Covid baaaack??

Did you hear about the Royal Caribbean cruise where it was required for everybody on the ship to be fully vaccinated? It turns out that 55 fully vaccinated crew members and passengers contracted Covid-19 only days after the ship had set sail from Fort Lauderdale.

So if there was a contraceptive vaccine, but after taking it you could still get a woman pregnant and you still had to wear a condom... would you still take it?

Part of the reason why so many people believe the lies about the Covid-19 vaccine (i.e. vaccinated people can't get the virus, vaccinated people don't carry the virus and won't transmit the virus, vaccinated people are protecting themselves and protecting others, vaccinated people will not get sick or be hospitalized or die, vaccinated people don't need to wear a mask, etc) is because information like this gets taken down immediately and labeled misinformation. Good old communist style censorship, even though these are just WORD-FOR-WORD clips from each of these individuals (i.e. Fauci, Bill Gates, CDC director, US President, etc).

You use hyperbole, conjecture, and rumor to push your agenda. The vaccines ABSOLUTELY work. They reduce infections, they do help prevent the spread of the virus, they absolutely do reduce hospitalizations and death. Those are facts. They just do not fit your Fascist agenda.
You use hyperbole, conjecture, and rumor to push your agenda. The vaccines ABSOLUTELY work. They reduce infections, they do help prevent the spread of the virus, they absolutely do reduce hospitalizations and death. Those are facts. They just do not fit your Fascist
How illiterate are you? I choose to live in reality. As opposed to you who choose to live in and push lies. Election was stolen, COVID does not exist, nobody dies from COVID, Doctors all lie on death certificates, etc. Fascists are even pushing for a civil war, you guys are major haters. As far as people identifying as what ever they want, I could not give a shit. So long as their choices do not hurt other people, none of my business. When your choices affect other people, then I have a problem with you r choices.
Lol I have literally said none of your first four sentences. I have had it, am full vaccinated, and got my booster Thursday. All thanks to Operation Warp Speed and President Trump. Merry Christmas.
I now have a real life test occurring. Everyone fully vaxed. Three of us have booster, oldest hadn’t yet. She now has Covid and feeling rough. We have been around each other nonstop all week, and shared foods night before she was ill.

Rest of us two days into this no effects or issues. We’ll see if it continues.
I now have a real life test occurring. Everyone fully vaxed. Three of us have booster, oldest hadn’t yet. She now has Covid and feeling rough. We have been around each other nonstop all week, and shared foods night before she was ill.

Rest of us two days into this no effects or issues. We’ll see if it continues.
My dad got Covid Tuesday for the second time. Got it in November 2020, then got both Moderna shots, got his booster Friday…. Tested positive Tuesday morning. He feels much better this time than in November 2020.
Lol I have literally said none of your first four sentences. I have had it, am full vaccinated, and got my booster Thursday. All thanks to Operation Warp Speed and President Trump. Merry Christmas.
Trump absolutely deserves credit for Warp speed. It undoubtedly accelerated the development of the vaccines.
He also hindered the distribution by down playing the virus' severity.
If only there was someone around here with the power to make that happen or move the thread.

If only there were people with enough discipline to not click on threads that they didn’t want to read. After all these years it amazes me that this is still an issue. Adults crying to a mod to shield them from something they could just shield themselves from.
If only there were people with enough discipline to not click on threads that they didn’t want to read. After all these years it amazes me that this is still an issue. Adults crying to a mod to shield them from something they could just shield themselves from.
Typical lefties needing someone to do something for them that they could easily do themselves.
For those of you who haven't watched a 2-hour video referenced earlier, here's a good summary by somebody else.

In the video below, Dr David Martin explains the connection between the CDC, NIH, coronavirus patents (starting in 1999), Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric, the Wuhan lab, etc.

One of the most alarming things he uncovered were coronavirus patents. However, you CANNOT patent anything made in nature. Additionally, you CANNOT patent a bio weapon. Both are illegal, but somehow these patents on coronavirus still exist today.

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Dr Fauci opening statement to Congress in 2012 on the risk and benefit of dual research (aka gain of function research).

Dr Fauci tries to play stupid, but slips up (between 1:08-1:23). He admits the SARS S1 spike from a lab in North Carolina doing gain of function research funded by the NIH, matches the Covid-19 spike (he says, "Yeah, but that is irrelevant!")

Dr Fauci admits in 2018 the NIH was lifting the funding pause (i.e. ban) regarding gain of function research.

In this speech, Fauci happens to point out and make very clear, "We have no control over things not funded by the government." Why is this important? Well, previously when there was a stoppage of gain of function research the NIH started funding Peter Daisic at EcoHealth Alliance (a private company) who was working with American Ralph Baric (a professor at North Carolina) and Chinese researcher Shi Zhengli (at the Wuhan Institute of Virology) on gain of function research.

