I would consider this encouraging, regarding Covid-19 and "herd immunity".

You guys so in love with the media and Government that lie, Cheat, steal and laugh at you Amaze me- Heck I bet you guys bowing down mask your kids up and teach them to bow down at an early age....all over a corona virus - sister to the common cold with the samestrength.

Forget the fact that HCQ and Ivermectin have been around the whole time they NOW they are
saying is great and can make it so deaths are negligible but shamed anyone that promoted it last March- all so they could get y'all on your knees.

Hell they don't even have to try anymore y'all just kneel Down forAnything.
"Double mask up, tripleMask up, put your kids in masks 6 hours a day so they can be test subjects and see what bad effects are 3 years from now,
Lockdown and ruin your livelihood and have kids depressed from staying home, vax your pets, get
Vaccine cardsJust wow. Tyrannical government can't believe how easy it is on y'all-
Just sad
@osuintx so you got the experimental polio vaccine then?
Let's take my daughter for an example plus some others that I know since you're bound and determined to bring up another vaccine on this thread because you're so defeated Over guahing over the government and the main stream media.

My daughter went in and took her six vaccines when she was younger which I was an idiot parent and should've known better or done least some kind of research. After that she developed extreme shaking of the hands that still exist today, she developed Psoriasis of the skin and dry skin right after and became very temperamental when she had none of those traits before.

My friend from Ardmore daughter died in the her bed ma day or two after she got her vaccines, Hank Aaron died two weeks after getting his Covid vaccine.

These are just three that I know of.I'm sure you want to talk about how vaccines do not cause autism in kids? How 50 years ago there was hardly any cases of autism but now it's like what 20% of the kids have it? 10%?

I know you want to hijack this thread and get off of your beloved mRNA vaccines so go ahead.

I wouldn't want to talk about the fact that I was excited about taking an experimental mRNA vaccine when I didn't need to take anything - so change the subject a little go ahead
@osuintx so you got the experimental polio vaccine then?
Did you take the mRNA vaccine? Or are waiting impatiently to take? You don't tout it much- just throw haymakers at me- you don't tout your love for masks, Vaccines ...or have you?
Let's take my daughter for an example plus some others that I know since you're bound and determined to bring up another vaccine on this thread because you're so defeated Over guahing over the government and the main stream media.

My daughter went in and took her six vaccines when she was younger which I was an idiot parent and should've known better or done least some kind of research. After that she developed extreme shaking of the hands that still exist today, she developed Psoriasis of the skin and dry skin right after and became very temperamental when she had none of those traits before.

My friend from Ardmore daughter died in the her bed ma day or two after she got her vaccines, Hank Aaron died two weeks after getting his Covid vaccine.

These are just three that I know of.I'm sure you want to talk about how vaccines do not cause autism in kids? How 50 years ago there was hardly any cases of autism but now it's like what 20% of the kids have it? 10%?

I know you want to hijack this thread and get off of your beloved mRNA vaccines so go ahead.

I wouldn't want to talk about the fact that I was excited about taking an experimental mRNA vaccine when I didn't need to take anything - so change the subject a little go ahead
So you took the polio vaccine? Man you are getting into @OKSTATE1 with the essays and never really answering a six worded question.
Did you take the mRNA vaccine? Or are waiting impatiently to take? You don't tout it much- just throw haymakers at me- you don't tout your love for masks, Vaccines ...or have you?
I don't mask up I walk into costco with no mask and my three foot pecker out and they don't even notice that I am not wearing a mask. You want to talk about kids. Well how everyone has lived during this short one year pandemic my wife and myself have lived this way for three years to protect my son. Don't come at me on that BS.
This is one of the most basic test of cognitive reasoning and logical thinking. If 99 Doctors tell you one thing but you can find one in a strip mall someplace that will tell you what you what to hear what do you believe?
That’s the thing about human beings having free will, we believe what we believe. As long as it harms no one else I say let them be.
I don't mask up I walk into costco with no mask and my three foot pecker out and they don't even notice that I am not wearing a mask. You want to talk about kids. Well how everyone has lived during this short one year pandemic my wife and myself have lived this way for three years to protect my son. Don't come at me on that BS.
So what the hell are you arguing for? I think you were the one who talked about you made your own bullets and could take on one tank but not another? If I'm confusing you with someone else I apologize for that. But if you don't mask up and I don't mask up what the hell are you arguing about with me?

