
Your certainly did.


Thank you sir. Now I do have some very poor sportsmanship laps to take.

I don't think he said that. FWIW. I do know JD has been consistent in the 'let it play out and may the guilty be punished and the innocent be set free' (paraphrasing) camp.
I took a screenshot of his post because I knew he would say I was lying. It’s ridiculous
Gabbard’s lack of appeal or support from the war mongering Democratic Party establishment and its blindly loyal party sycophants is part of the reason I discount your poll giving Clinton 65% approval upon his departure.

Gabbard couldn't even pull solid support among progressives and those Democrats who want to see changes with the Democratic establishment lol! Democrats across the board rejected Gabbard.

Dang, are you this stupid Dan?

discount your poll giving Clinton 65% approval upon his departure.

I am sure you discount it. Like I posted, you have a problem with the facts.
Yes Flynn did plead guilty after the FBI/DOJ coerced his plea by threatening Flynn's son. You being a liberal fully support that abuse of power as long as it gets you the end result you are looking for.

The means to achieve the end are irrelevant in their mind.
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So, FOX news is right again and the Lib media is ALL wrong. And, because the Dim Libs believe everything from the Lib MSM, they again are shown to be clueless believers of their MSM overlords.

Will they ever admit or see their blindness? No. Hypocrisy? No.

Not only is the Dim Lib media all wrong, but the Dim appointments in Washington is a bunch of lying criminal crooks. Can the Dim appointments properly interpret and follow one single law? Just one?

What have the Dim Libs been right on yet? It is not even about being right, it is about the fact they believe every singe lie they are fed to their brain that is on TDS over drive.

Look how the Dim MSM and its blind followers treat the Kavanaugh accusations and the Biden accusations. It is so pathetic, and neither the Dim MSM or its blind followers are ashamed or embarrassed by their immoral and at times criminal behavior.

Yet, these Dim jokers will continue to show their face around here.

Better be criminal prosecutions to follow.
Yes Flynn did plead guilty after the FBI/DOJ coerced his plea by threatening Flynn's son. You being a liberal fully support that abuse of power as long as it gets you the end result you are looking for.

This alleged coercion angle is something I want to learn more about. So far, I’ve heard no specifics.

You won't, either. There was none. How do you frame a 3 star general and national security advisor? It's a fabricated talking point from way back when to provide cover for Trump hiring all the felons.

He pled guilty. Swore up and down there was nothing inappropriate about his confession. Judge accepted it as true and made sure it was true. He's guilty. The facts were uncontested, and very specifically pled. They are sayign "framed" because it's all they have. He also is getting off on uncharged crimes that were dropped as part of his plea bargain, having to do with being a foreign agent.

Can Russia Russia Russia be officially over now?

No, they helped get Biff elected. That fact shall always be remembered. Hello? Our enemy supported Trump. That doesn't go away. The Mueller report lays it out pretty well. Or his agreement to produce tax returns and then he didn't. That won't go away, either.
Thank you sir. Now I do have some very poor sportsmanship laps to take.


More Jenneke, less dumbassery.

Congrats on the corruption! WAHOOOOOO!!
I took a screenshot of his post because I knew he would say I was lying. It’s ridiculous

Let's see it.

I don't recall anybody on this board excluding Fatass pardoning him or Barr corruptly dismissing him. I wanna see if you're just talking out of your ass and smearing someone by making up a lie.
You won't, either. There was none. How do you frame a 3 star general and national security advisor? It's a fabricated talking point from way back when to provide cover for Trump hiring all the felons.

He pled guilty. Swore up and down there was nothing inappropriate about his confession. Judge accepted it as true and made sure it was true. He's guilty. The facts were uncontested, and very specifically pled. They are sayign "framed" because it's all they have. He also is getting off on uncharged crimes that were dropped as part of his plea bargain, having to do with being a foreign agent.

No, they helped get Biff elected. That fact shall always be remembered. Hello? Our enemy supported Trump. That doesn't go away. The Mueller report lays it out pretty well. Or his agreement to produce tax returns and then he didn't. That won't go away, either.

More Jenneke, less dumbassery.

Congrats on the corruption! WAHOOOOOO!!

Son, we are fighting corruption. If you can't see that by now, I can't help you. And that's OK.
You won't, either. There was none.
I’d guess that we will learn more in the near future. And for the record, I’m generally against a plea agreement in which a case against a third party is dropped. If somebody committed a crime, let them face the consequences.
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Son, we are fighting corruption. If you can't see that by now, I can't help you. And that's OK.

We're fighting corruption by making sure corruption has no consequences and hiring more felons than any U.S. President.
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I don't recall anybody on this board excluding Fatass pardoning him or Barr corruptly dismissing him.

Ain't that the truth lol! Anyone who thought this wasn't possible given Trump and Barr's track record would have simply been deceiving themselves. There is nothing that is beneath these two men.
I’d guess that we will learn more in the near future. And for the record, I’m generally against a plea agreement in which a case against a third party is dropped. If somebody committed a crime, let them face the consequences.

Well, yeah, that's been the conventional "nation of laws" approach of most Americans for 200 + years. Now we're a corrupt banana republic.
Ain't that the truth lol! Anyone who thought this wasn't possible given Trump and Barr's track record would have simply been deceiving themselves. There is nothing that is beneath these two men.

Oh, nothing is beneath them. It's purely a functino of what they can get away with. Their base is for whatever, they have no idea.
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My God what list of failures on the part of the the disgusting, corrupt establishment cabal and their deep state lapdogs. Every single thing you posted is a smoking crater of failure. lol

Failure = objecting to corruption.
Thanks Obama. Do you think Comey was rogue on his own or following orders from higher up?

Great question. In regard to what? Announcing the Hillary investigation right before the election? I think he was a giant puss and wanted to kowtow to republicans.

Did he gain his power as a republican or a democrat?
You sure? You said they would never drop their charge but could add some. Do remember saying that?

I’ve established conclusively that I did not say they would never drop the charge.

What I said was that if he was allowed to withdraw his guilty plea, they wouldn’t dismiss and walk away as a result.

Those are two entirely different things.

You didn’t comprehend what I was saying then.

You still don’t.
Great question. In regard to what? Announcing the Hillary investigation right before the election? I think he was a giant puss and wanted to kowtow to republicans.
Why do you avoid reality? Comey had to announce it when he did because his corrupt and incompetent staff tried to hide the fact that a pedophile had THOUSANDS of Hillary's emails on his laptop and because of an honest FBI agent, that blew up in their face.