Hezbollah Chief Boasts Israel Has Been Defeated


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010

Dan should be proud. He worked hard to spread descent against Israel to hand victory to Iran and the radical Muslim terrorist groups. Yea team terrorist.
Yeah, that’s exactly what I did and why I did it.
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Screw Iran and the terrorists. I just want the Palestinian people to be thankful and free of Israeli oppression.

ya right same way ponca dan parades daily for the ponca indian tribe

drove by cherokee park here in sarasota and told my sis damn we should go in there and get our reparations

at the dinner table her lib in-laws couldn’t comprehend my grandad telling me an Indian won’t take a twenty only ten and two fives

pick another battle dan

raping and killing israelis deserves nothing less than D3’s dozing Gaza into a parking lot for starters

second up is finding out

A who sold those poor civilians out
B what price
C executing them
Screw Iran and the terrorists. I just want the Palestinian people to be thankful and free of Israeli oppression.
Congrats. You side like a liberal. Just like the morons who say, but we should help those poor folks from other countries while opening the border to cartels, gangs, drugs, and every other vile aspect. Saving the Palestinian 'civilians' means siding with Iran. You chose that. Just like choosing open borders sides with the cartels. Doesn't matter why you chose it.
Screw Iran and the terrorists. I just want the Palestinian people to be thankful and free of Israeli oppression.
Yet your action prove otherwise. You've never understood what this conflict is about and have been used as a useful idiot exactly the way Iran and the terrorist were counting on. Iran and the rest of the Middle East doesn't give a shit about the Palestinians and never have. They use them as cannon fodder for decades to advance their desires and in your case very successfully.
You think by stopping Israel from defeating Hamas and the radicals that support them you are saving Palestinian lives but all you are really doing is continuing the conflicts that will result in far more deaths.
Yet your action prove otherwise. You've never understood what this conflict is about and have been used as a useful idiot exactly the way Iran and the terrorist were counting on. Iran and the rest of the Middle East doesn't give a shit about the Palestinians and never have. They use them as cannon fodder for decades to advance their desires and in your case very successfully.
You think by stopping Israel from defeating Hamas and the radicals that support them you are saving Palestinian lives but all you are really doing is continuing the conflicts that will result in far more deaths.
I have always understood what this is about. I’m all for stopping the terrorism against innocent Israeli people by Hamas when it happens. I’m also all for stopping the slaughter/oppression/terrorism against innocent Palestinian people by the Israeli government.
I have always understood what this is about. I’m all for stopping the terrorism against innocent Israeli people by Hamas when it happens. I’m also all for stopping the slaughter/oppression/terrorism against innocent Palestinian people by the Israeli government.
How are you stopping it when your actions support it?
nah playing dumb and goading conversation only to play dumb some more is your favorite move

same same for pokensmoke
I never try to play dumb. I come here to exchange opinions, but too often the opinion from the other side is nothing but name calling. Like you’re doing on this thread.
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Congrats. You side like a liberal. Just like the morons who say, but we should help those poor folks from other countries while opening the border to cartels, gangs, drugs, and every other vile aspect. Saving the Palestinian 'civilians' means siding with Iran. You chose that. Just like choosing open borders sides with the cartels. Doesn't matter why you chose it.
Poppycock. Telling Uncle Bibi to quit slaughtering innocents is the same as telling Hamas the same thing. Iran is not in the equation except in your mind.
You even surprised me with this one, Dan.
Uncle Bibi is not slaughtering Palestinians in Gaza (or the West Bank for that matter) because he wants to get back at Iran. He’s slaughtering them because he wants their land and resources - all their land and resources - for himself. Iran is far more a threat to Israel via Lebanon and Syria than Gaza. Gaza has never posed an existential threat to the survival of the Israeli state. Mostly (until Oct 7) it has been an annoyance, an irritant that required the IDF periodically entering and “mowing the grass” as they put it. But even Oct 7 was not an existential threat. It lasted one day before the attackers were killed in return or hightailed it back to Gaza, a one-off that had no chance of lasting longer or doing more damage.
Uncle Bibi is not slaughtering Palestinians in Gaza (or the West Bank for that matter) because he wants to get back at Iran. He’s slaughtering them because he wants their land and resources - all their land and resources - for himself. Iran is far more a threat to Israel via Lebanon and Syria than Gaza. Gaza has never posed an existential threat to the survival of the Israeli state. Mostly (until Oct 7) it has been an annoyance, an irritant that required the IDF periodically entering and “mowing the grass” as they put it. But even Oct 7 was not an existential threat. It lasted one day before the attackers were killed in return or hightailed it back to Gaza, a one-off that had no chance of lasting longer or doing more damage.