And you saying you throw out a 3 foot pecker I guess that's for entertainment purposes? Oh no wait that was because you got the vaccine correct?

You took the vaccine but you're upset at me because I'm anti-vaccine is this the jist of it?

It's nice to be arguing with someone for about 20 replies but yet don't know their position because all they do is throw haymakers at the other person. So again you don't mask up but you did take the vaccine and you are arguing with me because I am anti-experimental mRNA vaccine?

So you already took it?
It's the DRS, Epidemiologist, Researchers I listen to- me myself is NOT an expert by doing lab tests etc. I have a Masters in Chem that doesn't hurt but sure doesn't make me an expert- I taught school for 28 years NoT lab research.

some more names I follow:
Sherry Tenpenny, Dr Lee Merrit, all the Many front line doctors (that MSM censored) Robert Kennedy Jr, et al. Natural News Mike Adams is more of a Health expert - more natural foods- less big Pharma.

getnoff of google to find most the stuff. You tube and google still have some things of theirs and others on there but most their stuff gets taken down- Bc it doesn't scare you as much and they can't push their control and billions of $ in vaccines on us
You have to mean you’re a master meth cook, because you’re most obviously sampling your product.

You can’t honestly think it is possible to hide the conspiracy you believe is happening. This is just like the lunacy from the “vaccines cause autism” people. You could posit a better flat earth theory than what you’re convinced is the truth around covid.

You’re as nutty as a baby Ruth.
So what the hell are you arguing for? I think you were the one who talked about you made your own bullets and could take on one tank but not another? If I'm confusing you with someone else I apologize for that. But if you don't mask up and I don't mask up what the hell are you arguing about with me?

And you saying you throw out a 3 foot pecker I guess that's for entertainment purposes? Oh no wait that was because you got the vaccine correct?

You took the vaccine but you're upset at me because I'm anti-vaccine is this the jist of it?

It's nice to be arguing with someone for about 20 replies but yet don't know their position because all they do is throw haymakers at the other person. So again you don't mask up but you did take the vaccine and you are arguing with me because I am anti-experimental mRNA vaccine?

So you already took it?
right in the dick I am invincible now. When I see someone with out a mask I just grab them up and sneeze in their eye.
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You have to mean you’re a master meth cook, because you’re most obviously sampling your product.

You can’t honestly think it is possible to hide the conspiracy you believe is happening. This is just like the lunacy from the “vaccines cause autism” people. You could posit a better flat earth theory than what you’re convinced is the truth around covid.

You’re as nutty as a baby Ruth.
Go crawl around with your mask and vaccine obedient boy- or is This a girl? Girls are tougher so this is prob a boy.
You've been castrated so much by your daddy the government and media I'm surprised you had the Cajones to actually chime in here out of the blue LOL
Go crawl around with your mask and vaccine obedient boy- or is This a girl? Girls are tougher so this is prob a boy.
You've been castrated so much by your daddy the government and media I'm surprised you had the Cajones to actually chime in here out of the blue LOL
When I mate with my wife I wear a Kodiak Brown bear hide that I killed with a bow and arrow. The buffalo at the capital has nothing on me soy boy.
Go crawl around with your mask and vaccine obedient boy- or is This a girl? Girls are tougher so this is prob a boy.
You've been castrated so much by your daddy the government and media I'm surprised you had the Cajones to actually chime in here out of the blue LOL

