roe v wade, don't take the bait


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Dec 10, 2003
look over here!!! look over here!!!! huge problem over here!!!! don't look at crime, immigration or inflation, no no no! look over here!!!

just like covid, the timing is perfect. midterm election looming in the distance, country leaderless, multiple problems that the " adults in charge now" have no clue how to fix. again, they are just trying to get the great unwashed to look over here, not over there.

i posted several yrs ago, the gop is best served staying out of social issues. leave same sex marriage, pot and now roe v wade where they should be left,,,,,, with the states. we are a republic, not a country. don't like the politics of your state? move to another state or another "country." another option is change the laws in YOUR state.

commucrats are a party of waiting, re: welfare checks, commodities cheese, housing vouchers, etc.

republicans are a party of doers, get out of our way and leave us alone. we'll find a way to survive. and it doesn't include sitting on our ass waiting the gov handouts.

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I don't see how the demonic left lets this happen. I feel like they own most of the supremes anyways - plus they don't feel they have to follow any rules anymore- can't say as I disagree with them as there seems to be no one to stop them from doing everything detrimental to the country.

It got leaked out early so theres plenty of time to get some of the squishy ones (most everyone except Thomas) to capitulate to the left.

#alt society
# decertify
Its time to fight back on all fronts. I'm not willing to give another inch to the left. The social issues are how they are controlling the narratives. Roe v wade was a horrible decision. Time for it to go the way of Plessy v Ferguson.

Now who leaked it? They need to be held in contempt of the scotus.
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People already have their minds made up about abortion and no decision by SCOTUS will change it. This is a calculated tactic by the left to get their moron base fired up and give Democrats something to campaign on during the midterms. Democrats knew they were going to get an ass whooping in the mid terms and this is nothing but a Hail Mary attempt for Democrats to have a chance at retaining power. Remember Democrats only goal is power and they will do anything to hold on to it, including destroying SCOTUS precedent.
I sincerely hope they find out who leaked this and hold them accountable no matter who it is.
It would not surprise me if a Supreme Court justice leaked it, or approved of it. You don't dis-respect a Supreme Court justice that you work for by doing this totally in secret IMO. Every part of government is corrupt.

The liberals want to enforce one party rule. Phuck em all.

If it was? Get a GOP Congress in place and impeach them.
People already have their minds made up about abortion and no decision by SCOTUS will change it. This is a calculated tactic by the left to get their moron base fired up and give Democrats something to campaign on during the midterms. Democrats knew they were going to get an ass whooping in the mid terms and this is nothing but a Hail Mary attempt for Democrats to have a chance at retaining power. Remember Democrats only goal is power and they will do anything to hold on to it, including destroying SCOTUS precedent.
I sincerely hope they find out who leaked this and hold them accountable no matter who it is.
..."moron base"... grabbed my attention.
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The timing is pretty terrible, IMO. Provides a court stacking opportunity and does take attention away from inflation.
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This is a calculated tactic by the left to get their moron base fired up and give Democrats something to campaign on during the midterms. Democrats knew they were going to get an ass whooping in the mid terms and this is nothing but a Hail Mary attempt for Democrats to have a chance at retaining power.
Sorry, but you can't blame this on the left. The left aren't the ones doing this. It is five reactionary justices who are doing it, with the support and backing of many Republicans.

If Republicans suffer negative political consequences over this, they will have no one to blame but themselves.

Remember Democrats only goal is power and they will do anything to hold on to it, including destroying SCOTUS precedent.

Who is wanting to destroy SCOTUS precedent by overturning the ruling in Roe v. Wade, a legal precedent? That would be these five reactionary justices and Republicans who support them. Not Democrats.
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Sorry, but you can't blame this on the left. The left aren't the ones doing this. It is five conservative and reactionary justices who are doing it, with the support and backing of many Republicans.

If Republicans suffer negative political consequences over this, they will have no one to blame but themselves.


Who is wanting to destroy SCOTUS precedent by overturning the ruling in Roe v. Wade, a legal precedent? That would be these five reactionary justices and Republicans who support them. Not Democrats.

