@JonnyVito you scroungy cur of a hypocrite. I see you posting and hiding from this hard-ass thread of truth.
Spot on. Stupid stupid stupid. Thank you Debbie, Donna, and Hillary for ensuring we couldn't feel the Bern.
Over the last week, Quinnipiac University asked Americans for the first word that comes to mind when they think of President Trump. The answer given more times than any other was “idiot,” followed by “incompetent” and “liar.”
He's doing a great job of keeping you twisted up though, and frankly that's worth it.
Over the last week, Quinnipiac University asked Americans for the first word that comes to mind when they think of President Trump. The answer given more times than any other was “idiot,” followed by “incompetent” and “liar.”
He's doing a great job of keeping you twisted up though, and frankly that's worth it.
I'm glad. You relate to him so well, are so supportive, really relate to his values and spoke so highly of him that he'd never twist you up, would he?
Actually, when I have time I plan to make a post about exactly how he's disappointed me vs what I think he's done well and where my optimism and confidence in him is as a result. I'm not a team ideologue like you.
Actually, when I have time I plan to make a post about exactly how he's disappointed me vs what I think he's done well and where my optimism and confidence in him is as a result. I'm not a team ideologue like you.
Yeah his kids are really f'ed up. Is Martin Sheen available for comment?
I may be an ideologue, but it's MY ideology. I'm still waiting for an opinion you didn't lap up from right wing media.
Well, shit. I didn't know this was already an issue or that Breitbart already crafted a narrative to counter Biff's non-parenting. Man they're fast.
Not on this, Polly.
Easy sugar tits. It'll be ok. That's it. There there.
Why are you uttering an Obama daughter name with this creepiness? Geez.So-maaaaa-li-a.
You would sell your life partner to the gypsies for seven minutes with Melania.
You would sell your life partner to the gypsies for seven minutes with Melania.
What's funny is that he can do whatever he wants because he's the president and he owns that golf course.
Nothing on health care.
Nothing on the wall.
Nothing on China.
Nothing on infrastructure.
They're publicly fighting with each other, calling names, cursing, and can't get anything done with their own party in Congress.
MAGA indeed. What great leadership. This is what you conservatives have been working for so hard. Making the U.S. government as amateurish and white trash as they have with Oklahoma's.
How dare he not cry, sniffle, shriek, wail, and piss down his legs that Trump called out both sides of the violence! Big meanie!The Secretary of State has just.... decided to work for himself. Wow. Can't blame him, either.