Next Years Lineup

DT isn’t playing around and he isn’t going to let anyone get special treatment or privileges. They were warned and some didn’t listen.
Warned of what? Any specifics or is this more of a sentiment
Warned of what? Any specifics or is this more of a sentiment
Specifics and sentiment is a tricky game.

The sentiment with the situation was that DT came here to make World Champs and he’s committed to do so and so should you.

The specifics are, get your house in order, I want guys that want to be World Champs and that’s a full time gig. If that’s not your end game, the house you’re getting in order will have a new address.
Are you saying CC broke some team rule? You don’t have to tell me what but is that what you’re implying?
Team rules is a loose term when you consider just how different rules can be from one coach to another. It doesn’t mean they did anything wrong for 99.9% of the rest of the world.
No adjustment period huh? Not even a little off season fun. Big change from how things were and people don’t like change. DT ain’t playing and going full Mormon on these boys. Will this help or hurt recruiting?
Team rules is a loose term when you consider just how different rules can be from one coach to another. It doesn’t mean they did anything wrong for 99.9% of the rest of the world.
Ya I get that, but everyone making it sound like he broke a team rule (not saying he did a crime) which led to this. So was it that or was it that he decided he didnt agree with DT direction?
Team rules is a loose term when you consider just how different rules can be from one coach to another. It doesn’t mean they did anything wrong for 99.9% of the rest of the world.
This is really disappointing and a real loss. Of our wrestlers Carroll seemed to be the wrestler with the best potential and I looked forward to seeing him develop. Many more losses like this and not bringing in a star recruit and some David Taylor doubt will begin to slip in. Coach Smith thought wrestlers should be like him at first which caused problems.
This is really disappointing and a real loss. Of our wrestlers Carroll seemed to be the wrestler with the best potential and I looked forward to seeing him develop. Many more losses like this and not bringing in a star recruit and some David Taylor doubt will begin to slip in. Coach Smith thought wrestlers should be like him at first which caused problems.
Being a world champ isn’t for the rest of the world. OSU isn’t for the rest of the world. We will be the best in all ways
No adjustment period huh? Not even a little off season fun. Big change from how things were and people don’t like change. DT ain’t playing and going full Mormon on these boys. Will this help or hurt recruiting?
I think adjustment periods go out the window when the standards are clearly and well stated. Adapt or die
This is really disappointing and a real loss. Of our wrestlers Carroll seemed to be the wrestler with the best potential and I looked forward to seeing him develop. Many more losses like this and not bringing in a star recruit and some David Taylor doubt will begin to slip in. Coach Smith thought wrestlers should be like him at first which caused problems.
It is disappointing and it is a loss. That being said not everything is on coach Taylor, kids need to make the right choices if they want to be their best.

Christian will do well wherever he ends up, and I'll be rooting for him unless he's wrestling a Cowboy.
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Specifics and sentiment is a tricky game.

The sentiment with the situation was that DT came here to make World Champs and he’s committed to do so and so should you.

The specifics are, get your house in order, I want guys that want to be World Champs and that’s a full time gig. If that’s not your end game, the house you’re getting in order will have a new address.
No way. CC leaving, and potentially going to an arch rival, will cost DT a national championship or two or three. This is a potential 50 point swing. No way to sugar coat this or spin it positive. Massive, short term program changing loss.
No adjustment period huh? Not even a little off season fun. Big change from how things were and people don’t like change. DT ain’t playing and going full Mormon on these boys. Will this help or hurt recruiting?
Did it help or hurt PSU? Bubba Jenkins was shown the door and won his title the next year. Sometimes the wrestler you lose hurts a lot but the roadmap has been traveled before and very successfully at that. If you build it the recruits who only want to be surrounded by the best will come.

To answer your questions directly, this helps recruiting tremendously. The kids DT wants to bring to Stillwater are all goal oriented and want to live that lifestyle. Cael used to have Friday Night Lights for rule breakers, and even Ed Ruth wasn't immune to cleaning the mats on a Friday night. Everyone is accountable and responsible to everyone else on the team, including the coaches being accountable to the wrestlers. Young people aren't used to that level of accountability and consequences.
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No way. CC leaving, and potentially going to an arch rival, will cost DT a national championship or two or three. This is a potential 50 point swing. No way to sugar coat this or spin it positive. Massive, short term program changing loss.
This is supposed to be in blue right?
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Didn’t seem to hurt Penn State
anyone who thinks PSU wrestlers can’t and don’t have offseason fun and enjoy their college experiences are off the mark. Obviously Cael has a culture that makes wrestling the number one priority but it is not as if all wrestlers must devote themselves 24/7 to it
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anyone who thinks PSU wrestlers can’t and don’t have offseason fun and enjoy their college experiences are off the mark. Obviously Cael has a culture that makes wrestling the number one priority but it is not as if all wrestlers must devote themselves 24/7 to it
That’s all fine, the cultural differences between PSU and OSU up to this point were quite distinct. This isn’t a black and white issue.
anyone who thinks PSU wrestlers can’t and don’t have offseason fun and enjoy their college experiences are off the mark. Obviously Cael has a culture that makes wrestling the number one priority but it is not as if all wrestlers must devote themselves 24/7 to it
Yes and No.

At the start - the culture was absolutely zero tolerance. Ruth definitely pushed the coaches/that line. But since his arrest - Carl has had zero issues.

And since Ruth? Pretty much all choir boys until Cenzo and Marky. But the culture was set and Marky and Cenzo were basically outcasts in terms of socially with the other guys on the team.
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No way. CC leaving, and potentially going to an arch rival, will cost DT a national championship or two or three. This is a potential 50 point swing. No way to sugar coat this or spin it positive. Massive, short term program changing loss.
Merrill will be great at 197. That’s his best weight just like Carroll. We’ll be fine especially after Merrill is in the program for a year. IMO he’s EVERY BIT the prospect CC is/was.

I believe Carroll’s leaving is a combination of things. Someone earlier said they thought he lived wrestling? Partying the week before a national tournament is just stupid. Not to mention he’s underage. He messed up and was stupid and it’s not uncommon. But then you most assuredly have someone in his ear tampering with him and that’s all I’ll say about that. He’s in the portal and I think he’s long gone.

Coach Taylor isn’t messing around and it’s night and day from the previous staffs who all to often overlooked character and focused on talent. There’s a VERY long list of those guys we’ve seen come thru that fit that mold and it bit us in the ass repeatedly.

I don’t think (and I could be wrong) that the current staff doesn’t expect everyone to be choir boys 24/7. But they do expect guys to make good choices when training for an event and to be of age and act responsibly.
I don’t think (and I could be wrong) that the current staff doesn’t expect everyone to be choir boys 24/7. But they do expect guys to make good choices when training for an event and to be of age and act responsibly.
In the beginning they will expect that, but as the culture becomes ingrained, it will relax somewhat. Trust the process and the coaches is all I can say. It will be painful at times.