Sorry, but you can't blame this on the left. The left aren't the ones doing this. It is five reactionary justices who are doing it, with the support and backing of many Republicans.

If Republicans suffer negative political consequences over this, they will have no one to blame but themselves.


Who is wanting to destroy SCOTUS precedent by overturning the ruling in Roe v. Wade, a legal precedent? That would be these five reactionary justices and Republicans who support them. Not Democrats.
It was a bad decision.

Want it changed? Pass a new law.
It was a bad decision.

Want it changed? Pass a new law.
No, it was a solid legal decision that is precedent, along with other similar cases like Griswold. You want to overturn Griswold too? Be honest.

The majority of Americans who are going to strongly oppose the ruling of these five reactionary justices (if it indeed happens) will have plenty of ways to respond to this.
When are they going to stop using two spaces after every period when they use justified text?
Sorry, but you can't blame this on the left. The left aren't the ones doing this. It is five reactionary justices who are doing it, with the support and backing of many Republicans.

If Republicans suffer negative political consequences over this, they will have no one to blame but themselves.


Who is wanting to destroy SCOTUS precedent by overturning the ruling in Roe v. Wade, a legal precedent? That would be these five reactionary justices and Republicans who support them. Not Democrats.
Are you telling us that you do not think a left wing activist did this, you think it was a right wing activist?

I fully support the overturn of Roe vs Wade. IMO, if I'm still allowed to have one, is the original ruling that legalized abortion was flawed and I fully support the issue as a states right issue, not a federal government issue.

I'm sure leftist will blame the right without a single rational thought had. I'm also sure Democrats are giddy over the prospect of being able to campaign on abortion and not having to defend their destructive policies.

The destruction of the SCOTUS is the leak not a ruling. Brown vs the Board of Education overturned a previous SCOTUS ruling, did that destroy the SCOTUS? No it was the correct legal ruling.
Sorry, but you can't blame this on the left. The left aren't the ones doing this. It is five reactionary justices who are doing it, with the support and backing of many Republicans.

If Republicans suffer negative political consequences over this, they will have no one to blame but themselves.


Who is wanting to destroy SCOTUS precedent by overturning the ruling in Roe v. Wade, a legal precedent? That would be these five reactionary justices and Republicans who support them. Not Democrats.
Purported Catholic blaming the right for bringing about an end to the slaughter of unborn children. Just sayin’.
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Did this really come out no bc of 2000 mules came out literally what- yesterday? Amazing the timing - as I stated in the other thread Hillary spy gate lasted maybe a day before Russia Russia Russia Puppet zelensky came into the so Called news. OKC bombing destroyed how many Killary docs? 911 happened same day as Bush misplacing trillion or so dollars?

What was vegas shooting covering up? It's amazing the timing of some of
These things.

BTW I'm 100 percent pro life and Roberts is a deep state POS Epstein island regular- F him
No, it was a solid legal decision that is precedent, along with other similar cases like Griswold. You want to overturn Griswold too? Be honest.

The majority of Americans who are going to strongly oppose the ruling of these five reactionary justices (if it indeed happens) will have plenty of ways to respond to this.
Want it changed? Pass a law.

That's the way it's supposed to be done in our Republic.
Are you telling us that you do not think a left wing activist did this, you think it was a right wing activist?
I have no clue who leaked the draft opinion but that isn't what I was talking about. I was referencing the political ramifications of this potential ruling. Republicans have no one to blame but themselves regarding those.

The destruction of the SCOTUS is the leak not a ruling. Brown vs the Board of Education overturned a previous SCOTUS ruling, did that destroy the SCOTUS?
Interesting that you are upset with a process precedent being destroyed (because it exposed what you right-wingers are up to behind the curtain) but not upset about other precedents being destroyed. All just depends on what hurts or helps your political side.🙄

Want it changed? Pass a law.

That's the way it's supposed to be done in our Republic.
And/or we uphold and protect the principles found in the Constitution.