Dr Anthony Fauci is grilled by senator Rand Paul regarding gain of function research by American Ralph Baric (a professor at North Carolina) and Chinese researcher Shi Zhengli (the premier bat coronavirus researcher aka "the bat lady" at the Wuhan Institute of Virology), and funding by Peter Daisic at EcoHealth Alliance. Listen to Fauci lie under oath to Congress about gain of function funding from the NIH to the Wuhan lab.

Dr Fauci argues with Senator Rand Paul about the definition of gain of function research in November of 2021. Rand Paul ends the debate with "History will figure that out on its own."

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EVENT 201 was a tabletop exercise that simulated a global pandemic from a new coronavirus (sounds familiar). The program was hosted in October 18, 2019 by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Later that same month, there was a universal flu vaccine discussion at the Milken Institute on October, 29th 2019. The main speakers on the panel include Anthony Fauci who is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Margaret Hamburg the former FDA commissioner. Here are some interesting clips from that discussion.

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EVENT 201 was a tabletop exercise that simulated a global pandemic, which resulted from a new coronavirus. The program was hosted in October 18, 2019 by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Later that same month, there was a universal flu vaccine discussion at the Milken Institute on October, 29th 2019. The main speakers on the panel include Anthony Fauci who is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Margaret Hamburg the former FDA commissioner. Here are some interesting clips from that discussion.

Honest question. Where do you find the time to surf YouTube non stop? And why?
All I want for Christmas is for this thread to go away.

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If I've learned anything (politically) during the pandemic, it's that people on both the far left and the far right have difficultly engaging their brains and using logic.

If this statement offends you even slightly, then you're part of the problem.
Well Said.
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There has been decent scientific data on both sides that therapeutic drugs that you mention (among others) may or may not help. What really ruffles my feathers is absolutely no governmental interest in looking into these and providing guidance......I guess we just take the vacine plus boosters and if they do not work then just die. There is absolutely no way that some of these do not work to deter death but how in the hell do we find out? Just waiting for phizer to come out with the mircale drug call Phizermectin. So disappointed. Talking points from everyone (press, govt, liberals) against Invermectin is that it is a horse pill. WTF? 4 billion doses given to humans that we know of. That right there is reason to have doubt. People are just looking for alternatives when facing death. No one thinks it is an end all be all, just other options that people can get behind.
Pretty sure the patents on Ivermectin ran out years ago. It was originally developed by Merck as a Ivomec (I’m pretty sure, but after it was mass produced drug companies merged all the time) there are literally 100‘ if not thousands of variable preventative drugs that have Ivermectin in them. I’m also pretty sure that if ivermectin does help, I will never get Covid because over the last 40 years I’ve had enough of that shit poured and spilt on me from deworming thousands of head of cattle every year that I should be good to go😉

With that said, I am fully vaccinated, and proud to report that I tested negative in Mexico today so that I can go home to Texas tomorrow. I think I will get my medical info on here from Dobsie!
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I know, I know. It's a government conspiracy, just like I said!

And we never landed on the moon.

And Epstien didn't kill himself.

And there's a microchip in the vaccine.

And flouride is put in our water as a mind controlling agent.

And the Earth is flat.

And the election was stolen.

All true.

Here's a video by Tucker Carlson on FOX and Alex Jones on Info Wars about Anthony Fauci's role at the in this pandemic (as the NIAID director), Francis Collins (the NIH director), Peter Daisic (the president of the New York City-based company EcoHealth Alliance), Shi Zhengli (the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s premier bat coronavirus researcher aka "the bat lady"), etc.

And here's a good write-up by the New York Post trying to connect all the dots.

Well if you want to talk conspiracy theories, I dare you to go to Bitchute (because most these videos are not available on YouTube) and search for Bill Gates and vaccines, depopulation, or Event 201 which took place on October 18, 2019 (right before the pandemic).

So how do you control the people? How do you make them give up their freedoms? How would you depopulate the Earth making life harder, but easier to control? Would you also take control of their food sources?

Why is Bill Gates (a tech guy) someone many people look to regarding vaccines? Who is the largest landowner of farms in America? If you guessed Bill Gates you'd be correct.

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Here's some more conspiracy theory stuff that is eerily similar to what is going on today. Have you ever watched the Amazon Prime TV show called Utopia? It was originally produced in 2014, but an updated version came out in September of 2020 during the pandemic.


Here's the official trailer for the TV show Utopia mentioned above.

Doesn't this (at the very least) make you question some of the things going on in our world?

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I am concerned these vaccine mandates will NOT stop once the employees at these companies (with +100 employees) are vaccinated or fired. Due to this government mandate, there's probably going to be a lot of fake vaccine passports. What do you think the next step will be by the government? What if there is a push for chips to be implanted into your body so all vaccine information can be tracked and cannot be faked? Will you be okay with that mandate or other future mandates?

