The anti-abortion crowd hasn't been willing to let anything lie since the late 70s/early 80s and the rise of the religious right.
Then the resulting pushback should be against those examples you cited, not against removing a woman's right to choose for all abortions, including rape and incest. Not criminalizing the right to choose to the point that a woman could go to prison.
But it is obvious what those who are anti-abortion really want. And it isn't a workable solution. They want to force their view on abortion upon all women.
I fully understand your position. You claim to support a woman's right to choose, except when you don't. You claim to not want to see abortions totally done away with, but you then turn around and defend a draft opinion that would do just that in many states. You justify these contractions by claiming you support states' rights, however, you refuse to answer what other rights you would support the Supreme Court overturning and returning to the states. You refuse to give your answer on this either because you know your answer will contradict your support of this draft opinion or your answer will reveal just how extreme your political views are.
And I accept that you have a different opinion than me on this. We disagree. This is a "discussion" board though. If you have a problem with someone critiquing your positions, this isn't the place for you.
And I do think about this issue and support policies/initiatives that seek to address it. Many that, btw, the anti-abortion crowd routinely oppose.