Gaza is 141 square miles... about 1/5 the size of Oklahoma City. That's 20% in case you can't figure it out.

"Oct 7 was not an existential threat".... Only a mentally ill person would write stuff like this every day, just for the satisfaction of stirring up the board.
Gaza is 141 square miles... about 1/5 the size of Oklahoma City.

"Oct 7 was not an existential threat".... Only a mentally ill person would write stuff like this every day, just for the satisfaction of stirring up the board.
Do you understand the meaning of “existential” in the term existential threat? It appears you do not.
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Do you understand the meaning of “existential” in the term existential threat? It appears you do not.

Yes, I know what it means. It's far more than what you can see or comprehend.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

I know the history of the region going back thousands of years. October 7 was an existential threat and still is.
Yes, I know what it means. It's far more than what you can see or comprehend.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

I know the history of the region going back thousands of years. October 7 was an existential threat and still is.
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For Israel victory is the destruction of Hamas. For Hamas victory is surviving the destruction of Hamas.

If Israel wins this part of the war is over and Hamas loses, if Hamas achieves its aims people will continue to die.
People will continue to die regardless of who “wins.” This war is not about Hamas vs Israel. It’s about whether Israel can continue to oppress Palestinians. Nothing short of a total mind change on how Uncle Bibi gets along with Palestinians will ever stop the bloodshed. Well, unless UB fulfills his primary goal and extinguishes the Palestinians completely.
Do you understand the meaning of “genocide?”

That’s rhetorical.

It’s obvious you don’t.

Why do you think your propaganda misuses such charged words?

Where have we seen like propaganda campaigns?
The people imprisoned in Gaza do not now and have never posed a threat to the very existence of the Israeli state. Oct 7 is the best Hamas could come up with, and was rebuffed within 24 hours. Uncle Bibi was never in danger.
dan you still haven’t answered for culturally appropriating the ponca tribes name or stealing their land

any way you want to parse it
you live on land stolen by the white man
I don’t parse it and I don’t shy away from it. Do you? If it is wrong for us to live on stolen land is it equally wrong for Zionists of Israel to live on stolen land? If we should be ashamed and consumed with guilt should the Zionists of Israel also feel the same?
The people imprisoned in Gaza do not now and have never posed a threat to the very existence of the Israeli state. Oct 7 is the best Hamas could come up with, and was rebuffed within 24 hours. Uncle Bibi was never in danger.
The murder and rape of 1200 innocent Israeli citizens is not an threat to Israelis existence? SMFH where do you come up with this insanity?
I don’t parse it and I don’t shy away from it. Do you? If it is wrong for us to live on stolen land is it equally wrong for Zionists of Israel to live on stolen land? If we should be ashamed and consumed with guilt should the Zionists of Israel also feel the same?
"...stolen land..." 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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oh yes you do dan

sell your shit right now

give it to the tribes and move back to wherever your ancestors came from

better yet go rent space from the tribes to live on so you can make a right and proper accounting of yourself
No, as badly as you want to make this a gotcha you are mistaken.

What you have never heard me say (although I’m sure in your prejudiced mind you think you have) is Israel does not have a right to exist. What you have heard me say is Israel does not have the right to exist as a western imposed neo-colonialist racist Jewish supremacist government smothering the indigenous people who had lived there for a thousand plus years before the Zionists showed up claiming God gave it to them.

For all its flaws at least America has attempted to make amends. Indigenous American Indians have the same rights and responsibilities as their conquerors. Israel should follow suit. Release the people from the prison know as Gaza, give them the same rights afforded Jews, let them own land, vote, have businesses like they should have. Quit treating them like animals. I don’t know why you find it so hard to understand.

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