I’m serious. You need help. Like serious shock therapy and shit.
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I’m serious. You need help. Like serious shock therapy and shit.
Sorry - won't take any advice from a weak kneed subservient - if you want to take a stand for face diapers, experimental vaccine, lockdown, Government loving or Media loving them be our guest. To come on and say "man you crazy"
Adds nothing to the conversation. Which one or ones of those entities would you like to express your defense of or do you just want to jump in the warm water with a few others and say "man you crazy"

I really could care less but I bet you won't defend any of those I said bc there's nothing good about any.
Glad you joined in but you really need to add something original and educational. I'm betting you can't?
Sorry - won't take any advice from a weak kneed subservient - if you want to take a stand for face diapers, experimental vaccine, lockdown, Government loving or Media loving them be our guest. To come on and say "man you crazy"
Adds nothing to the conversation. Which one or ones of those entities would you like to express your defense of or do you just want to jump in the warm water with a few others and say "man you crazy"

I really could care less but I bet you won't defend any of those I said bc there's nothing good about any.
Glad you joined in but you really need to add something original and educational. I'm betting you can't?

Okay. You’re a troll. That makes me feel better. I was really going to be disappointed if an OSU education spawned someone so intellectually dishonest and bat shit crazy.
Okay. You’re a troll. That makes me feel better. I was really going to be disappointed if an OSU education spawned someone so intellectually dishonest and bat shit crazy.
You're so good at throwing the daggers- be proud you're a peach and so creative
Okay. You’re a troll. That makes me feel better. I was really going to be disappointed if an OSU education spawned someone so intellectually dishonest and bat shit crazy.
So "dishonest"
What part? Nothing I've said is incorrect so you're not winning the argument.
I can call you stupid idiot moron- but that's not winning the argument. Tell
Me where Im wrong and you're hero Fauci or CNN is right? Assuming that's who you listen to-
It's sure not anyone with any credibility
So "dishonest"
What part? Nothing I've said is incorrect so you're not winning the argument.
I can call you stupid idiot moron- but that's not winning the argument. Tell
Me where Im wrong and you're hero Fauci or CNN is right? Assuming that's who you listen to-
It's sure not anyone with any credibility
When the voices in your head agree with you, it’s not a quorum.
Did you have head trauma at some point in your life?
I will admit that his passion and rhetoric go way over the top, but if you put your emotional reaction aside you will recognize that a great deal of what he says is accurate. He would probably have better results if he tamped down his zeal about ten fold, but his concern that we have become a nation of sheep is justified.
I will admit that his passion and rhetoric go way over the top, but if you put your emotional reaction aside you will recognize that a great deal of what he says is accurate. He would probably have better results if he tamped down his zeal about ten fold, but his concern that we have become a nation of sheep is justified.
Thanks Lt Dan- this guy just came in late to the party and has said nothing but "youre crazy" so he's one for sure doesn't want to know anything.

I'm amazed in my small town the number of obedients.....a local Mexican restaurant I bet 80 percent of the people wear their masks
into the restaurant, out of the restaurant and to the bathroom. Saw one of my fellow teachers in line with her mask we started talking she pulled hers off bc I didn't have one on- happens all the time. They don't really believe in them and hate them but no one wants to rock the boat. I just don't walk to that drum- watching our country go down in misinformed obedience is truly mind boggling- 6'4" 230 pound MEN with beards lol masking up being obedient.

When the forefathers broke from Britain it wasn't 100 percent of the people- there were sheep back then that didn't want to rock the boat. In this day and age I seriously worry- what a bunch of followers dear God! THE only thing that gives me hope is the Trump rallies, being on social media With most that get it.

Another thing that gives some Hope is that once you're awake to this el crapola- you do not go back to sleep.
I expect you apply this stellar ethos to all walks of life? Do you remove the filters from your HVAC system just to show the world who the boss is? I’m sure all the filters are removed from your car as well? Lawnmower?

