"OMG Kamala is having huge rallies! Trump better do something!!!"

Covid was a hoax.

You just lost a lot of credibility with this insane statement.

Please don't say this to someone who lost a loved one to COVID. Have some amount of decency at least.

Millions lost their lives due to the covid shots. The vast majority of those people are liberals who put their politics ahead of their family's health and safety.
More absolute insanity. And a disgusting comment too.

You know how many Republicans I know that died from COVID? Or family members of Republicans? Not to mention the many Republicans and conservatives who died from COVID that I didn't know. Americans. They didn't die from the vaccine and they were not liberals.

If this is what you truly believe, you need help. You aren't in touch with reality.

I bet Noah felt the same way when he closed the Ark as they laughed at him.
Where does it say this occurred in the Bible? Where was Noah laughed at? Chapter and verse please.
And he was back at work in the White House 72 hours later, as I said.
Yes, he was able to recover because he had the best medical treatment available at the time. He was the President. As I said. Not to mention, that he wasn't even fully recovered on the 5th.

He clearly was very sick on October 2. This is a fact.
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This isn't surprising.

Trump almost died from COVID. He was very lucky that he was the President and was able to get the best medical care available. He had a personal experience and I think that informed his opinion on the vaccine. It wasn't an abstract idea that he had to think about, which is where he struggles and gets into trouble.

Even then though, many of those connected to him had no problem encouraging conspiracy theories connected to the virus and pandemic. Trump eventually was won over to some of that, which was unfortunate for our country and all Americans. Trump ended up making the pandemic period worse, and we've had to live with the consequences of that.

With all that said, he didn't lose your support because his position changed. As I just noted.

I never credited Trump for why I got the vaccine. I told you, it had nothing to do with a political leader or politics.

Stop misrepresenting my position.
Can you explain the last 4 years of sleepy's discombobulation? And you voted cankles '16. Yer a fruitcake boy 🖕
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You just lost a lot of credibility with this insane statement.

Please don't say this to someone who lost a loved one to COVID. Have some amount of decency at least.

More absolute insanity. And a disgusting comment too.

You know how many Republicans I know that died from COVID? Or family members of Republicans? Not to mention the many Republicans and conservatives who died from COVID that I didn't know. Americans. They didn't die from the vaccine and they were not liberals.

If this is what you truly believe, you need help. You aren't in touch with reality.
Millions of people die from the flu every year.

Well they did....up till 2020.

Didn't you find that odd? It's like we suddenly cured the seasonal flu in 2020! It disappeared for one year, then magically came back.

Where does it say this occurred in the Bible? Where was Noah laughed at? Chapter and verse please.
You may not have read the Bible yet. Nothing wrong with that. You're in for a treat as it's the greatest book you will ever read.

Start in Genesis Chapter 6. Moses tells us that God saw that all men on earth were wicked and their hearts and minds were continually on evil. The lone exception was Noah and his family, who found favor in God's eyes.

When evil men see good men going about God's work, they mock them. So the evil men would have laughed at Noah for building an Ark in the middle of a desert to protect against rains.

Much like dems attack Trump today. Noah was anointed by God for a duty just as Trump is anointed by God today.

You should pray to God to give you understanding, friend. I think your love of politics may be blinding you to God working out an amazing plan.
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What are you even talking about?

Trump was airlifted to Walter Reed. He had a very high fever and labored breathing. It was clear that he was very sick when he left the White House on October 2. We have since learned that he had low oxygen levels and lung infiltrates, which is why his medical team insisted that he immediately go to Walter Reed. These were signs of a very serious case. They even considered placing him on a ventilator once he got to Walter Reed.

Yes, he was able to recover because he had the best medical treatment available at the time. He was the President.
Airlifted? He took Marine One. Stop being so dramatic. You make it sound like he was intubated on a stretcher - he spoke to reporters. He worked throughout his 3 day stay.

And while he's in a high risk category, he still beat a disease that 99% of people (fortunately) recovered from, even in his age group.

Went to Hospital 10/2...didn't miss a day of work

“President Trump remains in good spirts, has mild symptoms, and has been working throughout the day,” said press secretary Kayleigh McEnany. “Out of an abundance of caution, and at the recommendation of his physician and medical experts, the president will be working from the presidential offices at Walter Reed for the next few days.”

Left Hospital 10/5

The IFR for his his age group is around 1%, it's not a miracle he beat it in 3 days.
The Bible doesn't specifically state that Noah was laughed at or mocked while building the ark, though it is a common belief and often portrayed in stories and films. The idea comes from the context in which Noah was building the ark. According to the Book of Genesis, Noah built the ark on God's command to save his family and a remnant of all living creatures from a coming flood.

In **Genesis 6:5-22**, the Bible describes how the world was filled with wickedness, and Noah was the only righteous man in his generation. Because of this wickedness, God decided to flood the earth and instructed Noah to build the ark.

While the Bible does not explicitly mention that people mocked or laughed at Noah, it's inferred by many that the people of Noah's time, who were unaware of the coming flood and continued with their lives as normal, may have scoffed at Noah for building a large ship on dry land.

