Giuliani Led Fake Electors Plot

I literally just made a post discussing how a bipartisian effort is underway to offer solutions on one issue. You immediately attack it and prepare your opposition to it.

You don't want solutions unless they align with your fascist ideology. You are so wrapped up in hate, you can't see straight.
The article you posted offered nothing of substance. Are you one of these corporate idiots that schedules a conference call to discuss scheduling a meeting?
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The article you posted offered nothing of substance.
Yes it did. And there are other articles our there discussing the same effort.

Again, I know you will oppose any effort on that matter. Especially if it is bipartisan. You hate that word. Doesn't jive with your fascist ideology.
No you haven’t. Not one time

Well, there are differences among fascist parties and leaders but a simple dictionary definition of fascism will suffice if you need a definition:

"A governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism."

Now, you want to lie some more?
You completely missed the point, dumbfvck. The Nazis and the communists both claimed to be socialists. Which is one of the reasons why all freedom loving people should reject anyone promoting “socialism”.
Many conservative leaders in Germany supported the Nazis and helped them rise to power. Does this mean that freedom loving people should reject conservatives because of their support of the Nazis?

See how stupid your point is, on all levels? But hey, you keeping being you.🤣
TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP but BRANDON CAN"T OVER COME REPUBS. Dude excuses excuses. Grow up you poor. You take advise from people as POTUS. Did I say RG made Trump do things? I said he was a bad seed in the camp. Holy **** did Trump **** your wife or something or you? You need to move on like the others. Am I on here cry Obama Obama. No I moved on. Obama ****ed my industy then walked away like a putz. You have to be in what your 20's? You got life figured out don't you. Call me when you beat the Feds and Cartels in one move boss. Lawyers are great and a good one is worth his weight in gold. Keep them paid and fighting and you can **** the world.

I'm sorry when Trump's minions (and him) are trying to have fake electors supplant legitimate electors to steal an election that people are still focusing on it. Did you think an attempt to subvert democracy would only get people's attention for a couple days?

Perhaps you should reckon with what they tried to do, how they failed, and learn from it instead of getting mad or frustrated at people that bring it up?

Me? Angry? Far from it. Like the other libs on this board, your perception is likely obscured by the inner walls of your rectum. Or it could just be brain damage from the supposed failed abortion.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA who would accuse the guy with an obscene gesture and confederate flags for his sig of being angry? Fifi's so misunderstood.
I'm sorry when Trump's minions (and him) are trying to have fake electors supplant legitimate electors to steal an election that people are still focusing on it. Did you think an attempt to subvert democracy would only get people's attention for a couple days?

Perhaps you should reckon with what they tried to do, how they failed, and learn from it instead of getting mad or frustrated at people that bring it up?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA who would accuse the guy with an obscene gesture and confederate flags for his sig of being angry? Fifi's so misunderstood.

Forgiveness isn't fair. Something your ilk could learn in the world or morals.
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I'm sorry when Trump's minions (and him) are trying to have fake electors supplant legitimate electors to steal an election that people are still focusing on it. Did you think an attempt to subvert democracy would only get people's attention for a couple days?

Perhaps you should reckon with what they tried to do, how they failed, and learn from it instead of getting mad or frustrated at people that bring it up?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA who would accuse the guy with an obscene gesture and confederate flags for his sig of being angry? Fifi's so misunderstood.
It is the antithesis of anger, dumbfvck. Basically, “fvck you, I’ll live as I please”.

Forgiveness isn't fair. Something your ilk could learn in the world or morals.
Many conservative leaders in Germany supported the Nazis and helped them rise to power. Does this mean that freedom loving people should reject conservatives because of their support of the Nazis?

See how stupid your point is, on all levels? But hey, you keeping being you.🤣
Totally false history. The Weimar Republic was far from conservative, dumbfvck.
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Oh. You found leftist propaganda on the internet. It MUST be true, eh sporto?
No, I gave you sources that are discussing historical facts.

You don't even know the political history of how the Nazis came to power in Germany, do you? Just be honest about it, because it is clear you don't.

Study some history before you start trying to lecture others about the lessons we should learn from history!
No, I gave you sources that are discussing historical facts.

You don't even know the political history of how the Nazis came to power in Germany, do you? Just be honest about it, because it is clear you don't.

Study some history before you start trying to lecture others about the lessons we should learn from history!
Ya, I feel like he laid out really well @soonerinlOUisiana you need to really think about this and then come back with an excellent rebuttal.
Not surprising. You’re too fvckin stupid to distinguish irreverence from anger. BTW, if the racist redneck confederates lost, then why is BLaMtifa still burning cities? You can’t have it both ways, Che.

Well, the anger is what's driving the "irreverence." I know you think you come across as witty or some George Carlinesque iconoclast, but you really come across as just another dumb, pissed off, redneck.

And sure you're not mad? Flying confederacy shit and gratuitously start in on BLM, lol. You're a caricature of impotent rage.
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That’s exactly what a Marxist would say

btw, I don’t believe you are a Marxist and I have zero belief that there are racists or fascists on this board. Just lots of conservatives and a few liberals
Is it me, or does BC sound a little like a Chinese sympathizer?
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