I would consider this encouraging, regarding Covid-19 and "herd immunity".

Of course there are nuggets of truth in some of what osuintx says. But his reaction is entirely disproportionate. He's acting like he wants to bomb a federal building. Those of us in Oklahoma should be pretty sensitive to that level of outrage. Hence our pulling back from any conversation with him.
Of course there are nuggets of truth in some of what osuintx says. But his reaction is entirely disproportionate. He's acting like he wants to bomb a federal building. Those of us in Oklahoma should be pretty sensitive to that level of outrage. Hence our pulling back from any conversation with him.
In any case, there is probably some benefit. I don't know if it is enough, for example, when my kids have to wear a mask for 7 hours straight at school and the negative impacts of doing so.
I would raise hell- my daughter is 26 and had to wear a mask and shield (/speech pathology) and started having daily migraines- she's never had migraines. ONLY reason they are making kids wear them -' and adults when we go into stores etc is bc they are afraid of the pushback from the left. The left HAMMERS People who don't want to abide and buy into the BS.

IMO and many DRS and scientist- it's VERY unhealthy for adults to wear masks all day- to let kids do it is just plain scary. Their respiratory systems are not developed and who knows what bad effects they will have from it. PLUS they don't even need it- a kid has a much more chance of getting hit by lightning than dying of COVID.

GOD MADE US TO RECOVER FROM injuries and bugs- Let his creation be the cure- Not nanny Uncle Sam.

NO way I'd let my kids wear them like that- it's the silliest thing in the work.

The Left cares absolutely zero about kids, they are pawns and tools. Just look at the teachers unions using the kids and keeping them out of school - that's dad gum child abuse- PERIOD.
Of course there are nuggets of truth in some of what osuintx says. But his reaction is entirely disproportionate. He's acting like he wants to bomb a federal building. Those of us in Oklahoma should be pretty sensitive to that level of outrage. Hence our pulling back from any conversation with him.
Can't say bomb on an one has said bomb or hinted- just saying take off the damn mask just as a start and telling Nanny Uncke Sam a big F you- we can decide ourselves how to take care of us.

Our Body Our Decision? Isn't this what the baby killers say?
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Of course there are nuggets of truth in some of what osuintx says. But his reaction is entirely disproportionate. He's acting like he wants to bomb a federal building. Those of us in Oklahoma should be pretty sensitive to that level of outrage. Hence our pulling back from any conversation with him.
Other thing I'm saying is do your own research- (get off of google) as per the experimental vaccine- DONT TAKE IT bc Govt Nor Media says to- they don't care one iota about us- and that's a FACT. And that you don't need it - NO ONE does. You can say the old and sick but they are the ones dying from the vaccine- Big Pharma is just cashing in.

And look back on all my texts ir replies- I don't hit anyone hard unless they come at me being dismissive. I will counterpunch hard back but do not throw haymakers- I still hit with facts.

In review:
- if you wore a mask before all this fear mongering by the government and main stream media than by all means continue to wear your mask. Your body your choice

-do not wear a mask because the government and media say to, they care absolutely zero about you. And that is an understatement

-Do not take the experimental vaccine because it is brand new, and there's only been a few months tested of it, it's a new technology, there have been almost 1000 people die by taking it (that's been reported) and tens of thousands of adverse reactions and that is not normal, and the biggest reason- YOU DONT NEED IT!

-Hospitals count every death or almost every death as Covid and that is wrong. The flu has disappeared and all the other cases of deaths in 2020 have went drastically down. They made it so hospitals get much more money for classifying deaths as Covid and this is not ethical.

-The government and main stream media are absolute horrors of people and I'm using the word "people" very loosely- they absolutely do not have your best interest at heart and that's a fact

-People need to stand up to a tyrannical, lying government and all at once so we're done with the masks. The masks are all about control and more and more people see this every day.

