Still waiting for Russian collusion evidence.

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Sounds to me like they have evidence but aren't sharing it yet.

Not saying you aren't right, but it would be really strange that of all the crap that has been leaked, actual evidence hasn't been a part of it.

Also really strange that the DNC still hasn't allowed a single government agency to examine their hardware. With such high stakes as collusion and Russia, you'd think they would be all about letting government law enforcement see the physical evidence.
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It's weird the DNC still hasn't let any government agency have access to their hardware. There was an article that came out this weekend that indicated lawmakers are beginning to demand that relevant government agencies be granted access to examine the hardware. I wonder what the DNC is hiding?
That they are the ones who actually did receive information from Russians.
Sounds to me like they have evidence but aren't sharing it yet.

Not saying you aren't right, but it would be really strange that of all the crap that has been leaked, actual evidence hasn't been a part of it.


Does the new DJT Jr. information not count as "actual evidence".

For the last two months, I have read multiple posts stating that this is all made up by the Dems, and there is absolutely nothing to this, and if there was anything of substance, we would hear about it because no one can keep a secret in DC. Now, we have reports that DJT Jr. organized a meeting with a Kremlin lawyer who, supposedly, had damaging Hillary info that would help Trump win the election. Not only did he agree to the meet, but he brought Kushner and Mannafort into the meeting.

Does this mean that they were colluding with the Russians? Not necessarily. But, it sure seems to be enough to legitimize the investigation and should eliminate the claims of "nothing burger" that have been so prevalent.

As far as the DNC hardware goes...I don't know enough about the situation to have an opinion. If they are hiding something, it seems likely that it will eventually come to light. The GOP isn't going to just sit back and let them get away with hiding critical information that exonerates the Trump campaign or shows that the DNC was doing something illegal.
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Before it's over the MSM and demlibs will resort to accusing Baron Trump as the mastermind of the entire election.
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Does the new DJT Jr. information not count as "actual evidence".

For the last two months, I have read multiple posts stating that this is all made up by the Dems, and there is absolutely nothing to this, and if there was anything of substance, we would hear about it because no one can keep a secret in DC. Now, we have reports that DJT Jr. organized a meeting with a Kremlin lawyer who, supposedly, had damaging Hillary info that would help Trump win the election. Not only did he agree to the meet, but he brought Kushner and Mannafort into the meeting.

Does this mean that they were colluding with the Russians? Not necessarily. But, it sure seems to be enough to legitimize the investigation and should eliminate the claims of "nothing burger" that have been so prevalent.

As far as the DNC hardware goes...I don't know enough about the situation to have an opinion. If they are hiding something, it seems likely that it will eventually come to light. The GOP isn't going to just sit back and let them get away with hiding critical information that exonerates the Trump campaign or shows that the DNC was doing something illegal.

Evidence of what?
I don't know enough about the situation to have an opinion.
You should take the time to read about it. Every single shred of "Russia hacked the DNC" came from CrowdStrike who has some interesting ties to Ukraine and the DNC. They have rebuffed every attempt of federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies to examine their hardware.
You should take the time to read about it. Every single shred of "Russia hacked the DNC" came from CrowdStrike who has some interesting ties to Ukraine and the DNC. They have rebuffed every attempt of federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies to examine their hardware.

Does this mean that they were colluding with the Russians? Not necessarily. But, it sure seems to be enough to legitimize the investigation and should eliminate the claims of "nothing burger" that have been so prevalent.
How about the Dems and the Trump dossier? If we're going to assume a meeting to allegedly get dirt on Clinton is something of notable substance, surely hiring some former British intelligence guy Christopher Steele to prepare a dossier on Trump and the Justice Department's apparent reliance on it, including an alleged $50k payment to Steele, is something of notable substance as well. You thoughts on that?
I'm still trying to figure out what the alleged crime is.

Since when is it illegal to take a meeting that is requested by a foreign national?

Even if this person had information on Hillary Clinton from what I understand unless the campaign solicited the information there is no crime.

Now on the other hand why aren't people like Been Jammin holding the DNC to the same standard. Aren't they the ones who solicited the fake dossier on Trump that said hookers urinated on him in Russia. Wouldn't that be a crime?

(Posted this before I saw Medic's post.)
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If our news organizations would do real investigative reporting perhaps we would not have to rely on Wiki Leaks or foreign nationals to give us the truth on our elected officials. How is exposing the truth a crime if it is unsolicited, and do we not want the truth?
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How about the Dems and the Trump dossier? If we're going to assume a meeting to allegedly get dirt on Clinton is something of notable substance, surely hiring some former British intelligence guy Christopher Steele to prepare a dossier on Trump and the Justice Department's apparent reliance on it, including an alleged $50k payment to Steele, is something of notable substance as well. You thoughts on that?