Additionally, we are already heading towards mandated vaccine passports to buy groceries, go to restaurants, fly in an airplane, attend school, attend concerts, attend sporting events, go to work, and just about anything. Do you see where this is heading? Eventually, nationwide vaccine mandates will be at your doorstep. Do you think this could never happen in America? Unfortunately, all you need to do is look at Australia and New Zealand.

For anyone who hasn't read their Bible in a long time, you may want to read these verses about the end times.

Revelation 13:16-17 = It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not BUY or SELL unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

Revelation 2:10 = “Don’t be afraid of what you are about to suffer. The devil will throw some of you into PRISON to test you. You will suffer for 10 days. But if you remain faithful even when facing death, I will give you the crown of life.

2 Timothy 3:1-5 = But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of DIFFICULTY. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.

Matthew 10:21‭-‬22 = “Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death. You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.
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You use hyperbole, conjecture, and rumor to push your agenda. The vaccines ABSOLUTELY work. They reduce infections, they do help prevent the spread of the virus, they absolutely do reduce hospitalizations and death. Those are facts. They just do not fit your Fascist agenda.
“Facist agenda” = loss.

I almost certainly have it now and have a testing appointment tomorrow. It doesn’t feel like the flu - it’s a very strange feeling and not as severe imo. I’m fortunate to be young and healthy and I’m glad that I felt like something was up a few days ago and I didn’t visit my parents and get them sick.
Most of his stuff is Coocoo for Cocoa Puffs, but unlike most of your post he at least has references and substance.
Well if it makes you feel better I can reference random YouTube videos. Maybe a few facebooks posts. Or even a screen shot of my uncle billy bobs text messages.
Well if it makes you feel better I can reference random YouTube videos. Maybe a few facebooks posts. Or even a screen shot of my uncle billy bobs text messages.
still be way better than the tv and radio news propagandists- that aren't allowed to cover two big things that come first to mind- Election fraud and experimental mRNA Shot Deaths and injuries. you tube censors most cases where people report their own traumatic very sad REAL experiences.

I posted VAERS numbers - seems like that's what people go by? The numbers are way bigger most feel but let's leave them with what the cdc says - more deaths and injuries in LT a year BY FAR than all other vaccines in history COMBINED - It's why I and the whole family have given the Heisman to the Tony Fauchi experimental shots and absolutely wont be getting them.
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I am concerned these vaccine mandates will NOT stop once the employees at these companies (with +100 employees) are vaccinated or fired. Due to this government mandate, there's probably going to be a lot of fake vaccine passports. What do you think the next step will be by the government? What if there is a push for chips to be implanted into your body so all vaccine information can be tracked and cannot be faked? Will you be okay with that mandate or other future mandates?

Additionally, we are already heading towards mandated vaccine passports to buy groceries, go to restaurants, fly in an airplane, attend school, attend concerts, attend sporting events, go to work, and just about anything. Do you see where this is heading? Eventually, nationwide vaccine mandates will be at your doorstep. Do you think this could never happen in America? Unfortunately, all you need to do is look at Australia and New Zealand.

For anyone who hasn't read their Bible in a long time, you may want to read thesevverses about the end times.

Revelation 13:16-17 = It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not BUY or SELL unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

Revelation 2:10 = “Don’t be afraid of what you are about to suffer. The devil will throw some of you into PRISON to test you. You will suffer for 10 days. But if you remain faithful even when facing death, I will give you the crown of life.

2 Timothy 3:1-5 = But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of DIFFICULTY. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.

Matthew 10:21‭-‬22 = Brother will deliver brother over to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death, and you will be hated by all for my name's sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.
I'm 64 years old and I can tell you someone has quoted those verses predicting the end of times every year of those 64. After a long study and lifetime of experience I'm pretty much convinced Revelation is primarily a result of John getting some bad mushrooms.

On the other hand certainly can't say Paul didn't warn us about Trump.

still be way better than the tv and radio news propagandists- that aren't allowed to cover two big things that come first to mind- Election fraud and experimental mRNA Shot Deaths and injuries. you tube censors most cases where people report their own traumatic very sad REAL experiences.

I posted VAERS numbers - seems like that's what people go by? The numbers are way bigger most feel but let's leave them with what the cdc says - more deaths and injuries in LT a year BY FAR than all other vaccines in history COMBINED - It's why I and the whole family have given the Heisman to the Tony Fauchi experimental shots and absolutely wont be getting them.
So ignore news and believe Facebook posts?
I'm 64 years old and I can tell you someone has quoted those verses predicting the end of times every year of those 64. After a long study and lifetime of experience I'm pretty much convinced Revelation is primarily a result of John getting some bad mushrooms.

On the other hand certainly can't say Paul didn't warn us about Trump.
And that warning was?? Just curious.
He posted videos of the liberal Vicar Fauci what did you bring besides your normal babbling drivel?
Lol. Sadly it’s not shocking that it offends some when I criticize social media posts and random YouTube videos as enlightening material.