-Violence is not needed- just suit obeying or the vaccine card are coming and they can put whatever they want in you- do you really want any Govt injecting you? Oh but you trust big Pharma? Lol look at what they're making on these experimental vaccines
I laugh a lot at bars and restaurants. Watch people walk in with a mask, sit at a table or the bar, and mask goes off immediately. Gotta piss? Mask on again. Lol. Waitstaff with mask below their chin. Bartender pulling the mask down to talk. So ridiculous.
I laugh a lot at bars and restaurants. Watch people walk in with a mask, sit at a table or the bar, and mask goes off immediately. Gotta piss? Mask on again. Lol. Waitstaff with mask below their chin. Bartender pulling the mask down to talk. So ridiculous.
I believe that is referred to as symbolism over substance. It's the primary sign of our times.
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Yep. So STFU with your telling me how to take care of my body. It's my decision.
Im Against mandating - you mandating people to STFU and your hero Nanny Govt mandating people to wear masks or take a vaccine (coming)

You or them censoring is not a conservative principle- just saying
Im Against mandating - you mandating people to STFU and your hero Nanny Govt mandating people to wear masks or take a vaccine (coming)

You or them censoring is not a conservative principle- just saying

Yeah Bub. You demanding that everyone do as you command is the perfect example of conservatism. lol. What a triggered soft mess.
Yeah Bub. You demanding that everyone do as you command is the perfect example of conservatism. lol. What a triggered soft mess.

Here's one for you since you like to censor- they've censored most the truth on this Kung Flu to control drones like you.... so this ones for you "Bub". You're hero's DC and Big tech teaming up
Curious if you have a link to the almost 1000 deaths due to the vaccine? Thanks I’ll hang up and listen.
Curious if you have a link to the almost 1000 deaths due to the vaccine? Thanks I’ll hang up and listen.
Well in a span of 5 min let me see how many I can chime up...
Go to CDC under VAERS- many investigators think they are way under reporting.

Reports as of 2/4/21

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I would look more in the upcoming months and maybe years to see their effect. I'm not predicting mass deaths I like most are saying no one knows. So scary to see yahoo and other sites "fact checking" Stuff like Hank Aaron's death wasn't bc of the vaccine he took 2 weeks earlier. He had bad hip and arthritis- could've or not been the vax- Yahoo is a rag.

So covid mortality is .04 (give or take per age and other morbitities) Percent- so an experimental vaccine they've had out a few months reduces death by 5 percent what?!
You keep saying experimental. What exactly does that mean to you?
I would look more in the upcoming months and maybe years to see their effect. I'm not predicting mass deaths I like most are saying no one knows. So scary to see yahoo and other sites "fact checking" Stuff like Hank Aaron's death wasn't bc of the vaccine he took 2 weeks earlier. He had bad hip and arthritis- could've or not been the vax- Yahoo is a rag.

Given your belief that mRNA vaccines alter DNA, shouldn’t you in particular see that as an opportunity?
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You keep saying experimental. What exactly does that mean to you?

Given your belief that mRNA vaccines alter DNA, shouldn’t you in particular see that as an opportunity?
Maybe- but I'm real excited at what It may can do for you.

Im totally against people taking this experimental, untested, Unneeded and unproven vaccine- but in your case- please Give her a try!
Maybe- but I'm real excited at what It may can do for you.

Im totally against people taking this experimental, untested, Unneeded and unproven vaccine- but in your case- please Give her a try!
Already took it, told you I was connected. I did have one significant side effect, an overwhelming sense of hope and optimism. And I’ll be damned, it appears to be permanent?
Already took it, told you I was connected. I did have one significant side effect, an overwhelming sense of hope and optimism. And I’ll be damned, it appears to be permanent?
That makes at least you hopeful-good luck as a lab testing animal.

Perfectly healthy man "assuming" with basically zero chance of dying from Kung Flu....make sure as your Papa Fauci says- still wear you're sheep face diaper and don't get close to anyone after taking the experimental Concoction Bc you're still "contagious!!" Why did you take it again? Ohhh. ...bc the main stream media and crooked greedy bureaucrats told you to ahhh- nice job obedient one.

So tell me- on the next scare (oh it's coming soon with the next strain) and they tell you to walk on all fours- will you? I say yes- you've been a very good obedient so far so why would you actually start to think for yourself then?
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That makes at least you hopeful-good luck as a lab testing animal.

Perfectly healthy man "assuming" with basically zero chance of dying from Kung Flu....make sure as your Papa Fauci says- still wear you're sheep face diaper and don't get close to anyone after taking the ezoerinental
Concoction Bc you're still "contagious!!" Why did you take it again? Ohhh. ...bc the main stream media and crooked greedy bureaucrats told you to ahhh- nice job obedient one.

