roe v wade, don't take the bait

I'm beginning to think this whole deal was an orchestrated leak. Watching everyone from Biden to Schumer and the leftists controlled media with all the same talking points makes me suspicious. I know leftists are experts at getting on the same page with their talking points but they are not that good. In less than 12 hours they are all on the same page with the same language.
And just like the board's preeminent dishonest liar, accuses the other side of exactly what the right wingers did. They all had the cult narrative down instantly -- just as you'd expect, too, since the GOP has had the insurrection shoved up their ass for over a year, they call THIS an insurrection, lol. They're so predictable.

What a huge, red letter win for the part of the country that doesn't like to fvck but loves to oppress women.
I'm beginning to think this whole deal was an orchestrated leak. Watching everyone from Biden to Schumer and the leftists controlled media with all the same talking points makes me suspicious. I know leftists are experts at getting on the same page with their talking points but they are not that good. In less than 12 hours they are all on the same page with the same language.
No doubt in my mind it was orchestrated. It didn't take 12 hours, it took 12 seconds. They had the talking points in hand before Politico dropped it.
Nice that republicans are put us in with other 3rd world countries.

Abortion is completely illegal in the following countries: Andorra, Aruba (territory), Republic of the Congo, Curaçao (territory), Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Iraq, Jamaica, Laos, Madagascar, Malta, Mauritania, Nicaragua, Palau, Philippines, San Marino, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Suriname, Tonga, and West Bank & Gaza Strip (Palestinian territories). Note: This is a list of countries in which abortion has been completely prohibited. For a more complete and detailed list of countries and their various legal stances on abortion, see the table further down the page.

Lol. Never change Skyzyy

BTW, do you have a copy of the dissenting opinion? I'd like to read.
Lol. Never change Skyzyy

BTW, do you have a copy of the dissenting opinion? I'd like to read.
Thanks, Brad. Have you found any teenage girls getting an abortion yet? You can get a nice bounty and maybe even get a pass into the delivery room so you can make sure she gives birth.

I haven't seen the dissent. Read a couple pages of the biggest incel, booger-eatin' judge we've had in a long while and just sat it down.
Is abortion the hill the commucrats are willing to die on? Seems like they are all in on abortions Being banned. O wait, the states can still make the decision about the legality of abortion. Just like pot, same sex marriage and alcohol.
In fact some states can deregulate and go into the third trimester. As appalling as that is to me, the states have a right to decide how far they are willing to go.
Thanks, Brad. Have you found any teenage girls getting an abortion yet? You can get a nice bounty and maybe even get a pass into the delivery room so you can make sure she gives birth.

I haven't seen the dissent. Read a couple pages of the biggest incel, booger-eatin' judge we've had in a long while and just sat it down.

You're one crazy, murderous tornado Skyzzy!

Let me know when the dissenting opinion materializes!
As I showed with the example of Brown vs the Board of Education it is not unheard of for the SCOTUS to overturn previous rulings.
Here is the difference with Brown and Plessy. Plessy gave states the ability to discriminate against racial minorities. It gave states the ability to pass racial segregation laws. Brown overturned that horrible decision by upholding the rights of all racial minorities in the United States.

Roe did the same thing that Brown did. It upheld the right of all American women to make their own personal choice regarding abortion. If Alito's draft opinion becomes the office ruling, he (along with the other reactionary justices) will be doing what the justices in Plessy did. They will be denying a woman's right to choose and allowing states to enfringe upon this right.

Alito's draft opinion follows in line with the legal reasoning of Plessy, not Brown.

Not to mention the fact that many of these five justices (if not all) told Congress under oath that Roe was settle precedent. If they now claim it isn't, then they flat out lied to Congress. You find this acceptable as well?

Please, you acting like you want to protect and uphold the Constitution is laughable.
That is exactly what I want to do. That is why I don't allow my personal religious views to trump the Constitution. Hence the reason the board's confederate follows me around and attacks my religious faith all the time. He is mad that in matters of governance and the state, I stand on the side of the Constitution and not on forcing my personal religious views upon all Americans.

Yes I'm sure Democrats are going to try and make political hay out of this, which is exactly why it was leaked early.
Why should Democrats not respond to such a potential decision? Such a decision is completely out of step with what a large majority of Americans support and the Constitution. Democrats have every right to hold Republicans politically responsible for such a potential decision.

We will have to trust the American people to see through all of that.
A large majority of the American people make it clear over and over again that they don't want Roe overturned. Are you and other Republicans listening to them?
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1. Leaked to get all the slack-jawed, mouth-breathing acolytes like toonces and sisterqueen in a frenzy.
2. Distract from the disastrous Biden presidency
3. Intimidate the Supreme Court.
4. Provide "justification" for court packing.

