I wonder : will there be rioting and looting in Salt Lake?

Perhaps the people of SLC don't feel as marginalized and antagonized by their police force and are better able to see this as a horrible isolated incident rather than an example of the pattern of abuse they feel daily from the police in their community.
I guess that's why the vast majority of those arrested have come from outside Ferguson.

This post was edited on 8/26 10:18 AM by Marshal Jim Duncan
I'm sure things are much different in the larger St. Louis area. The idea that black communities and white communities have the same relationship with police is a strange position.

I was wondering when we would get our first post defending the cop and calling the kid a thug for wearing his hat backwards.

Did you see his goatee? Clearly a thug.

Young, white, probably knew MMA moves. I don't think the cop had any choice but to use deadly force.
Perhaps that is because black communities have higher crime rates than white communities. Isn't that what the police are in existence for---to go after criminal behavior wherever it is located? Perhaps if the black race baiters like Al, Jesse, Eric and Barack would chastise their constituents for their criminal behavior rather than attack those charged with controlling that behavior things would be different.
Where are Holder and Obama?

A white Iraq veteran required brain surgery following a beating by 20 or so blacks who were upset at the Missouri shooting.

"This does not appear to be a hate crime," local police chief Tim Brinkley said, according to The Times-Picayune.
"It's very early in this investigation but thus far the evidence and
statements suggest that a verbal altercation turned physical and
somebody got hurt."

Not a hate crime? They followed him from one eatery to another and confronted him.
Originally posted by imprimis:
Where are Holder and Obama?

A white Iraq veteran required brain surgery following a beating by 20 or so blacks who were upset at the Missouri shooting.

"This does not appear to be a hate crime," local police chief Tim Brinkley said, according to The Times-Picayune.
"It's very early in this investigation but thus far the evidence and
statements suggest that a verbal altercation turned physical and
somebody got hurt."

Not a hate crime? They followed him from one eatery to another and confronted him.
Yeah, but really the white community should focus more on reducing white on white crime. 83% of murdered white people are murdered by another white person. We really shouldn't be concerned about isolated incidents like this until the white community gets their act together.

Why don't we see any Daily Caller or Imprimis making a fuss about 2,630 white on white murders that happen every year?
Originally posted by Mr. Blonde:
Perhaps the people of SLC don't feel as marginalized and antagonized by their police force and are better able to see this as a horrible isolated incident rather than an example of the pattern of abuse they feel daily from the police in their community.
So what you're saying is this black kid getting shot by a white cop is a common occurrence or a pattern in Ferguson?
Nice deflection. That discussion can take place when white on white murders are in the same proportions as black on black murders or even white on black compared to black on white. The percentages are much higher in the black community compared to the white community (% murdered/100,000 population).
Pilt, one of the lamest answers ever. Of course you would believe hate crimes are only when whites harm blacks.
When white on white crime reaches the same level as black on black then you have an argument until then you've got nothing.

How many shooting in Chicago last weekend? How many were white on white?
Originally posted by long-duc-dong:

Originally posted by Mr. Blonde:
Perhaps the people of SLC don't feel as marginalized and antagonized by their police force and are better able to see this as a horrible isolated incident rather than an example of the pattern of abuse they feel daily from the police in their community.
So what you're saying is this black kid getting shot by a white cop is a common occurrence or a pattern in Ferguson?
I'm saying it seems apparent the relationship between black people in Feguson (and the US in general) and police is generally contentious, worse in some places than others. This specific event was a flashpoint for a larger issue.
I'm pretty sure the relationship between people of all colors that are 6'4" and pushing 3 bills, and that have just robbed a store and are stringently/physically resisting arrest, and police is generally contentious throughout the U.S.
Woah, I guess satire is lost on you folks.

Still waiting on one of you nonracists to reflexively come to the defense of this cop before the facts are known.
Originally posted by 07pilt:
Woah, I guess satire is lost on you folks.

Still waiting on one of you nonracists to reflexively come to the defense of this cop before the facts are known.
Or for one of the liberal ractists to reflexively blame the cop before the facts are known.

