I would consider this encouraging, regarding Covid-19 and "herd immunity".

And completely common sense, very much in line with what doctors and scientists have known about disease and immunity for 100 years.

That said, it will be roundly ignored and denied by Fauci and the MSM for reasons I still cannot comprehend.
And Bill Gates.
Simplest explanation we stopped doing as many stupid things in the last six weeks. i.e.. the holiday surge has played out. Secondly when people start seeing 4,000 people a day dying they tend to change there behavior. Older people I know in particular have been much more carful the past couple of months. With the vaccine coming out I think people see the light at the end of the tunnel and don't wat to be the dumbass that died two weeks before they could had gotten vaccinated. We should start seeing a dramatic drop in deaths over the next few weeks.
Well since they dialed back the C19 tests to register at a much lower rate Of course the positives are going to come down!
And great thing with the vaccinations they say even after you get vaccinated you still need to wear a face diaper...oops
Meant mask and social distance.
Color me NOT taking the experimental unproven vaccine that changes your protein and
Cellular makeup and color me NOT wearing any masksThat more studies say they're bad than good.

Its still amazing to listen to some of yall
Still Believing these people that lie to you and take advantage and laugh at us all masked up-
It's just sad.
You know what is really pathetic about this whole thing?

The American people allow it to continue like sheep. I rancher friend once told me something that I now truly believe. "Sheep are born looking for a place to die". Imagine that.....
Like the way you think K
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The logic to wear masks forever is definitely going to be there. I mean 10s of thousands of people die from other respiratory viruses every year, including small children and babies. Why not wear a mask (or two) to stop those if they really work so well?

However, once covid deaths and cases plummet to really low levels, people are simply going to just stop wearing them I predict.
I’m sorry, I can’t keep teaching in a mask.
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Well since they dialed back the C19 tests to register at a much lower rate Of course the positives are going to come down!
And great thing with the vaccinations they say even after you get vaccinated you still need to wear a face diaper...oops
Meant mask and social distance.
Color me NOT taking the experimental unproven vaccine that changes your protein and
Cellular makeup and color me NOT wearing any masksThat more studies say they're bad than good.

Its still amazing to listen to some of yall
Still Believing these people that lie to you and take advantage and laugh at us all masked up-
It's just sad.

Reading your post are like listening to the special education class presentation. You stand up there all proud of yourself grinning ear to ear thinking you are the smartest kid in the room while the people watching are just wondering if you are going to make it to the end without pissing on yourself.
Fun getting to the end of this thread and we have no counterarguments to the original point but a lot of pointless hot air trying to shout out the proper definition of mainstream media. Instead of feeling betrayed by them and their inane fear porn peddled for clicks, in defiance of the most basic medical science, the usual sheeple band together to win a tangent.
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Reading your post are like listening to the special education class presentation. You stand up there all proud of yourself grinning ear to ear thinking you are the smartest kid in the room while the people watching are just wondering if you are going to make it to the end without pissing on yourself.
With All of the window dressing you added to your reply- what did I say that was wrong?

It's no secret they said they changed the you really not know this?

They say even after you Get vaccinated you STILL have to wear the damn face Diaper - or
Three of them- you do know they said this right?

Heck at least I don't close my eyes and ignore stuff bc of what I to hear.

There's zero I said that was wrong.

Now if you want to debate I think I am the smartest in the room I would say that is false. I do plead guilty to being in amazement how gullible many are wearing the face mask with zero proof They work- yet many many studies that say there's lots of bad things that come from wearing them- especially the reused bandanas etc. Allowing our kids to wear them 6 hours a day really puts our level of gullibility over the top.

And all for a virus that kills .04 percent give or take of us.

And all bc the MSM and politicians getting filthy rich off if this. If media wouldn't have told us Kung Flu was here- NO ONe would have known (see the Amish who don't watch)

Not to mention people gladly giving away more of their civil liberties bowing down to big brother- it is a sight to see- rest assured I am not smiling watching.
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Fun getting to the end of this thread and we have no counterarguments to the original point but a lot of pointless hot air trying to shout out the proper definition of mainstream media. Instead of feeling betrayed by them and their inane fear porn peddled for clicks, in defiance of the most basic medical science, the usual sheeple band together to win a tangent.
Can I get a translation
Anthony Fauci is the biggest quack EVER! Such a level of unreal we have listened to this moron- his crap changes daily. It's almost like George Castanza when he decided to do everything "opposite" of his original thought and it worked out wel..... Gates and Fauci if you do the "opposite" of what they say there's zero doubt you will go wrong!

