Mueller testimony delay...

Mmm, nice.
The contrast of Mueller answering dims as opposed to repubs was staggering.
He answered dims with quick dispatch.
He answered repubs in that stupid halting, stammering way like he was channeling Bob Newhart.
All designed to milk the clock against the GOP fellows.
At any rate, the consensus is it was overall a colossal exercise in futility.
Couldn't like it more.

Trump...two naught, two naught. :D
If the Dims respected him and his report he would not be there today. Didn't they say before the report came out that they would accept it?
Respect? Lol
Didn't they also lecture Trump after one of the debates (but prior to 11-8-2016) about how vital it was to our democracy that we accept the results of elections? I'm beginning to think that they have different standards depending on whether they incur a political loss or victory.
Didn't they also lecture Trump after one of the debates (but prior to 11-8-2016) about how vital it was to our democracy that we accept the results of elections? I'm beginning to think that they have different standards depending on whether they incur a political loss or victory.

Exactly. Its all about beating Trump in 2020 now. Thats why they keep beating the dead horse, they will beat it until the 2020 Election Results are in and then they will beat it some more.
The rambling liars over at CNN were saying lets see how Mueller's testimony today affects Trumps Poll numbers.
Sadly, you're right.
They'll continue to beat the pinata even if it will ultimately be at their political expense.

Political victories mean less to them than 'getting' Trump.

It's very pathological.
The dems quiver has no arrows. They are left to quickly whittling one...only they have chosen petrified wood as their substrate.

There's a song written about their efforts.

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My favorite was when he said he didn’t recall who/what FusionGPS is.

listening to him search for the word "Conspiracy" genuinely made me a little sad.

If he hadn't cashed the checks and put his name on this charade, I would legit feel sorry for the way Weissman has used him and the way he came across today. But, ultimately today's real time destruction of Mueller's reputation and legacy lies at the feet of Schiff and Nadler. Donors can't be happy with this. Especially the ones who were demanding impeachment. This testimony took impeachment off life support and cremated it.

I actually was going to be OK with impeachment because the discovery would've been interesting and probably would've helped Trump like it did Clinton. Now we'll never know.
Let me explain this to you: READ SLOWLY.

When a prosecutor doesn't deliver a conviction, the accused is exonerated.

Ratcliffe lays this out beautifully. He tore Mueller a new asshole on this and Bob had nothing at all.

Exonerated. Period. There are no special unique circumstances regarding the presumption of innocence. @Pokeabear in all seriousness I urge you to watch this and give me some kind of intelligent reply.

Let me explain this to you: READ SLOWLY.

When a prosecutor doesn't deliver a conviction, the accused is exonerated.
READ, IF YOU CAN. In the eyes of the law, maybe. According to the OLC memo Mueller felt obliged to conduct his investigation under, wouldn’t allow for the prosecution of a sitting President. The President can be prosecuted once out of office.
What is sad Mueller was played by the Dims. They picked him claiming his integrity, but they picked him knowing he was old, basically retired and washed up senile old man that could be played and controlled and would just about sign anything. Problem is, he is so old and senile, he forget how the report was suppose to be worded for the Dims. They ruined this man's reputation, sadly Bob was too old and so lacking facilities he could not even see what was going on around him. He should have known he was not up to the task, he should have known his best days had long past. Pride and his hate of Trump got em.

Aloof, uninformed, etc...Part of the reason the report took so long is because obviously he had to take naps in the afternoon each day to rest.

People not in the investigation, people that have not even read the report, knew more about what was in the report and the facts then Bob. Many a US civilian could have done a better job reporting on that report, or at least could have recited what was actually in it. The Republicans that questioned him knew more about the whole sordid mess.

I feel like Bob is a small victim here because he really comes across as mentally limited, I really do feel sorry for him, what an embarrassment for all of Washington, that he is suppose to represent one of the "best" in this Country. I may feel sorry for him, but I am not letting him off the hook one bit. He deserves the criticism as well as the jokes and humiliation. Just sad, for the whole country. Dims had no problem humiliating this man over their hatred of Trump, imagine if you were Bob's wife, daughter, or son, you would be PISSED what the Dims did to ruin the last final image of this man to the entire country.

My gosh, they literally propped up a mindless puppet in Mueller and hid behind him and pulled the strings. Just unbelievable.

Many Dims all the time say how others are "laughing" at us over Trump, which I believe is really hate and jealousy. But this Mueller situation? Foreign countries have to be looking at this and saying: This is who they had as the best independent prosecutor? I am sure they saw this and it went from amazement, to funny, and to disbelief and shock. Trump might be an arrogant and easily hated public figure for many, but the joke is on the Dims, Trump really is smarter and has a much, much, higher IQ than the Dims, their hatred of Trump has lowered their collective IQ to a 5th grade bully just wanting to beat the crap out of someone, be it right or wrong, because you know, they hate him. That is all the Dims are now, just full of hate, they hate EVERYTHING about this country, EVERYTHING.
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You're doing it again. That's true. And it's a fact that he said again today. He could not indict a sitting president. Pitiful to spin that as some type of exoneration.

He clarified coming into the second session because he knew he had perjured himself. He had told Barr the OLC stuff had nothing to do with his recommendations of lack of same.

He could've recommended ANYTHING. It's silly that you are a legal professional and don't know that.
He clarified coming into the second session because he knew he had perjured himself. He had told Barr the OLC stuff had nothing to do with his recommendations of lack of same.

He could've recommended ANYTHING. It's silly that you are a legal professional and don't know that.
Ken Starr had no issues with reaching conclusions about Bill Clinton's crimes. He used the word "impeachment" eleven times in his report. Mueller? Zero.