Let's weigh this out, decorated cop or the guy that just strong arm robbed a store. Which way should the scale tip?
Originally posted by 07pilt:
Woah, I guess satire is lost on you folks.

Still waiting on one of you nonracists to reflexively come to the defense of this cop before the facts are known.
When you start sounding like sys, you've lost a good chunk of credibility with me. If credibility is something you'd like to maintain on this board, my suggestion is to stick to numbers. That's a friendly suggestion.
Originally posted by Headhunter:
Originally posted by 07pilt:
Woah, I guess satire is lost on you folks.

Still waiting on one of you nonracists to reflexively come to the defense of this cop before the facts are known.
Or for one of the liberal ractists to reflexively blame the cop before the facts are known.

Let's weigh this out, decorated cop or the guy that just strong arm robbed a store. Which way should the scale tip?
I have pretty consistently cautioned everyone to wait on the facts before deciding on these issues.

I am just wondering why it is you aren't defending this cop like you did Wilson? There were reports of a man waving a gun. The kid had a warrant out for his arrest, and stated on facebook that "I'll die before I do time in a cell." Come on. Come to the defense of this poor police officer.
Originally posted by 07pilt:

Originally posted by Headhunter:

Originally posted by 07pilt:
Woah, I guess satire is lost on you folks.

Still waiting on one of you nonracists to reflexively come to the defense of this cop before the facts are known.
Or for one of the liberal ractists to reflexively blame the cop before the facts are known.

Let's weigh this out, decorated cop or the guy that just strong arm robbed a store. Which way should the scale tip?
I have pretty consistently cautioned everyone to wait on the facts before deciding on these issues.

I am just wondering why it is you aren't defending this cop like you did Wilson? There were reports of a man waving a gun. The kid had a warrant out for his arrest, and stated on facebook that "I'll die before I do time in a cell." Come on. Come to the defense of this poor police officer.
Good grief, you are almost insufferable. Two totally unrealated events. I will research it and get back to you but from the brief video I saw it looks like the police might have a problem. I look at every event on it's own merits. I hope the cop in both incidents are vindicated because I believe the police have an almost impossible job in today's environment.

This is going to hit your racist meter but cops encounter are higher percentage of problems dealing with blacks because they commit a disproportionate amount of the crime. It's natural for them to be scared. Any cop that isn't scared of dealing with anyone, white or black, is an idiot.
Originally posted by Headhunter:

Good grief, you are almost insufferable. Two totally unrealated events. I will research it and get back to you but fromthe brief video I saw it looks like the police might have a problem. I look at every event on it's own merits. I hope thecop in both incidents are vindicated because I believe the police have an almost impossible job in today'senvironment.

This is going to hit your racist meter but cops encounter are higher percentage of problems dealing with blacksbecause they commit a disproportionate amount of the crime. It's natural for them to be scared. Any cop that isn'tscared of dealing with anyone, white or black, is an idiot.
Is part of your research process finding anonymous eye witness accounts and dubious sources that side with the police, while ignoring the named sources who are on record with their accounts of the event? Or do you only do that when the victim is black?

This post was edited on 8/27 5:46 PM by 07pilt
There are many people on the record saying they saw Mike Brown with his hands up, there is also people who say Mike Brown was beating the officer in his car and ran away then turned and bumrushed him. I'm willing to go along with the grand jury.

But I am basing my bias toward the police officer based on the video of the huge "child" strong arming a store owner and the fact the police officer had a spotless record.

If the facts say it was murder I hope the police officer gets the max. But I am not a grand jury member and will never be called to be on a jury. So my observations lean toward the policeman. I hate it that someone got killed but there is a responsible party and I have a right to think who it might be.
Originally posted by Marshal Jim Duncan:

I'm pretty sure the relationship between people of all colors that are 6'4" and pushing 3 bills, and that have just robbed a store and are stringently/physically resisting arrest, and police is generally contentious throughout the U.S.
I guess we can keep talking past each other.
Originally posted by 07pilt:

Originally posted by Headhunter:

Good grief, you are almost insufferable. Two totally unrealated events. I will research it and get back to you but fromthe brief video I saw it looks like the police might have a problem. I look at every event on it's own merits. I hope thecop in both incidents are vindicated because I believe the police have an almost impossible job in today'senvironment.