Hell, I bet you really show everyone who the boss is and laugh at the thought of a coffee filter.

Crunch away on that coffee dog! You show’em. Crunch away.
That’s the thing about human beings having free will, we believe what we believe. As long as it harms no one else I say let them be.

There are beliefs and there are facts. You can't make reality go away by believing a disease isn't real. More and more we live in a society where people ignore any fact, event or reality that conflicts with the ideological believes.
Do real pandemics require faulty virus models?

Do real pandemics require rigged test results?

Do real pandemics require inaccurate reporting?

Do real pandemics require manipulated death statistics?

Psychological operations certainly do.
There are beliefs and there are facts. You can't make reality go away by believing a disease isn't real. More and more we live in a society where people ignore any fact, event or reality that conflicts with the ideological believes.
Disease has been unreal blown up and dramatized- that is a FACT

no one on here has said it's unreal- But to keep pushing the media spin that is way worse than the flu is just untrue. It's more like thecommon cold (a coronavirus) than even the flu-
See the video I shared a few post up or the state senator Dr. (believe state Senator) how they count almost everything as Covid and why. Did you even watch it?
I expect you apply this stellar ethos to all walks of life? Do you remove the filters from your HVAC system just to show the world who the boss is? I’m sure all the filters are removed from your car as well? Lawnmower?

Hell, I bet you really show everyone who the boss is and laugh at the thought of a coffee filter.

Crunch away on that coffee dog! You show’em. Crunch away.
There are benefits to those things.
There are benefits to those things.
A filter is a filter. You either believe in them or you don’t.

How are the people that treat the infected patients dressed? Are they listening to the media or the government when it comes to their preventative and protection protocols?

I don’t give a rip one way or the other on the mask thing. But don’t be a pussy. If you don’t believe in filtration, go all the way.
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A filter is a filter. You either believe in them or you don’t.

How are the people that treat the infected patients dressed? Are they listening to the media or the government when it comes to their preventative and protection protocols?

I don’t give a rip one way or the other on the mask thing. But don’t be a pussy. If you don’t believe in filtration, go all the way.
I haven't read his posts thoroughly enough to see if he doesn't believe in filtration. I thought he was saying that the silliness of the mask wearing was not of benefit. For instance, when I went to urgent care recently, the doctor had two masks, a face shield, plastic suit and rubber gloves. Why not just a flimsy fabric mask like we all wear to stores?
In any case, there is probably some benefit. I don't know if it is enough, for example, when my kids have to wear a mask for 7 hours straight at school and the negative impacts of doing so.
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A filter is a filter. You either believe in them or you don’t.

How are the people that treat the infected patients dressed? Are they listening to the media or the government when it comes to their preventative and protection protocols?

I don’t give a rip one way or the other on the mask thing. But don’t be a pussy. If you don’t believe in filtration, go all the way.
There are benefits to those things.

I think you are misinterpreting @osuintexas argument and thus creating a false equivalency, a straw man argument. @osuintx has said repeatedly - and in increasingly hysterical tones - that his argument is not about voluntarily wearing masks. He has said umpteen times if you want to wear a mask by all means do so. He personally, and quite loudly, thinks wearing mask is not helpful. His concern, as I see it, is over the government issuing orders to wear masks, usurping any individual sovereignty, insisting it has the moral authority to issue such orders, and the vast majority of the American public meekly doing as we’re told. I think he sees himself as somewhat of a Sam Adams figure (Sam Adams was viewed by none other than Thomas Jefferson as the true “Father of the Revolution.”), imploring us to grow a pair and stand up against this assault on our liberty. Now I think his means of communicating that message is overly heated (insulting those you are trying to persuade is not a good model), but I agree with the intent of the message. In conclusion his argument is not against the wearing of masks, of using filters, as you put it, per se, but in the tyrannical method being used by our overlords and the meekness of our obedience.