So tell me- on the next scare (oh it's coming soon with the next strain) and they tell you to walk on all fours- will you? I say yes- you've been a very good obedient so far so why would you actually start to think for yourself then?
He’s bu bu back.
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Honest question for people familiar with the vaccine. Would you take the covid vaccine if you haven’t been social distancing, still going out to bars and restaurants, going to work everyday, and only wearing a mask when required, haven’t had covid, don’t have the antibodies, are healthy, and 40?
Honest question for people familiar with the vaccine. Would you take the covid vaccine if you haven’t been social distancing, still going out to bars and restaurants, going to work everyday, and only wearing a mask when required, haven’t had covid, don’t have the antibodies, are healthy, and 40?
Not in a million....I knew everyone was wondering how I would answer ...
AND most giving the Shot or all are not giving informed consent-
They should be stating it's experimental, not approved by FDA and how many deaths and adverse reactions there have been. They don't have years of stuff to report for informed consent but they can for sure list what I've stated above.

Also Why is media not stating the deaths and adverse reactions? I will let everyone interpret that.
AND most giving the Shot or all are not giving informed consent-
They should be stating it's experimental, not approved by FDA and how many deaths and adverse reactions there have been. They don't have years of stuff to report for informed consent but they can for sure list what I've stated above.

Also Why is media not stating the deaths and adverse reactions? I will let everyone interpret that.

Failed statistics.
Honest question for people familiar with the vaccine. Would you take the covid vaccine if you haven’t been social distancing, still going out to bars and restaurants, going to work everyday, and only wearing a mask when required, haven’t had covid, don’t have the antibodies, are healthy, and 40?
I have no problem with someone not wanting to get the vaccine. My only problem with @osuintx is his approach on telling everyone else what to do. People should have freedom and once everyone has a chance at the shot then all these dumb rules better go away.

anyone ever looked into the Oath Keepers? Like do I have to fight somewhere ever week or only big events?
I have no problem with someone not wanting to get the vaccine. My only problem with @osuintx is his approach on telling everyone else what to do. People should have freedom and once everyone has a chance at the shot then all these dumb rules better go away.

anyone ever looked into the Oath Keepers? Like do I have to fight somewhere ever week or only big events?
You think these dumb rules go away bc people
Getting jabbed? That's laughable- shows you really have zero clue. They dialed back the PCR tests back in Nov to get less positives- they can set those tests wherever they want do you not know this? Heck it's not a secret- but media sure won't tell you. You have to DIG a bit. WHO admitted they did. WHO is the biggest corrupt entity of them all.

He asked who would take it I said Not in a million.- I sure don't have the power to mandate anyone not take it- but thanks for the clout.

My deal is I provide what I believe is the truth that the media and politicians WONT tell you and I say what the people Who TRIED to tell the truth got censored- that's a fact.

You can Believe the ones telling the truth that got censored or believe the PROVEN liars and ones with an agenda- but I will keep providing what the media isn't telling you. But it's not my word- I'm relaying what the media
And big tech is censoring- that's it.

I am saying The vaccine is experimental and not approved for use by FDA uNless by experimental use which is a fact. That they are not liable if they kill or Harm you which is a fact

I get reamed by relaying info I would want to know. People deserve to hear what the POS Media is not telling (which is scary and should get everyone to turn off the media and get off of google to get the truth.)

MOST do not know the truth bc they are being lied to and used- end of story
These Front Line doctors were trashed by the media, censored and Discredited by the media, corrupt bureaucrats and social media....all for speaking the truth last March I believe it was. We didn't have to do all this the cure was always there (as stated by Fauci in 2005 ).

They took our freedoms, our respect, abused our kids by keeping them out of schools (some states or counties the kids are still not back- blatant child abuse) Took our lively hoods- all so they could have their control, wreck our economy, get their billions and billions vaccine,
And steal elections worldwide (so far our military is the only country to NOT intervene and make ours right).

India distributes Ivermectin, Zn and another ingredient to its people, front line doctors said HCQ worked last March before they got trashed bc of it- NOW most every doctor says "oh yes it does work" - Could have saved many many of our elderly.

Flu cases down from 400,000 to 165?!?!!!

The US govt was giving millions to Wuhan lab (where Kung Flu originated) back as far as 2008- Fauci, Gates and Obama all have been there. ( I believe Biden started donating again but year this I haven't Confirmed)

If you people Can't see all this by now I'm not sure when or if you will wake uP

Dr Fauci or as I call him Dr Fake it till you break it is a joke and only cares about his air time. That slut will say anything for a few minutes on TV.
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