The concept of people mocking Noah comes more from interpretations and extra-biblical traditions than from the direct text of the Bible.
The Bible doesn't specifically state that Noah was laughed at or mocked while building the ark, though it is a common belief and often portrayed in stories and films. The idea comes from the context in which Noah was building the ark. According to the Book of Genesis, Noah built the ark on God's command to save his family and a remnant of all living creatures from a coming flood.

In **Genesis 6:5-22**, the Bible describes how the world was filled with wickedness, and Noah was the only righteous man in his generation. Because of this wickedness, God decided to flood the earth and instructed Noah to build the ark.

While the Bible does not explicitly mention that people mocked or laughed at Noah, it's inferred by many that the people of Noah's time, who were unaware of the coming flood and continued with their lives as normal, may have scoffed at Noah for building a large ship on dry land.

The concept of people mocking Noah comes more from interpretations and extra-biblical traditions than from the direct text of the Bible.
The earth was covered with nephilim (sp), giants who were the offspring of fallen angels and human women. I think we can safely assume that Noah was being mocked.

BTW if you feel comfortable reading it, the first Book of Enoch has some fascinating additional background on the events in Genesis pre-flood.
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The earth was covered with nephilim (sp), giants who were the offspring of fallen angels and human women. I think we can safely assume that Noah was being mocked.

BTW if you feel comfortable reading it, the first Book of Enoch has some fascinating additional background on the events in Genesis pre-flood.
I'm not disagreeing with you, but scripture does not specific say but infers. I'm pretty sure that if you build a boat in the middle of the desert, people are going to mock you.
The earth was covered with nephilim (sp), giants who were the offspring of fallen angels and human women. I think we can safely assume that Noah was being mocked.

BTW if you feel comfortable reading it, the first Book of Enoch has some fascinating additional background on the events in Genesis pre-flood.
Yes, the Nephilim are indeed mentioned in the Bible, specifically in the context of Noah's time. In **Genesis 6:1-4**, the text describes how the "sons of God" (often interpreted as fallen angels) took human women as wives, and their offspring were the Nephilim, described as "mighty men" and "men of renown." This passage is part of the broader narrative that sets the stage for the great wickedness that led to God's decision to send the flood.

Given the description of the Nephilim and the widespread corruption and violence that filled the earth (as described in **Genesis 6:5-13**), it's reasonable to infer that Noah, being righteous and obedient to God, would have been at odds with the prevailing culture. This could have led to ridicule or mockery from those around him, particularly since he was undertaking the seemingly absurd task of building a massive ark in preparation for an event (a flood) that others likely did not believe was coming.

While the Bible doesn't explicitly state that Noah was mocked, the assumption is a logical extension of the narrative, especially considering the moral and spiritual decay of the world at that time.
The popular vote doesn't matter, plus the areas where the most harvesting and cheating occur are the population centers in deep blue cities.

Harris hasn't built anything. She's playing the Basement Biden game, and even though she's no doing interviews, no debates have happened, and she's not ever going off prompter the honeymoon phase is already waning.

Remember, when she didn't hide during the primaries Beto beat her. She didn't make it to Iowa. No one actually voted for her to be the Democratic Nominee. She's terrible, exceeding unlikeable and as soon as she has to come out of hiding those who forgot about the last primary will be reminded.

And her running mate is actually getting all the attention...for all the wrong reasons.

The AI and fake polling are just an attempt to sell another steal. The same people who told you Biden was ready for another 4 years and calling for Kamala to be replaced are now selling her as the answer. It's comical.
Here is the latest Kamallah campaign stop. Staggering!
@22LR where are the other 99,800 people from the airplane hangar in Detriot?

This is what happens when they can't use AI.

The Detroit photos and videos were authentic. Proof was given including a video that was produced to get people like you all worked up in a froth. Someone is laughing their ass off.


Use your head instead of letting Gab tell you what to think. There is no way four local television news crews and countless photo journalists colluded to all use AI in their work. No possible way.

BTW - I did a search and find nobody reporting 100,000 people showed up. That is your own embellishment. Yet here you are complaining about falsehoods and demanding the truth. You're only serving to make Trump supporters look like lunatics. Use your energy toward why Trump will be a better president and Harris will be disaster if elected. There is a very good chance of that happening.
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The Detroit photos and videos were authentic. Proof was given including a video that was produced to get people like you all worked up in a froth. Someone is laughing their ass off.
Then how do you explain Kamala going from having a massive crowd in Detriot to a couple dozen showing up in North Carolina?
Why do I owe you an explanation on something I've never posted about or commented about; her North Carolina rally?
You commented on her rally in detriot. You said the crowd was legit.

I'm asking you to explain how she went from having a huge crowd in Detriot, to a couple dozen people in North Carolina?

How do you explain that?
How did we go from this crowd in Detroit:

To this in North Carolina:

In a few days?

It's ok to question the media. Especially when you can see for yourself that they are lying to you.