcome than the world we currently live in. I guess that might be the overall issue I have with DC movies. I feel that the world should be displayed as a better place with the addition of super heroes, not a darker place where humans have to live in more fear that they are going to get caught in the crossfire between warring super beings.

I have to agree, which is why the hope a previously despondent Bruce Wayne conveys at the end of BvS gives me a little more hope for the future of the franchise.
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Well, it could also be argued that Apocalypse was mind controlling Magneto and he was not responsible for his actions. But, even if you don't buy that, I would counter with the following...

You stated that MOS was in line with Superman of the comics. I disagree entirely. His actions in the movie were opposite those of comic book Superman (as I described above). Meanwhile, Magneto having no regard for human life is extremely consistent with Magneto of the comic books.

To expand our debate a bit further, I feel that most Marvel movies (including the X-men franchise which is not produced by Marvel Entertainment) provide the viewer with a great mix of action and light-hearted/comedic moments. Conversely, the DC movies tend to go in more of a dark, foreboding, apocalyptic direction. I don't read current comics, but when I did, I felt the opposite was true. DC comics were brighter and less dour. They took place in imaginary cities and were less realistic. Marvel comics were a bit darker, with more death and destruction and more of an attempt to make you think that they were depicting realistic events.

For whatever reason, the 2 companies have flip flopped with their movie making. Except, I feel that Marvel depicts a world similar to the one we live in, but with beings that have super powers, while DC depicts more of an apocalyptic dark world where the existence of super powered being results in a worse outcome than the world we currently live in. I guess that might be the overall issue I have with DC movies. I feel that the world should be displayed as a better place with the addition of super heroes, not a darker place where humans have to live in more fear that they are going to get caught in the crossfire between warring super beings.

Huh? The first Captain America was about World War II. The first Avengers was about an alien invasion where many obviously died. Ultron was trying to destroy all life on Earth in the next movie. Again, there were a lot of casualties. I think the villain and name in the latest X-Men movie contradicts what you just wrote. Did you watch Days of Future Past? Heck, a rogue Kree wanted to annihilate an entire world in GOTG. Just because there are more jokes doesn't mean it's still not a crappy world due to super powered beings.