Gin and Lysol tonic

Fair biggest problem with this whole deal, is that many people are given the benefit of a doubt and very few aren't. I will leave it up to people to decide which is which.

Well, he is the President of the United States. That probably makes him just about the most likely person in the world to have his words/actions put under a microscope.

(and please don't tell me that this has not happened to prior presidents. That would be revisionist history)
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John Roberts from Fox News talking about a light treatment where a light goes down the ventilator tube. Good thing I watch Fox and I’m getting the truth. @aliabedi too bad this info is banned in your country

Then he is an idiot also (or more likely, he is just grasping at straws for a way to protect Biff).

The "ventilator tube" does not go further into the respiratory system than the trachea. Any "light therapy" would not get to the alveoli, within the lung lobes, which is where the pathology is, and where the infectious organisms are proliferating.
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Then he is an idiot also (or more likely, he is just grasping at straws for a way to protect Biff).

The "ventilator tube" does not go further into the respiratory system than the trachea. Any "light therapy" would not get to the alveoli, within the lung lobes, which is where the pathology is, and where the infectious organisms are proliferating.

John Roberts never pulls punches on trump. Straight shooter formally of cnn and abc I believe. Can you break this idiot down for me?

LMFAO I wish I'd have saved the tweet from yesterday that nailed MAGA, they're so predictable. It basically said get ready for MAGA drones to post every spurious, half-ass thing they could to make Fatass sound competent.
John Roberts never pulls punches on trump. Straight shooter formally of cnn and abc I believe. Can you break this idiot down for me?

Sorry Harry. I think you might be the rube here.

Your YouTube video was posted after Trump's comments and may just be propaganda.

If you go to Heallight's website, they talk about using their product on the skin and there is nothing about using it internally. There is also nothing about it being anti-viral. Even the video doesn't show light penetration to the lung parenchyma.

But, I'm sure FOXNews would never post BS propaganda for their audience to eat up like candy.
Sorry Harry. I think you might be the rube here.

Your YouTube video was posted after Trump's comments and may just be propaganda.

If you go to Heallight's website, they talk about using their product on the skin and there is nothing about using it internally. There is also nothing about it being anti-viral. Even the video doesn't show light penetration to the lung parenchyma.

But, I'm sure FOXNews would never post BS propaganda for their audience to eat up like candy.

Sounds like brainstorming to me.
Wharri on the interwebs looking for some sunshine medicine like:

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Should I keep an eye out for bush recession talking points and Russian collusion while I’m looking?

No, they're pretty well covered by now.

Let's start a company and sell UV bleach to MAGA. We'll tell them it's infused with sunlight and just bleaching your clothes in it will ensure UV release into the bloodstream for several hours.
Sounds like a dumbass to the rest of the world.

I wonder if we could inject some baby ferrets or weasels into the bloodstream so they can hunt down the virus like they do cobras? Just brainstorming.

You would have lynched Galileo and Leonardo davinci
No, they're pretty well covered by now.

Let's start a company and sell UV bleach to MAGA. We'll tell them it's infused with sunlight and just bleaching your clothes in it will ensure UV release into the bloodstream for several hours.

Can you give a breakdown of how bush started the recession? Maybe start a new thread so we can discuss more of trumps ideas in this thread.
Sounds like brainstorming to me.

No criticism for Foxnews for broadcasting a video to the sheep without proper vetting? I expected more from you.

Oh, and you didn't even look into it before running here to share and play "gotcha". Took me less than 5 minutes to shoot it down.
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No criticism for Foxnews for broadcasting a video to the sheep without proper vetting? I expected more from you.

Oh, and you didn't even look into it before running here to share and play "gotcha". Took me less than 5 minutes to shoot it down.

Is it shot down? Is that video fake?
You really think it is a coincidence that it appeared on YouTube after Trump's comments, and the following criticism?

4 days ago associated press work for you?

I think we have established this is at minimum something to think about talk about. But because the Orangeman said it, you are acting like someone is forcing you to deep throat the information against your will.
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I love how the left thinks they can take silliness seriously, burnish it with out of context, even-sillier follow-on assumptions, then accuse the right of being the dumb ones.

You guys are warning the world not to take seriously something no one on the right even heard. And at most levels, you know yourselves wasn't said.

Consider what it is in your brains that makes you feel the need to rant about these things.
I love how the left thinks they can take silliness seriously, burnish it with out of context, even-sillier follow-on assumptions, then accuse the right of being the dumb ones.

You guys are warning the world not to take seriously something no one on the right even heard. And at most levels, you know yourselves wasn't said.

Consider what it is in your brains that makes you feel the need to rant about these things.

LOL aaaaaaaaand the thread is now complete. "Context."
Anyone hearing the rumor than Covid is caused by excess thetans that can be removed via an audit process?
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Wow it does turn out that if you google "snake oil", people are indeed trying hard to sell it. Must credit our genius president.

actually, you’re correct on the woman in question. She does believe in a lot of crazy treatments. I think she’s kind of nutty honestly. I suppose I might be too if nothing had helped my high school sweetheart husband for the better part of a decade and I was witnessing him slowly wasting away.

Again, I wasn’t offering this up to say that it would work. I was just showing an example, and there are lots of others, where people within medical research have considered the possibility that UV light might be beneficial in cleansing the bloodstream. It isn’t an outlandish idea. The likelihood it is a panacea for Covid19 is slim but the possibility exists that there could be some benefit.
actually, you’re correct on the woman in question. She does believe in a lot of crazy treatments. I think she’s kind of nutty honestly. I suppose I might be too if nothing had helped my high school sweetheart husband for the better part of a decade and I was witnessing him slowly wasting away.

Again, I wasn’t offering this up to say that it would work. I was just showing an example, and there are lots of others, where people within medical research have considered the possibility that UV light might be beneficial in cleansing the bloodstream. It isn’t an outlandish idea. The likelihood it is a panacea for Covid19 is slim but the possibility exists that there could be some benefit.

You seem to be on the “just brainstorming” bandwagon now.
You seem to be on the “just brainstorming” bandwagon now.
No. Just rambling or wishful thinking (by Trump) is more like it. Or possibly someone had mentioned something to him about UV treatment and he just shot from the hip like he usually does. Spitballing maybe?

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