Syskatine’s Opus

Bump. It's worse than I thought. Now he's openly siding with a despot against his american political opponents. What shitty leadership. He's going to be such an awful president.

The more things like this I read, the more convinced I become that he is going to MAGA. See, Your instincts are so consistently partisan and backwards, that they become an effective barometer of success if viewed inversely.

I think you should watch this life changing video about a guy like you. A guy named George Costanza.

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Bump. It's worse than I thought. Now he's openly siding with a despot against his american political opponents. What shitty leadership. He's going to be such an awful president.
Good points. He should be busy neutering the military, making cash ransom payments, drawing red lines, and installing Islamic governments in the Middle East.
Curious to see if he blocks the AT&T merger - the CEO paid him a visit. Also curious to see what happens with CNN. Will he sell out or stick with his campaign opinion?
You are losing it. It's fun to watch.

He lost it a while ago...shortly after the election I imagine. He's been different, hurt, in denial.

He has lucid days, but then he remembers the world where Donald Trump is President, and any lucidity of the day just crumpled.

Almost the whole lot...UN-HOBGED.

It's gonna be a process.
We'll see. You might be right. Honestly I need to educate myself more on the actual threat posed by ending net neutrality. Doesn't feel like it's good for small biz but I don't really know.

You have to admit though, Obama's internet transition away from US control was worse.

I don't understand the obama transition - it's about domain names? The net neutrality thing is what prevents Atandt or cox from telling you they want $ if you want to be on their internet service, or from restricting access to your website until you pay $, or your political blog, or whatever. It prevents ISPs from censoring and regulating content? I may be totally off base, but allowing big business to decide and charge for what they want you to see is a much bigger problem than domain names.
I don't understand the obama transition - it's about domain names? The net neutrality thing is what prevents Atandt or cox from telling you they want $ if you want to be on their internet service, or from restricting access to your website until you pay $, or your political blog, or whatever. It prevents ISPs from censoring and regulating content? I may be totally off base, but allowing big business to decide and charge for what they want you to see is a much bigger problem than domain names.

Like I said. You may be right and if you are, I'll criticize this too.
I don't understand the obama transition - it's about domain names? The net neutrality thing is what prevents Atandt or cox from telling you they want $ if you want to be on their internet service, or from restricting access to your website until you pay $, or your political blog, or whatever. It prevents ISPs from censoring and regulating content? I may be totally off base, but allowing big business to decide and charge for what they want you to see is a much bigger problem than domain names.
Google/Bing already do this.
Im surprised Googles boning of the people that buy placement caught so little traction. That was a huge FU to its customers.
The first of Biff's hand-picked advisors has to resign in shame. Big surprise, for lack of honesty. Biff ignored the DOJ warning that Flynn was a security risk. Flynn sounds like the stereotypical conservative, win at all costs, power hungry, sociopath that Biff loves. Stay tuned - the scandals are probably just beginning.

Edit: He helped spread false information, maybe why Biff hired him?
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and one other thing -- it would be just like him to make a public production of him handling a North Korea missile launch between his wedge salad and well done steak. He adores these types of tweets and the attention from the mar a lago set.


Truly reality TV.
well done steak
Anybody that eats a steak well done should be stoned to death. Muslim's orders. Unless that steak came from a grocery store. Buying steak at a grocery store is punishable by death by any means necessary to make a point that steaks should not be purchased at a grocery store. The more barbaric the better.

Why the wedge salad hostility @syskatine? Do you resent adult sized pieces?
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