No, as badly as you want to make this a gotcha you are mistaken.
What you have never heard me say (although I’m sure in your prejudiced mind you think you have) is Israel does not have a right to exist. What you have heard me say is Israel does not have the right to exist as a western imposed neo-colonialist racist Jewish supremacist government smothering the indigenous people who had lived there for a thousand plus years before the Zionists showed up claiming God gave it to them.
For all its flaws at least America has attempted to make amends. Indigenous American Indians have the same rights and responsibilities as their conquerors. Israel should follow suit. Release the people from the prison know as Gaza, give them the same rights afforded Jews, let them own land, vote, have businesses like they should have. Quit treating them like animals. I don’t know why you find it so hard to understand.
You missed troll and landed on nagging bitch.