Again, there are going to be plenty of ways to respond to these five reactionary justices. You aren't going to like any of them though and will get mad if/when they happen. But you will have no one to blame but yourself.
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How about this tin hat one:

Deliberate leaked to frame a let's say -Clarence Thomas to get him out.....heard that this morning and sure wouldn't dismiss but I think mainly to take away from election fraud
I have no clue who leaked the draft opinion but that isn't what I was talking about. I was referencing the political ramifications of this potential ruling. Republicans have no one to blame but themselves regarding those.

Interesting that you are upset with a process precedent being destroyed (because it exposed what you right-wingers are up to behind the curtain) but not upset about other precedents being destroyed. All just depends on what hurts or helps your political side.🙄

And/or we uphold and protect the principles found in the Constitution.

Again, there are going to be plenty of ways to respond to these five reactionary justices. You aren't going to like any of them though and will get mad if/when they happen. But you will have no one to blame but yourself.
So now protecting unborn children is “reactionary”. Wow, just wow.

If not already obvious, liberalism is your religion, and abortion is your most holy sacrament.
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I have no clue who leaked the draft opinion but that isn't what I was talking about. I was referencing the political ramifications of this potential ruling. Republicans have no one to blame but themselves regarding those.

Interesting that you are upset with a process precedent being destroyed (because it exposed what you right-wingers are up to behind the curtain) but not upset about other precedents being destroyed. All just depends on what hurts or helps your political side.🙄

And/or we uphold and protect the principles found in the Constitution.

Again, there are going to be plenty of ways to respond to these five reactionary justices. You aren't going to like any of them though and will get mad if/when they happen. But you will have no one to blame but yourself.
What about Roe v Wade upheld the principles of the Constitution?

It was a rogue decision by radicals with an un-American agenda.
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I have no clue who leaked the draft opinion but that isn't what I was talking about. I was referencing the political ramifications of this potential ruling. Republicans have no one to blame but themselves regarding those.

I agree on the political ramification but the ruling was always going to be out before the election which makes that a non issue to me. I am more concerned with someone taking it upon themselves to make this ruling public before the court was ready to deliver it.
Interesting that you are upset with a process precedent being destroyed (because it exposed what you right-wingers are up to behind the curtain) but not upset about other precedents being destroyed. All just depends on what hurts or helps your political side.🙄
As I showed with the example of Brown vs the Board of Education it is not unheard of for the SCOTUS to overturn previous rulings. If memory serves me correctly several rulings have been overturned in our history.
And/or we uphold and protect the principles found in the Constitution.
Please, you acting like you want to protect and uphold the Constitution is laughable.
Again, there are going to be plenty of ways to respond to these five reactionary justices. You aren't going to like any of them though and will get mad if/when they happen. But you will have no one to blame but yourself.
Yes I'm sure Democrats are going to try and make political hay out of this, which is exactly why it was leaked early. With the media in the pcoket of Democrats, I'm sure the debate will be one sided. We will have to trust the American people to see through all of that.
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I have no clue who leaked the draft opinion but that isn't what I was talking about. I was referencing the political ramifications of this potential ruling. Republicans have no one to blame but themselves regarding those.

Interesting that you are upset with a process precedent being destroyed (because it exposed what you right-wingers are up to behind the curtain) but not upset about other precedents being destroyed. All just depends on what hurts or helps your political side.🙄

And/or we uphold and protect the principles found in the Constitution.

Again, there are going to be plenty of ways to respond to these five reactionary justices. You aren't going to like any of them though and will get mad if/when they happen. But you will have no one to blame but yourself.
Follow the lead of your lord and savior Joe Biden -- 2 pesos.

As I showed with the example of Brown vs the Board of Education it is not unheard of for the SCOTUS to overturn previous rulings. If memory serves me correctly several rulings have been overturned in our history.
Yes, precedent is regularly overturned. Frequently they are less public in nature. But, the cases that get to SCOTUS naturally involve competing theories that use various precedents as support. So, of course, one or more precedents are going to be determined to be inapplicable or reversed in most cases.
What about that “my body, my choice” card 2 pesos? It kinda got discarded with the whole vaccine mandate, didn’t it.
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We are the most leftist country on abortions. For example Germany is nothing past 12 weeks, 3 day waiting period, mandatory counseling etc

Socialist Sweden is only up to like 18 weeks for example. The examples go on.

