Gin and Lysol tonic

He was brainstorming. Thank god the Lysol company spoke up as well, I think some people who post here would have missed you.

In an "all hands on deck" situation, like the one we are currently in, how dumb do you have to be to either i) believe the President of the United States advocates drinking bleach, or ii) call a defense of brainstorming/idea generation by the President as the work of sycophants?

Pretty dumb.

Expected from the leftist trolls, but you're a learned Dr. Presumably one that isn't so rigid or formulaic in thought as to not recognize the benefit of the President signaling that his support is behind some innovative ways of looking to solve a problem.

Also, progressives are swinging toward regressives.

"I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen," Trump told reporters at an Oval Office bill signing.

"I was asking a sarcastic — and a very sarcastic question — to the reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside," the president continued. "But it does kill it, and it would kill it on the hands and that would make things much better. That was done in the form of a sarcastic question to the reporters."

So.....not brainstorming.

Not innovative ways of looking to solve the problems. an “all hands on deck” situation, like the one we are currently in.

To see what would happen.

Trolling for the hell of it.

That’s a F*#+ing problem friend.

And really, honestly, indefensible. Not saying you have to disavow the dude or anything. Hell, even just give him a free pass on this cock up. But call it what it is. Maintain a little dignity.

"I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen," Trump told reporters at an Oval Office bill signing.

"I was asking a sarcastic — and a very sarcastic question — to the reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside," the president continued. "But it does kill it, and it would kill it on the hands and that would make things much better. That was done in the form of a sarcastic question to the reporters."

So.....not brainstorming.

Not innovative ways of looking to solve the problems. an “all hands on deck” situation, like the one we are currently in.

To see what would happen.

Trolling for the hell of it.

That’s a F*#+ing problem friend.

And really, honestly, indefensible. Not saying you have to disavow the dude or anything. Hell, even just give him a free pass on this cock up. But call it what it is. Maintain a little dignity.

He is wrong, he was brainstorming.
I am confident that Trump is going to find the cure for covid 19. Has anybody tried to inect clorox yet

Love too have only the precise right amount of dementia in the whitehouse

Underrated post.

He is wrong, he was brainstorming.
Kind of disappointed we've only seen two narratives so far in this thread, spit balling is now sarcasm, but I thought we'd get another Helsinki, i.e. "I meant to say people should NOT consider injecting disinfectants."

Well, the tape's out of context. That's been raised now, too. Context. Anytime you have something on tape they instantly say it's not in the proper context. As in, "Oh that was a press conference, you took that out of context."
First of all I still dont know what a troll is.I have nothing against conservatives
in my poly science classes there were many and we got along fine.
The meaning of the word conservative has changed since I was in college.I dont even know what it means now.
I liked Ike, was quite impressed of the world view of Nixon besides water gate he was a highly intelligent man. I saw Reagan in person when he was invited by young republicans in early 70s.Liked HW Bush competent man.
But this clown you have now I cant classify as a conservative, Populous yes but conservative no.

Good post.

Yes, he is definitely a populist along with being a nativist who pushes xenophobic nationalism. Mainly, he is just a demagogue.

Oh yeah, he is a lunatic too!
Safe to assume you do not think outside the box when trying to save a patient when there are no known treatments?

"Thinking outside the box" is now suggesting injecting disinfectants?

Dang, you will follow stupid where ever he leads you, won't you @CBradSmith ??:rolleyes:
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I think that is the whole point. To even wonder if injecting disinfectant into a human (or infusing it into the lungs) is a viable option for treating Covid patients signifies a lack of intelligence.


No sane rational person "wonders" that. Especially standing in front of the whole nation during a global pandemic. If he wants to wonder about stupid shit like that, he should do so alone with Melanie so maybe she can talk him out of his insanity.

And btw, I don't buy the excuse that he wasn't suggesting it can be done like one poster has tried to claim on this thread. He clearly was asking because he thought it was something that might could be done.

I've heard Trump say a lot of crazy stupid stuff, but this takes the cake. He is crazy and anyone who thinks this man should be given another four years is off their rocker too.
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No sane rational person "wonders" that. Especially standing in front of the whole nation during a global pandemic. If he wants to wonder about stupid shit like that, he should do so alone with Melanie so maybe she can talk him out of his insanity.

And btw, I don't buy the excuse that he wasn't suggesting it can be done like one poster has tried to claim on this thread. He clearly was asking because he thought it was something that might could be done.

I've heard Trump say a lot of crazy stupid stuff, but this takes the cake. He is crazy and anyone who thinks this man should be given another four years is off their rocker too.
Oh right, like none of us ever ad lib in speaking.
Get over yourself.
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Yes, you, and everyone who posts on this site, should definitely be held to the same standards as the POTUS when he is speaking at a PC (broadcast nationally and worldwide) in the middle of a worldwide crisis.
I'm flattered.
You and 2 cents piling on.

I must have hit a nerve of immutable reality.
Yay me.
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Well, he is the President of the United States. That probably makes him just about the most likely person in the world to have his words/actions put under a microscope.

(and please don't tell me that this has not happened to prior presidents. That would be revisionist history)

Are you serious? Do you remember the ridicule the ex-rodent in chief got when he said they speak "Austrian" in Austria? How about pronouncing "Corpsman" as Corpse (dead person) man? How about the media drilling him on :you can keep your doctor, plan etc etc? His administration funneling money to a group trying to defeat Bibi (yes taxpayer money)? I could go on and yes, Trump is definitely treated differently. I'm not excusing some of the unforced bone headed things he says that are wide open to interpretation by the single celled organisms that infest the media, but seriously there is a huge gulf between how "their guys" are treated, versus the people they don't support or vote for.
Not gonna lie.....

After Trump’s “ sarcasm” statements of today, I would kind of like to see @CBradSmith back in this thread for commentary.
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There’s a substantial segment of the population who has a huge chunk of their political identity so wrapped up in either being pro or anti Trump, and its crazy to see people on both sides of that contort any time something challenge that identity. Team sports at this point.
There’s a substantial segment of the population who has a huge chunk of their political identity so wrapped up in either being pro or anti Trump, and its crazy to see people on both sides of that contort any time something challenge that identity. Team sports at this point.

I could care less if he was being sarcastic or just thinking out loud. If you are stupid enough to drink disinfectant then you deserve what you get.

The fact that Lysol felt they needed to issue a statement tells me more about them.

This is a non story that is only getting exposure because the msm is grasping at anything to show him in a negative light.
I could care less if he was being sarcastic or just thinking out loud. If you are stupid enough to drink disinfectant then you deserve what you get.

The fact that Lysol felt they needed to issue a statement tells me more about them.

This is a non story that is only getting exposure because the msm is grasping at anything to show him in a negative light.
This statement does not agree with itself.
Insert pic of any leftie here, would take me too long to do it.
They remind me of a crack addict that just ran out of crack, they start frantically searching the ground thinking they dropped a rock and will search for a while and smoke anything they find on the gound thinking its some crack.
Leftists search the internet daily looking for that same rock so they can whine about Trump. Both live a sad existence, Crack Heads and TDS Heads.
Fitty mad? Never seen him mad. He is emotionless. A lot like Anton Chigurh in ‘No Country for Old Men’, but a lot meaner.

“Go eff yourself”?

Seems mad to me.

Pretty far from emotionless.

I understand you boys gotta support each other around here though.

It’s all good.