Giuliani Led Fake Electors Plot

Guiliani reminds me a lot of Biden. A successful politician from the past who's long past having a strong mental makeup to be front-and-center for anything. Just like Republicans can find that 20% of a press conference or interview where Biden is either stumbling for words, mispeaking, or just making shit up; the Dems can do the exact same for Guiliani. Just watch his interviews. Mostly lucid with bouts of WTF inter-mixed. Much like Biden's.
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Poor Guiliani. Gave his soul to Trump, and look at how he is being treated now by the Trump bots. Just like Pence.
What's Pence got to do with this thread? I'm a fan of his. For all you pro-vacciners out there, HE's the one that got it there. Trump didn't do that. Anyone with half a brain knows Pence was the brains behind operation warp speed. It was his CEO level skills and organization that solved that challenge. Unfortunately, neither Biden nor Kamala have that level of organizational skill, and that's what shows. That's what shows when your 3 months late in getting tests acquired. That's what shows when the Afghan pullout was an unmitigated fiasco, complete with a retaliatory drone strike killing innocent children..
What's Pence got to do with this thread?
His treatment by some Trump supporters is similar to the way they now treat Giuliani.

I mean, some Trump supporters wanted to hang Pence. I've had Trump supporters tell me he betrayed Trump.🙄

I'm a fan of his.
So you would support him for the Republican nomination in '24 over Trump?
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RG got Trump in trouble?


Wow, you really are delusional, aren't you?
I think RG was a big cheerleader goating Trump for election fraud. Yes. Can RG not get Trump in trouble? Did I say he was the only one? Dude you're an idiot and on my dick, I guess? You want my digits?
Guiliani takes his marching orders from Trump.

Wake up.
So in a court room no listens to a lawyer? You must be a poor or never been in the underbelly of America. Lawyers are smart people and there to help you. If you have hired one and don't listen, then you must have voted for Biden. BAZINGA
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So in a court room no listens to a lawyer? You must be a poor or never been in the underbelly of America. Lawyers are smart people and there to help you. If you have hired one and don't listen, then you must have voted for Biden. BAZINGA
Again, Giuliani took his marching orders from Trump. He sold his soul to Trump.

Trump got himself in trouble. Giuliani just assisted him, as all lawyers around Trump do.
Again, Giuliani took his marching orders from Trump. He sold his soul to Trump.

Trump got himself in trouble. Giuliani just assisted him, as all lawyers around Trump do.
TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP but BRANDON CAN"T OVER COME REPUBS. Dude excuses excuses. Grow up you poor. You take advise from people as POTUS. Did I say RG made Trump do things? I said he was a bad seed in the camp. Holy **** did Trump **** your wife or something or you? You need to move on like the others. Am I on here cry Obama Obama. No I moved on. Obama ****ed my industy then walked away like a putz. You have to be in what your 20's? You got life figured out don't you. Call me when you beat the Feds and Cartels in one move boss. Lawyers are great and a good one is worth his weight in gold. Keep them paid and fighting and you can **** the world.
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Did I say RG made Trump do things? I said he was a bad seed in the camp.
Trump is the bad seed in the camp. He corrupts everything he touches.

btw, calm down. No need to have a stroke melting down over message board posts!🤣
Trump is the bad seed in the camp. He corrupts everything he touches.

btw, calm down. No need to have a stroke melting down over message board posts!🤣
Caps are used to emphasize words. I won't stroke out because I **** like Zeus bro. Trump is butt ****ing that brain of yours. Carry on MAGA chimp.
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His treatment by some Trump supporters is similar to the way they now treat Guiliani.

I mean, some Trump supporters wanted to hang Pence. I've had Trump supporters tell me he betrayed Trump.🙄
This is the problem with the polarization of America. Its gone so extreme that every disagreement is a betrayal. Did Manchin and Sinema BETRAY Biden? If you listen to many in the media, they did. So by that standard, Pence betrayed Trump. So for those completely engrossed in one particular side, that's an unforgiveable sin. But for most of us with common sense, its simply a disagreement between two people who otherwise agree 90% of the time. Unfortunately, its the nutjobs on either side who seem to be the ones with the microphones.