We vaccinate kids WAAYY more than all other countries, we invade WAAAY more countries, we abort WWAAAYYY more babies than all other countries. Our taxes SUCK and are pure theft.

The USA has been a farce- our government in this country has been absolute CRAP for sooo many years. I missed most of it for soo many years- Covid woke my a$$ up for sure

As Prager said today- the USA is a heavy NET exporter of horrible policies
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What about Roe v Wade upheld the principles of the Constitution?
Have you read the opinion?

Also, what is your opinion of Griswold v. Connecticut . . . do you believe it should be overturned as well?
Nice that republicans are put us in with other 3rd world countries.

Abortion is completely illegal in the following countries: Andorra, Aruba (territory), Republic of the Congo, Curaçao (territory), Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Iraq, Jamaica, Laos, Madagascar, Malta, Mauritania, Nicaragua, Palau, Philippines, San Marino, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Suriname, Tonga, and West Bank & Gaza Strip (Palestinian territories). Note: This is a list of countries in which abortion has been completely prohibited. For a more complete and detailed list of countries and their various legal stances on abortion, see the table further down the page.
Nice that republicans are put us in with other 3rd world countries.

Abortion is completely illegal in the following countries: Andorra, Aruba (territory), Republic of the Congo, Curaçao (territory), Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Iraq, Jamaica, Laos, Madagascar, Malta, Mauritania, Nicaragua, Palau, Philippines, San Marino, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Suriname, Tonga, and West Bank & Gaza Strip (Palestinian territories). Note: This is a list of countries in which abortion has been completely prohibited. For a more complete and detailed list of countries and their various legal stances on abortion, see the table further down the page.
Are you calling these countries shit hole countries? Sure looks that way.
Nice that republicans are put us in with other 3rd world countries.

Abortion is completely illegal in the following countries: Andorra, Aruba (territory), Republic of the Congo, Curaçao (territory), Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Iraq, Jamaica, Laos, Madagascar, Malta, Mauritania, Nicaragua, Palau, Philippines, San Marino, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Suriname, Tonga, and West Bank & Gaza Strip (Palestinian territories). Note: This is a list of countries in which abortion has been completely prohibited. For a more complete and detailed list of countries and their various legal stances on abortion, see the table further down the page.

Can you please site anywhere in this ruling where the SCOTUS is making abortion illegal? From my understanding it puts the issue back into the hands of each state, giving the states the opportunity to serve the people the way they want to be served.
Can you please site anywhere in this ruling where the SCOTUS is making abortion illegal? From my understanding it puts the issue back into the hands of each state, giving the states the opportunity to serve the people the way they want to be served.
They aren't but that doesn't fit the narrative. Found it interesting that within seconds of the the leak the talking points were nonstop. Birth control, gay marriage, etc. It's right out of their playbook and they were in on the thing from the get go. The overwhelming support for pro choice argument is laughable as well.
They aren't but that doesn't fit the narrative. Found it interesting that within seconds of the the leak the talking points were nonstop. Birth control, gay marriage, etc. It's right out of their playbook and they were in on the thing from the get go. The overwhelming support for pro choice argument is laughable as well.

I'm beginning to think this whole deal was an orchestrated leak. Watching everyone from Biden to Schumer and the leftists controlled media with all the same talking points makes me suspicious. I know leftists are experts at getting on the same page with their talking points but they are not that good. In less than 12 hours they are all on the same page with the same language.
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I'm beginning to think this whole deal was an orchestrated leak. Watching everyone from Biden to Schumer and the leftists controlled media with all the same talking points makes me suspicious. I know leftists are experts at getting on the same page with their talking points but they are not that good. In less than 12 hours they are all on the same page with the same language.
Ya think?