With All of the window dressing you added to your reply- what did I say that was wrong?

It's no secret they said they changed the you really not know this?

They say even after you Get vaccinated you STILL have to wear the damn face Diaper - or
Three of them- you do know they said this right?

Heck at least I don't close my eyes and ignore stuff bc of what I to hear.

There's zero I said that was wrong.

Now if you want to debate I think I am the smartest in the room I would say that is false. I do plead guilty to being in amazement how gullible many are wearing the face mask with zero proof They work- yet many many studies that say there's lots of bad things that come from wearing them- especially the reused bandanas etc. Allowing our kids to wear them 6 hours a day really puts our level of gullibility over the top.

And all for a virus that kills .04 percent give or take of us.

And all bc the MSM and politicians getting filthy rich off if this. If media wouldn't have told us Kung Flu was here- NO ONe would have known (see the Amish who don't watch)

Not to mention people gladly giving away more of their civil liberties bowing down to big brother- it is a sight to see- rest assured I am not smiling watching.

Seriously dude every post for the last ten months from you has been the same. The entire scientific and medical community is wrong because you heard something on talk radio or read it on the internet. First the whole thing was a hoax, then it became some kind of international conspiracy to get trump, people aren't really dying from covid, its just the flu, mask don't work, social distancing doesn't work yada yada yada. Every post on every thing is driven by your political ideology that the entire world is out to get you and take away your liberty. Anyone who doesn't see it your way are just idiots and sheep driven the evil main stream media who are guilty of what reporting facts and ignoring you Q anon conspiracy theories of the new world order.
Holy donkey balls batman I have finally found out wtf MSM means. Geese osuintx has been shouting this at me for a week and I had no clue it was main stream media.

Also I can vaccinated and my dick is like three feet long from the protein and cellular change. I also don't believe in Bigfoot anymore.

Did you guys catch that people who get vaccinated also seem to not spread it. Thank god I won't be killing my grandparent when they see their grand baby.
Seriously dude every post for the last ten months from you has been the same. The entire scientific and medical community is wrong because you heard something on talk radio or read it on the internet. First the whole thing was a hoax, then it became some kind of international conspiracy to get trump, people aren't really dying from covid, its just the flu, mask don't work, social distancing doesn't work yada yada yada. Every post on every thing is driven by your political ideology that the entire world is out to get you and take away your liberty. Anyone who doesn't see it your way are just idiots and sheep driven the evil main stream media who are guilty of what reporting facts and ignoring you Q anon conspiracy theories of the new world order.
Yeah all you can do is cast stones and try to dismiss me but you need to admit that every dad gum thing I said Was

. So all you do is try to dismiss. What I said is factual, you're the one with the narrative you must see it have the outcome so you can sleep at night.

With your belief Covid is one of the most horrible things ever. With my beliefs the media and government are the big problems- they are proven to be corrupt, dishonest and are NOT your friend or mine. Yet you follow them to the T- who has the issues here?! They are PROVEN already to lie and do things to fit their narrative- they shut businesses down, make you wear nasty A$$ masks and make your their slave. pretty much have you taking an unneeded and untested mRNA vaccine that has killed at least a thousand people and had 10-20k bad reactions to (THATS NOT NORMAL) - yet you gladly abide by them Hook, line and sinker- do you know how weak and crazy that is for you?
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Holy donkey balls batman I have finally found out wtf MSM means. Geese osuintx has been shouting this at me for a week and I had no clue it was main stream media.

Also I can vaccinated and my dick is like three feet long from the protein and cellular change. I also don't believe in Bigfoot anymore.