So you would support him for the Republican nomination in '24 over Trump?
Over Trump, yes. I've stated many times I don't even think Trump runs. But if I setup a stacked ranking of my candidates for Republican nominee today it would look something like: 1) Desantis; 2) Scott; 3) Pence; 4) Noam 5) Trump 6) Cruz

I'm a huge Desantis fan as I live in Florida and get to enjoy the fruits of his labor. Scott has the chops and like Desantis can spar with a hostile media without bringing the bombastic-ness of a Trump or Cruz. Pence I think would make a great president. Noam I'm still mixed about. Getting a strong conservative woman in the white house would be a boon to America. That said, she falls a little bit into that bombastic mode of Trump or Cruz. But with the right VP (such as Pence), I could happily support Noam.
I'm a huge Desantis fan as I live in Florida and get to enjoy the fruits of his labor.
I live in Florida too and can't stand him. I've not enjoyed any fruits of his labor and along with many Floridians, cringe everytime he opens his mouth.

I'd love to see Crist beat him this November. That would be hilarious to see and would send a shockwave through the Republican Party. Going to be an uphill fight for Crist though considering midterms tend to favor candidates of the party not controlling the White House.

I'm not too worried about DeSantis winning a national election though. If DeSantis is re-elected, it is going to be enjoyable watching him and Trump go at it. I'll just sit back with my popcorn and enjoy watching those two loons attack each other. Trump has already said DeSantis is too dull to be President.🤣

Over Trump, yes. I've stated many times I don't even think Trump runs.
I think Trump runs unless he is in seriously legal trouble. Even then, knowing Trump, he probably will still run. I don't see his ego allowing him not to run.

And I don't see anyone beating him for the nomination if he runs.

Pence I think would make a great president.
No way Pence gets the nomination. He has made too many Trump supporters angry. They see him as a turncoat.
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A NYC mayor is dirty colored my shocked. I always felt like RG got Trump in a lot of trouble and should bave been given a shorter leash. We good?

Also anyone else think that @my_2cents is maybe just as angry as @soonerinlOUisiana? Maybe @ClintonDavidScott can Who both these and make their hearts a couple sizes bigger?
Me? Angry? Far from it. Like the other libs on this board, your perception is likely obscured by the inner walls of your rectum. Or it could just be brain damage from the supposed failed abortion.
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Me? Angry? Far from it. Like the other libs on this board, your perception is likely obscured by the inner walls of your rectum. Or it could just be brain damage from the supposed failed abortion.
At least your trying again. Take a lap and come back with something better. Braw
I live in Florida too and can't stand him. I've not enjoyed any fruits of his labor and along with many Floridians, cringe everytime he opens his mouth.
What sort of loser are you that you would enjoy the fruits of ANY politician’s labor? Enjoying the fruits of one’s own labor with the government staying the fvck out of the way is the better way to go through life.

I've had numerous conversations with you. It is very clear you aren't a liberal.

But again, @soonerinlOUisiana is so far to the right, he probably thinks everyone to the left of him is a liberal. Fascists are like that.
You guys have a lot in common. One thing about this board I love is there is two people posting here and they have 50 different screen names.
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I live in Florida too and can't stand him. I've not enjoyed any fruits of his labor and along with many Floridians, cringe everytime he opens his mouth.

I'd love to see Crist beat him this November. That would be hilarious to see and would send a shockwave through the Republican Party. Going to be an uphill fight for Crist though considering midterms tend to favor candidates of the party not controlling the White House.
In a state that voted Trump by 3% in 2020, it would take a mammoth upheaval of the Republican party for Crist to win. Hence why keeping January 6th in the news is all the rage.

I'm not too worried about DeSantis winning a national election though. If DeSantis is re-elected, it is going to be enjoyable watching him and Trump go at it. I'll just sit back with my popcorn and enjoy watching those two loons attack each other. Trump has already said DeSantis is too dull to be President.🤣

I think Trump runs unless he is in seriously legal trouble. Even then, knowing Trump, he probably will still run. I don't see his ego allowing him not to run.

And I don't see anyone beating him for the nomination if he runs.
I dont think he runs again. Ivanka and Jr. will get in his ear and say: "Look, if you become president, we get the media and that circus, plus we have to divest all our existing businesses and programs. Stay in the media to keep your profile. And figure out who can win, and when the time is right, endorse him. Be the kingmaker."