If the SC doesn't overturn Roe v. Wade, then the Marxists will feel emboldened that they can intimidate anyone, in any position, at any time. If they do overturn Roe v. Wade then the knuckle dragging left and their Orwellian enablers in the media and Hollywood can foment insurrection in the entranced masses.
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O wait, the states can still make the decision about the legality of abortion. Just like pot, same sex marriage and alcohol.
States can't make the decision about same sex marriage. However, given the legal reasoning of this draft opinion, there is no reason to think these five reactionary justices wouldn't overturn Obergefell too.
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WHat authoritarian thugs. They loooooove telling some poor girl, "Sorry, you have to have a baby now." It makes their tiny little cocks hard to force birth.
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1. Leaked to get all the slack-jawed, mouth-breathing acolytes like toonces and sisterqueen in a frenzy.
2. Distract from the disastrous Biden presidency
3. Intimidate the Supreme Court.
It is hilarious watching Republicans getting upset that the American people have been made aware of what Alito thinks about Roe v. Wade and that the possible attempt to overturn Roe by five reactionary justices broke a few months too early.

Don't look behind the curtain, please don't look until we are ready for you to look!🙄
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It is hilarious watching Republicans getting upset
Sorry, but you can't blame this on the left. The left aren't the ones doing this. It is five reactionary justices who are doing it, with the support and backing of many Republicans.

If Republicans suffer negative political consequences over this, they will have no one to blame but themselves.


Who is wanting to destroy SCOTUS precedent by overturning the ruling in Roe v. Wade, a legal precedent? That would be these five reactionary justices and Republicans who support them. Not Democrats.
The SCOTUS leak will be 100% on liberal democrats in the hallways. The decision that SCOTUS takes (as I understand it) will be to push this to state to state decision. There is nothing unfair or unjust with this decision.
"The "unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone.

They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.
" - Dave Barnhart
The decision that SCOTUS takes (as I understand it) will be to push this to state to state decision. There is nothing unfair or unjust with this decision.
Was such reasoning unfair or unjust in the Plessy v. Ferguson decision?
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Was such reasoning unfair or unjust in the Plessy v. Ferguson decision?
Do you not distinguish a difference in Plessy v Ferguson & Roe v Wade? There is a large portion of the USA that believes abortion is akin to murder. For certain the process of a human life is terminated. If you are in favor of abortion then at what point in the pregnancy is it NOT killing and when does it cross over to taking a human life? Abortion pro or con is a very difficult subject to defend.
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The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn." - Dave Barnhart
Certainly a thought that should give anyone pause to thought.

I'm active every week doing something about it and I still don't feel like I'm doing enough.

What about the rest of you?
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There is a large portion of the USA that believes abortion is akin to murder.
So? There was a large portion of the USA that believed it was perfectly acceptable to discriminate against racial minorities and impose segregation laws.

Plessy left the decision of segregation up to the states, just like Alito wants to do with abortion. Some posters are defending Alito's draft opinion on the grounds of states' rights. The reasoning of states' rights is the same in both Plessy and Alito's draft opinion.

Was such reasoning unfair or unjust in the Plessy v. Ferguson decision?
Nice that republicans are put us in with other 3rd world countries.

Abortion is completely illegal in the following countries: Andorra, Aruba (territory), Republic of the Congo, Curaçao (territory), Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Iraq, Jamaica, Laos, Madagascar, Malta, Mauritania, Nicaragua, Palau, Philippines, San Marino, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Suriname, Tonga, and West Bank & Gaza Strip (Palestinian territories). Note: This is a list of countries in which abortion has been completely prohibited. For a more complete and detailed list of countries and their various legal stances on abortion, see the table further down the page.
Why is Germany missing from this list?
Chances Ketanji Brown Jackson is a candidate for being the leak?

As for RvW being a good/sound opinion, I don't see anyone stepping up to the table to lay out an argument for it being the case.

The lawyers for keeping it intact didn't make a very compelling case of it it this case either if you listened to it live.
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Chances Ketanji Brown Jackson is a candidate for being the leak?
I see no reason Jackson would've been given access to Alito's draft opinion. She is not part of the deliberations in this case nor is she officially part of the Supreme Court right now.

Here is a theory worth considering. What if it was someone in the chambers of Roberts or someone connected to his chambers somehow?
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I see no reason Jackson would've been given access to Alito's draft opinion. She is not part of the deliberations in this case nor is she officially part of the Supreme Court right now.

Here is a theory worth considering. What if it was someone in the chambers of Roberts or someone connected to his chambers somehow?
What if a janitor just took $10k in cash and there's no political consideration?
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