Did you guys catch that people who get vaccinated also seem to not spread it. Thank god I won't be killing my grandparent when they see their grand baby.
You have no idea the vaccine does anything good lol- why do you still have to wear your fqce diaper and social distance AFTER you get it?! Why get it if this bug has been proven to be way more mild than the flu? It's experimental wow

Be lab rats all you want and take that vaccine- will see you in a few months or a few years what all problems there are with it. Unless you're one of the thousand plus that have died already or the 10 to 20,000 that have had real bad reactions to it. Be my guest

color me one that if the
Govt and MSM push it-
I'm out
And feel 1000 percent that's the right way to look at our corrupt "leaders " and media-
Y'all keep trusting them see how that works for you.
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I’m not aware of any politician or journalist that faked a Ph.D to infiltrate the vaccine development process. Still waiting on the millions of deaths from the vaccine too you promised? Strange, shouldn’t people be dropping by flies by now Louis Pasteur?

You’re hysterical. As a staunch conservative, I’m embarrassed for you. Being the most ignorant and loudest is a bad combination, since you tend to have trouble with both.

Go ahead, hysteria away! That you can stop running in circles and screaming in your home long enough to respond will be an accomplishment.
I’m not aware of any politician or journalist that faked a PhD to infiltrate the vaccine development process. Still waiting on the millions of deaths from the vaccine too you promised? Strange, shouldn’t people be dropping by flies by now Louis Pasteur?

You’re hysterical. As a staunch conservative, I’m embarrassed for you. Being the most ignorant and loudest is a bad combination, since you tend to have trouble with both.
Never predicted millions of deaths so don't exaggerate to make a point.

I don't give a damn if I embarrass you LMAO- go
Trust your daddy media and Unkie Sam- I will trust my sources. Make sure and call them Daddy as you're a disgrace to the word conservative- bet you were a big McCain guy.

YOU call yourself a STAUNCH conservative but you're a squishy middle establishment. No staunch conservative would crawl on his knees to nanny government like you do- whose the embarrassment?
Never predicted millions of deaths so don't exaggerate to make a point.

I don't give a damn if I embarrass you LMAO- go
Trust your daddy media and Unkie Sam- I will trust my sources. Make sure and call them Daddy as you're a disgrace to the word conservative- bet you were a big McCain guy.

YOU call yourself a STAUNCH conservative but you're a squishy middle establishment. No staunch conservative would crawl on his knees to nanny government like you do- whose the embarrassment?
Nothing like helping prove my point. Still trying to assess whether you have 2 brain cells to splice in an attempt to salvage something.
I’m not aware of any politician or journalist that faked a Ph.D infiltrate the vaccine development process. Still waiting on the millions of deaths from the vaccine too you promised? Strange, shouldn’t people be dropping by flies by now Louis Pasteur?

You’re hysterical. As a staunch conservative, I’m embarrassed for you. Being the most ignorant and loudest is a bad combination, since you tend to have trouble with both.

Go ahead, hysteria away! That you can stop running in circles and screaming in your home long enough to respond will be an accomplishment.
There's more "pHDs" epidemiologist and as you want to bring up that are AGAINST the experimental, unproven, unneeded mRNA cellular changing vaccine and face diapers they are for them- you just don't hear them because you only listen to your TV I'm guessing. More of them by far out there that are against what you're for- way more.

It's really amazing to watch the ones that call them conservatives that are hypnotized by the media- and sad.
There's more "pHDs" epidemiologist and as you want to bring up that are AGAINST the experimental, unproven, unneeded mRNA cellular changing vaccine and face diapers they are for them- you just don't hear them because you only listen to your TV I'm guessing. More of them by far out there that are against what you're for- way more.

It's really amazing to watch the ones that call them conservatives that are hypnotized by the media- and sad.

Why did Pfizer and Moderna make the vaccine available to all their employees and their families first? All those people that were smarter than you are now at the age of 3 that developed it, universally took the vaccine along with their families. Very strange. Maybe they should’ve consulted you first?
Why did Pfizer and Moderna make the vaccine available to all their employees and their families first? All those people that were smarter than you are now at the age of 3 that developed it, universally took the vaccine along with their families. Very strange. Maybe they should’ve consulted you first?
Gates and Zuckerberg won't take it - Z called It out that it's untested- you prob listen to him?!
Gates won't let his family take it- maybe any vaccine.