No way Pence gets the nomination. He has made too many Trump supporters angry. They see him as a turncoat.
Probably so. They say nice guys finish last. But that's the nature of primaries. The best candidates don't always win. Heck, I think he'd make a great president, yet he's only 3rd on my own ranking.

Btw, my ranking was my personal ranking of the candidates, and not how I think they finish.
In a state that voted Trump by 3% in 2020, it would take a mammoth upheaval of the Republican party for Crist to win. .
I agree. Crist is fighting an uphill battle due to this being a midterm.

It would be both great and hilarious if Crist pulled an upset though.

I dont think he runs again.
Be the kingmaker.
Again, I just don't see Trump's ego allowing this. He doesn't want to be a kingmaker. He wants to be the King.
What sort of loser are you that you would enjoy the fruits of ANY politician’s labor? Enjoying the fruits of one’s own labor with the government staying the fvck out of the way is the better way to go through life.
Sorry, but I'm not an anarchist. We need government (just not as much), and that includes governors. They have a responsibility to perform. And I believe he's done a good job in that regard.
Sorry, but I'm not an anarchist. We need government (just not as much), and that includes governors. They have a responsibility to perform. And I believe he's done a good job in that regard.
My post had nothing to do with anarchy and everything to do with liberty and self reliance. I don’t expect, nor do I want, the government to produce any fruits. That is not it’s purpose and is not what it is designed to do. Basically, stick to armies, cops, firemen, roads, schools and the like. Let the people produce their own “fruits”.
His treatment by some Trump supporters is similar to the way they now treat Giuliani.

I mean, some Trump supporters wanted to hang Pence. I've had Trump supporters tell me he betrayed Trump.🙄

So you would support him for the Republican nomination in '24 over Trump?
How do you guys treat Tulsi Gabbard, Joe Manchin, and Sinema from Arizona?

I've had numerous conversations with you. It is very clear you aren't a liberal.

But again, @soonerinlOUisiana is so far to the right, he probably thinks everyone to the left of him is a liberal. Fascists are like that.
I’m no further to the right than the typical Reagan voter of the 80s. Proudly anti-marxist, far from fascist.
What I know. SiL has an IQ in the mid 140's or higher. He's proved it. As the board knows, I have the questions to measure. What else I know? Getting through to the board's slow in completely beyond the reach of soonerinlOUisiana and SquatchinPoke.
How do you guys treat Tulsi Gabbard, Joe Manchin, and Sinema from Arizona?
I don't support sidelining Manchin or Sinema. While I don't support the positions they have taken lately, I understand politically where they are coming from. And if a progressive wanted to primary them, I would support the progressive. However, they are both elected Senators right now and therefore they have a right to do what they are doing.

I've never called for them to be hanged or stormed the US Capitol to kidnap them. And neither have most Democrats.

As for Gabbard, she was rejected by Democractic voters not because she was not "loyal" to a Democratic leader but because she is fake and clearly an opportunist. Still, we Democrats aren't storming her house wanting to hang her, are we?
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I’m no further to the right than the typical Reagan voter of the 80s. Proudly anti-marxist, far from fascist.
You are clearly a hateful fascist. If you want to tell yourself something different, so be it. Your past posts reveal otherwise though.
I don't support sidelining Manchin or Sinema. While I don't support the positions they have taken lately, I understand politically where they are coming from. And if a progressive wanted to primary them, I would support the progressive. However, they are both elected Senators right now and therefore they have a right to do what they are doing.

I've never called for them to be hanged or stormed the US Capitol to kidnap them. And neither have most Democrats.

As for Gabbard, she was rejected by Democractic voters not because she was not "loyal" to a Democratic leader but because she is fake and clearly an opportunist. Still, we Democrats aren't storming her house wanting to hang her, are we?
Well, that's an answer.
You offer no solutions, only condemnation of those who disagree with you
I literally just made a post discussing how a bipartisian effort is underway to offer solutions on one issue. You immediately attack it and prepare your opposition to it.

You don't want solutions unless they align with your fascist ideology. You are so wrapped up in hate, you can't see straight.

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