This is going to hit your racist meter but cops encounter are higher percentage of problems dealing with blacksbecause they commit a disproportionate amount of the crime. It's natural for them to be scared. Any cop that isn'tscared of dealing with anyone, white or black, is an idiot.
Is part of your research process finding anonymous eye witness accounts and dubious sources that side with the police, while ignoring the named sources who are on record with their accounts of the event? Or do you only do that when the victim is black?

This post was edited on 8/27 5:46 PM by 07pilt
Oh hell Head lays in bed and night and dreams of the chance to open up on someone... he'd be the first to panic and shoot someone 15 times if given the chance. Ask yourself how Zimmerman would respond, and you can pretty much nail what Head would do.

Badge Bunnies just LOVE the drama of having to shoot someone. The next best thing is the chance to support a white guy shooting a criminal. They LOVE IT!!!

You obviously have some kind of sick obsession about me. If I cared about anything you had to say I might get angry and reply to your childish posts with your brand of childish nonsense. You can't debate like an adult you are one messed up person. I hope you get some help.

Congrats on being the poster with the most ignores on this site.
Originally posted by 07pilt:

Originally posted by Headhunter:

Good grief, you are almost insufferable. Two totally unrealated events. I will research it and get back to you but fromthe brief video I saw it looks like the police might have a problem. I look at every event on it's own merits. I hope thecop in both incidents are vindicated because I believe the police have an almost impossible job in today'senvironment.

This is going to hit your racist meter but cops encounter are higher percentage of problems dealing with blacksbecause they commit a disproportionate amount of the crime. It's natural for them to be scared. Any cop that isn'tscared of dealing with anyone, white or black, is an idiot.
Is part of your research process finding anonymous eye witness accounts and dubious sources that side with the police, while ignoring the named sources who are on record with their accounts of the event? Or do you only do that when the victim is black?

This post was edited on 8/27 5:46 PM by 07pilt
Just out of curiosity, have you vetted the named sources who are on record?
Originally posted by Bitter Creek:

Just out of curiosity, have you vetted the named sources who are on record?
They are all questionable, but then again I am not touting them as proof of anything other than that the events are in dispute. Contrast that with certain not-racists who jumped on a retracted tweet citing an anonymous police source citing anonymous witnesses as proof that the kid "bumrushed" the cop.
Originally posted by 07pilt:

Originally posted by Bitter Creek:

Just out of curiosity, have you vetted the named sources who are on record?
They are all questionable, but then again I am not touting them as proof of anything other than that the events are in dispute. Contrast that with certain not-racists who jumped on a retracted tweet citing an anonymous police source citing anonymous witnesses as proof that the kid "bumrushed" the cop.

Thought you were above this. Guess not. You're just like all the liberal sheep aren't you?
Originally posted by Headhunter:

You obviously have some kind of sick obsession about me. If I cared about anything you had to say I might get angry and reply to your childish posts with your brand of childish nonsense. You can't debate like an adult you are one messed up person. I hope you get some help.

Congrats on being the poster with the most ignores on this site.

Thanks -- I'm doing something right if your ilk puts me on "ignore". I have zero problem with a conservative point of view -- there are several posters on here I disagree with, but they make coherent sense. Your posts aren't conservattve, they're the same old recycled, trigger happy, frustrated bigotry. My favorites are you calling a black woman wookie. Clever.

Congrats on being the most transparrently bigoted poster on this site. You're also the most trigger happy. You've taken a fraction of the hits as me and some other librulz on here and you whine like that? You even have a glass jaw.
Originally posted by syskatine:
I have zero problem with a conservative point of view --
Originally posted by 07pilt:
You thought I was above shaming racists?
If giving law enforcement the benefit of the doubt over criminals is racist then I'm guilty. But in no way have you shamed anyone.