Theres a group called the "Front line doctors" do you remember them? They were banned off of YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and the main stream media for coming out in March and saying this things really not that big of a deal the virus. They have came out against masks and their negative effects and against the new experimental, and proven, Unneeded vaccines that alter your cells.

Get off of Google and look them up if you want someone to listen to if you're actually serious about wanting to know more. This is not my opinion I don't Just post stuff to be anti-vaccine I have taken the flu vaccine once or twice. Won't take it again knowing what I know but that's not for this thread.

Again get off of Google because they censor stuff and look up front line doctors and type in any subject do you want to know about mRNA vaccines....or if masks work or not, the Covid numbers that are about 6% of what they originally said. It's all out there you just won't find it in the main stream media.

Now if you just want to get after my ass for posting this stuff for everyone to see because it's not in the main stream media then go right ahead.

But if you really want to know the truth or at least many experts opinion that the main stream media will not let you see then feel free to do some research outside of the main stream. It's a great world out there compared to what the doomsayers want to keep you depressed about daily.
There's more "pHDs" epidemiologist and as you want to bring up that are AGAINST the experimental, unproven, unneeded mRNA cellular changing vaccine and face diapers they are for them-

Could you provide a cite for this?

What are you credentials?
Gates and Zuckerberg won't take it - Z called It out that it's untested- you prob listen to him?!
Gates won't let his family take it- maybe any vaccine.

Theres a group called the "Front line doctors" do you remember them? They were banned off of YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and the main stream media for coming out in March and saying this things really not that big of a deal the virus. They have came out against masks and their negative effects and against the new experimental, and proven, Unneeded vaccines that alter your cells.

Get off of Google and look them up if you want someone to listen to if you're actually serious about wanting to know more. This is not my opinion I don't Just post stuff to be anti-vaccine I have taken the flu vaccine once or twice. Won't take it again knowing what I know but that's not for this thread.

Again get off of Google because they censor stuff and look up front line doctors and type in any subject do you want to know about mRNA vaccines....or if masks work or not, the Covid numbers that are about 6% of what they originally said. It's all out there you just won't find it in the main stream media.

Now if you just want to get after my ass for posting this stuff for everyone to see because it's not in the main stream media then go right ahead.

But if you really want to know the truth or at least many experts opinion that the main stream media will not let you see then feel free to do some research outside of the main stream. It's a great world out there compared to what the doomsayers want to keep you depressed about daily.

So, absolutely nothing substantive. And I want to emphasize the word nothing. And absolutely. And substantive.
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You have no idea the vaccine does anything good lol- why do you still have to wear your fqce diaper and social distance AFTER you get it?! Why get it if this bug has been proven to be way more mild than the flu? It's experimental wow

Be lab rats all you want and take that vaccine- will see you in a few months or a few years what all problems there are with it. Unless you're one of the thousand plus that have died already or the 10 to 20,000 that have had real bad reactions to it. Be my guest

color me one that if the
Govt and MSM push it-
I'm out
And feel 1000 percent that's the right way to look at our corrupt "leaders " and media-
Y'all keep trusting them see how that works for you.

All I know is I have three foot pecker and a new possibility in the porn industry. At least now when I get fu(ked all day it will be pleasurable.

Hey did you get the Polio vaccination or you against that also? <----- real question I am not messing with you
Could you provide a cite for this?

What are you credentials?
It's the DRS, Epidemiologist, Researchers I listen to- me myself is NOT an expert by doing lab tests etc. I have a Masters in Chem that doesn't hurt but sure doesn't make me an expert- I taught school for 28 years NoT lab research.

some more names I follow:
Sherry Tenpenny, Dr Lee Merrit, all the Many front line doctors (that MSM censored) Robert Kennedy Jr, et al. Natural News Mike Adams is more of a Health expert - more natural foods- less big Pharma.

getnoff of google to find most the stuff. You tube and google still have some things of theirs and others on there but most their stuff gets taken down- Bc it doesn't scare you as much and they can't push their control and billions of $ in vaccines on us
So, absolutely nothing substantive. And I want to emphasize the word nothing. And absolutely. And substantive.
Whatchoo got big boy? Prove me wrong- you going to cite how scary Cyrus the Curus Kung Flu is? You're going to cite how Great Gates and Fauci Vaccines are?! You're going to cite how much POC masks
Work and don't harm?
All I know is I have three foot pecker and a new possibility in the porn industry. At least now when I get fu(ked all day it will be pleasurable.

