Covid baaaack??

It’s not shocking you come in with the same bland no substance post.
What type of substance do you need on my opinion. You are talking to the source so there is my reference. I can make a YouTube video if it pleases the jury but I’m not good with graphics.
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I still be way better than the tv and radio news propagandists- that aren't allowed to cover two big things that come first to mind- Election fraud and experimental mRNA Shot Deaths and injuries. you tube censors most cases where people report their own traumatic very sad REAL experiences.

I posted VAERS numbers - seems like that's what people go by? The numbers are way bigger most feel but let's leave them with what the cdc says - more deaths and injuries in LT a year BY FAR than all other vaccines in history COMBINED - It's why I and the whole family have given the Heisman to the Tony Fauchi experimental shots and absolutely wont be getting them.

Exactly and Project Veritas is uncovering truths about the vaccine and explaining how the VAERS data is being underreported.

Are the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines in violation of the Nuremberg Code? This code has a ten point statement to help determine the limits of permissible medical experimentation on human subjects. Here are some interesting points from the 10.

1) The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be situated as to be able to exercise free power of CHOICE, without the intervention of any element of FORCE, FRAUD, DECEIT, DURESS, OVER-REACHING, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion, and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision (a forced vaccine mandate is NOT voluntary consent).

2) The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, NOT capable of being obtained by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature (which means there cannot be any other treatment options). However, ivermectin has been shown to decrease the viral load on patients by 99.8% after 24 hours (i.e. check out India). Plus there are multiple other treatment options.

3) The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment (no animal experimentation was done).

5) No experiment should be conducted where there is an a prior reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects (check out the VAERS link on the CDC website).
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The COVID vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines in human history… by a long shot.

Having misspelled words in an article always boosts my confidence in its accuracy!

Dude do you have a foil hat?
@Jeff J - you have my vote to take this one to the shit can.
Watch out , you will incur the wrath of Harry.
He had a tantrum when I pointed out that Jeff was whining about wanting this thread to go away, despite having full control of this site. I guess irony is lost on the overly sensitive.
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The COVID vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines in human history… by a long shot.

Someday, I hope you wake up and realize that Alex Jone, Project Veritas and Tucker Carlson have been putting a lot of effort into preying on your naivety and gullibility.
Watch out , you will incur the wrath of Harry.
He had a tantrum when I pointed out that Jeff was whining about wanting this thread to go away, despite having full control of this site. I guess irony is lost on the overly sensitive.

I hear you and understand.

Let me add fuel to the fire if my message was not enough to incur wrath. I grow tired of the people who throw tantrums when they run out of meaningful things to say. I also count myself lucky when Harry gets pissed off at me. It is so fulfilling.
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Someday, I hope you wake up and realize that Alex Jone, Project Veritas and Tucker Carlson have been putting a lot of effort into preying on your naivety and gullibility.

So you blindly have faith the government and politicians ALWAYS have the people's best interests?

If you actually feel the government and politicians always have your best interests in mind, I would encourage you watch the full 2-minute video below. I would also encourage you to speak to some AFRICAN AMERICANS (about the Tuskegee experiments, etc) or former MILITARY personnel (who served in Vietnam, Desert Storm, etc) who were used as GUINEA PIGS and LAB RATS by the government.

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It's interesting to see the MATURITY on this message board. As adults, we should be able to have good healthy dialogue, discussions, and debates on here without the NAME CALLING or JUVENILE responses.

You can definitely tell people's political leanings on this board. There are those who actually PROVIDE INFORMATION (and give you the space to come to your own conclusions) versus those who feel the need to name call and throw temper tantrums when others disagree. I'm sure each of you can guess who leans to the right and who leans to the left.
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It's interesting to see the MATURITY on this message board. As adults, we should be able to have good healthy dialogue, discussions, and debates on here without the NAME CALLING or JUVENILE responses.

You can definitely tell people's political leanings on this board. There are those who actually provide information versus the ones who just name call and have temper tantrums. I'm sure each of you can guess who leans to the right and who leans to the left.
I don’t see any name calling. Left or right isn’t this a virus thread? Not a political one.
They've all been around family, friends, traveling etc for Christmas. It'll be a miracle if none got it
Some will call it a miracle. I’ll call it …. a Christmas miracle.

With the new CDC guidelines can players play 5 days after a positive test?
Did you see this somewhere? CDC guidelines do require masks for 5 days after which players obviously wouldn’t be able to wear a mask so not sure what the policy will be
The quarantine went from 10 days to 5 days. Not sure that directly answers your question though.
All you vax (for reduced severity) guys, I have questions.

1. Does it bother you we’ve gone from being assured by the president* that if we got the vax we wouldn’t get even covid to now looking at a booster every 3 months to …checks notes… mitigate symptoms?

2. Are you fat? Because setting your “vaccine”er…. Symptom mitigater aside, obesity is still the biggest indicator you’ll have a bad time with covid.

3. The president* literally said he would stop the pandemic as a campaign promise. Today he gave up and is calling it a states rights issue with “no federal solution.” You feel good about being part of the 81 million* losers to vote for that meat puppet?

I had covid by the way. I didn’t enjoy it, but the flu was worse. If I had to describe it in one word it would be “synthetic.” Losing taste and smell isn’t normal.
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All you vax (for reduced severity) guys, I have questions.

1. Does it bother you we’ve gone from being assured by the president* that if we got the vax we wouldn’t get even covid to now looking at a booster every 3 months to …checks notes… mitigate symptoms?

2. Are you fat? Because setting your “vaccine”er…. Symptom mitigater aside, obesity is still the biggest indicator you’ll have a bad time with covid.

3. The president* literally said he would stop the pandemic as a campaign promise. Today he gave up and is calling it a states rights issue with “no federal solution.” You feel good about being part of the 81 million* losers to vote for that meat puppet?

I had covid by the way. I didn’t enjoy it, but the flu was worse. If I had to describe it in one word it would be “synthetic.” Losing taste and smell isn’t normal.
I have known several who were hospitalized and one that died in late 30s early 40s that wouldn’t be classified as fat. So they would have prob preferred the flu. And no one gives a shit what either president had to say on vaccine. It was know pretty early that you could still contract the virus with vaccine. Much like flu with flu shot.

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