Sounds suspicious. Should be investigated.
Now they've been caught lying about Russia meetings, lying about Russia contacts, lying about Russian money they accepted, lying about being a foreign agent.... but none of this counts. It's just conservative politics as usual, it's so unfair for anyone to uncover our lies!! Have you no respect?! This isn't how it's played!
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Does the new DJT Jr. information not count as "actual evidence".

For the last two months, I have read multiple posts stating that this is all made up by the Dems, and there is absolutely nothing to this, and if there was anything of substance, we would hear about it because no one can keep a secret in DC. Now, we have reports that DJT Jr. organized a meeting with a Kremlin lawyer who, supposedly, had damaging Hillary info that would help Trump win the election. Not only did he agree to the meet, but he brought Kushner and Mannafort into the meeting.

Does this mean that they were colluding with the Russians? Not necessarily. But, it sure seems to be enough to legitimize the investigation and should eliminate the claims of "nothing burger" that have been so prevalent.

As far as the DNC hardware goes...I don't know enough about the situation to have an opinion. If they are hiding something, it seems likely that it will eventually come to light. The GOP isn't going to just sit back and let them get away with hiding critical information that exonerates the Trump campaign or shows that the DNC was doing something illegal.
I'm not going to read the whole ****ing thing, because this is a joke. If you seriously believe this adds up to anything, all I can say is "wow".

1. You can't trouble yourself to read a 3 paragraph post?

2. I don't know if it adds up to anything or not. I'm just saying that there seems to be enough that the "nothing burger" whining should stop.
1. You can't trouble yourself to read a 3 paragraph post?

2. I don't know if it adds up to anything or not. I'm just saying that there seems to be enough that the "nothing burger" whining should stop.

The insane amount of coverage of nothing that's led up to this story - which will be forgotten shortly like the dozens of other such nothing burgers is the whining.
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Sounds suspicious. Should be investigated.
Well, it sounds like they are trying to, but are being stonewalled by some folks who were involved. The only commentary you have is "sounds suspicious?" You've offered a rather lengthy commentary on Trump and Russia.

Not saying either is ethical, jus pointing out that both did it but nobody gives a shit she did, but you think this junior thing is the evidence that justifies a special investigation.

Truly amazing level of confirmation bias.
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Well, it sounds like they are trying to, but are being stonewalled by some folks who were involved. The only commentary you have is "sounds suspicious?" You've offered a rather lengthy commentary on Trump and Russia.

I have offered a lengthy commentary in response to the constant "nothing burger" diatribe, which is why this particular thread was started.

Just wondering if any of the "nothing burger" crowd is willing to admit that this DJT Jr information is enough to say that maybe the investigation is more than complete fiction created by the Dems.

Not saying either is ethical, jus pointing out that both did it but nobody gives a shit she did, but you think this junior thing is the evidence that justifies a special investigation.

Truly amazing level of confirmation bias.

1. So, you don't think the GOP would be making a stink about Hillary/Ukraine if she had won the election?

2. It is interesting that POTUS, Trump Jr, Pence, Spicer, and many others told us, repeatedly, that no member of the Trump campaign had any contact with the Russians, but now the narrative is changing to, "it shouldn't be a big deal because everyone does it". Which is it?
it's just more bullshit. I can't believe this crap is still going on.....and some of you suckers are falling for it.
Not saying either is ethical, jus pointing out that both did it but nobody gives a shit she did, but you think this junior thing is the evidence that justifies a special investigation.

Truly amazing level of confirmation bias.

It is interesting that POTUS, Trump Jr, Pence, Spicer, and many others told us, repeatedly, that no member of the Trump campaign had any contact with the Russians, but now the narrative is changing to, "it shouldn't be a big deal because everyone does it". Which is it?

Shhhhhhh Been, lies dont' count. They're entitled to lie about it and then claim there's no evidence. If someone points out the lies, you default to "Hillary did it too." See how it works? And the kicker: The Trumpanzees go along with it! Just keep moving the goalposts!

For 8 years it was constant investigate, spin and investigate against Obama and the same people whine and complain when the tables are turned. Karma may be a bitch, but she can be so, so beautiful.
it's just more bullshit. I can't believe this crap is still going on.....and some of you suckers are falling for it.

Right? Such clumsy lies, now from about every high ranking member of the campaign.

It's so fun watching these reptiles slither for the shadows.
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