Hey did you get the Polio vaccination or you against that also? <----- real question I am not messing with you
Have on opinion on polio-would rather stay on this new one for
The moment- rain check?!
And congrats on the endowment from the new Vax....
Have on opinion on polio-would rather stay on this new one for
The moment- rain check?!
And congrats on the endowment from the new Vax....
I don't understand why you can't answer if you have the polio vaccine. I think it is pivotal in the discussion.
Hell Id almost wear getting arrested at a riot as a badge of honor! Seriously it was probably over the virus misinformation- our government wouldn't try to censor anyone would they?!Naaa!

Stella the black Lady doctor spoke out in March for HCQ and stop all the lockdowns and scaring the Piss out of everyone- - NOW they are saying she was correct and HCQ IS effective with Zn and one other ingredient in almost 100'percent preventing deaths from Covid.

Thank you for verifying and confirming one of my sources for me- they crucified these doctors for speaking the truth. Some lost their credentials- all for standing up for us.

Why would anyone Follow this govt and media? SMH
I don't understand why you can't answer if you have the polio vaccine. I think it is pivotal in the discussion.
Polio is pivotal for mRNA vaccine discussion- okay then you're very wise- how is that exactly since they are totally different?

How about if you just disprove The fact that these Are experimental, unproven, and in approved by the FDA, and Unneeded. For a 99.96 survivor rate?
Gates and Zuckerberg won't take it - Z called It out that it's untested- you prob listen to him?!
Gates won't let his family take it- maybe any vaccine.

Theres a group called the "Front line doctors" do you remember them? They were banned off of YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and the main stream media for coming out in March and saying this things really not that big of a deal the virus. They have came out against masks and their negative effects and against the new experimental, and proven, Unneeded vaccines that alter your cells.

Get off of Google and look them up if you want someone to listen to if you're actually serious about wanting to know more. This is not my opinion I don't Just post stuff to be anti-vaccine I have taken the flu vaccine once or twice. Won't take it again knowing what I know but that's not for this thread.

Again get off of Google because they censor stuff and look up front line doctors and type in any subject do you want to know about mRNA vaccines....or if masks work or not, the Covid numbers that are about 6% of what they originally said. It's all out there you just won't find it in the main stream media.

Now if you just want to get after my ass for posting this stuff for everyone to see because it's not in the main stream media then go right ahead.

But if you really want to know the truth or at least many experts opinion that the main stream media will not let you see then feel free to do some research outside of the main stream. It's a great world out there compared to what the doomsayers want to keep you depressed about daily.

This is one of the most basic test of cognitive reasoning and logical thinking. If 99 Doctors tell you one thing but you can find one in a strip mall someplace that will tell you what you what to hear what do you believe?
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Whatchoo got big boy? Prove me wrong- you going to cite how scary Cyrus the Curus Kung Flu is? You're going to cite how Great Gates and Fauci Vaccines are?! You're going to cite how much POC masks
Work and don't harm?
Stay focused here Louis. Shotgunning dumbassedry isn’t a sound strategy. We’re talking about the vaccines. Everything I’ve posted ITT is irrefutable, especially the part about you being especially dense. Now, proceed at your own peril, I know a zillion times more than you about this subject.
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Stay focused here Louis. Shotgunning dumbassedry isn’t a sound strategy. We’re talking about the vaccines. Everything I’ve posted ITT is irrefutable, especially the part about you being especially dense. Now, proceed at your own peril, I know a zillion times more than you about this subject.
If you arenwearing a mask, taking an experimental vaccine then you don't know crap and you're a weak ass person that bows down to the government and the media. Toot your horn all you want at your own peril LOL

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