Google images change has ruined my ability to post pics!Pics or GTFO
Use images change has ruined my ability to post pics!
She is getting it on with dude who beat up a couple of wives and a girlfriend.
That tells me that she is a freak.
yeah boy
I think Mrs. Sanders does a great job. She treats the presstitutes/propagandists like the children they are. Since they can't outsmart her, liberals have to resort to attacking her for her looks and thus exposing their never-ending and rampant hypocrisy (misogyny anyone?). You know, because she doesn't play for the right team so the left has to attack her the only way they know how via looks. Something I'm sure Trump thought of.
When they go low, WE GO HIGH!
Dude, her politics and sex are irrelevant. She looks like a Picasso.
Maybe if you're told she's beautiful enough times you'll start to believe it. Worked for plenty of people regarding Michelle Obama.