Congressman Steve Scalise shot

Now reported as many as 5 people injured including 2 capitol police officers. It happened at a practice for the Republican congressional baseball team who was practicing for a charity game Thursday night.
Sounds like shooter asked if it was republicans or democrats practicing before open firing on them.
Just saw 1 report that Scalise is in stable condition and the shooter is in custody.
Congressman Roger Williams from Texas also shot.

Edit: Apparently one of his staffers was shot and not him.
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Time for our idiot leaders to start toning down their rhetoric

Libs won't. Watch @syskatine
He's already swinging.
Watch their tweets.
Watch how the leadership says to tone it down, but then watch their actions.

The Left is frothing at the mouth. They are in no mindset to disengage.

So what does that leave?
You are fooling yourself if you don't think this is the case, and at equal levels, on both sides of the battle.

I must be fooling myself then.

I don't see a call from the "right" for an activist government permeating and micromanaging every avenue of our daily existence.
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You are fooling yourself if you don't think this is the case, and at equal levels, on both sides of the battle.

When Democratic leadership calls for people to fight them in the streets and claims membership in "the resistance" as they throw the kitchen sink against this administration and create plainly false treason narratives , and groups like antifa can riot virtually without consequence - while the Washington Post and New York Times and CNN fan the flames, i'm really having a hard time seeing two sides of this.

It is what it is. I would just have more respect if you guys would just own up to creating this ridiculous resistance narrative since the election.

Keep in mind this man's son is a domestic terrorist .

When Democratic leadership calls for people to fight them in the streets and claims membership in "the resistance" as they throw the kitchen sink against this administration and create plainly false treason narratives , and groups like antifa can riot virtually without consequence - while the Washington Post and New York Times and CNN fan the flames, i'm really having a hard time seeing two sides of this.

It is what it is. I would just have more respect if you guys would just own up to creating this ridiculous resistance narrative since the election.

Keep in mind this man's son is a domestic terrorist .


I haven't created anything along the lines of a "resistance narrative".

I agree with you that there is a faction of liberals who are way too invested and who have done so.

However, a similar faction exists among the conservatives. The only difference is that you are now hearing about the liberal faction because you are hyper sensitive to it and because you frequent conservative publications and web sites.

In addition, the liberal faction became more mobilized and more aggressive when Trump won. Conversely, the conservative faction was more mobilized and aggressive when Obama was POTUS.

Unfortunately, its called "The way it is".
I haven't created anything along the lines of a "resistance narrative".

I agree with you that there is a faction of liberals who are way too invested and who have done so.

However, a similar faction exists among the conservatives. The only difference is that you are now hearing about the liberal faction because you are hyper sensitive to it and because you frequent conservative publications and web sites.

In addition, the liberal faction became more mobilized and more aggressive when Trump won. Conversely, the conservative faction was more mobilized and aggressive when Obama was POTUS.

Unfortunately, its called "The way it is".

I am 47 years old. I have seen a whole shitload of presidential elections. I am not sensitive to it. In fact I would say I am quite desensitized. Which makes this post election cycle all the more remarkable in that it stands out so starkly against everything else I've seen in my entire life.

The liberal faction you are referring to is Tim Kaine Hillary Clinton and Democratic Congressional leadership. It is the very top. It is not some random group of yahoos on the Internet. These are the faces of the resistance.
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I haven't created anything along the lines of a "resistance narrative".

I agree with you that there is a faction of liberals who are way too invested and who have done so.

However, a similar faction exists among the conservatives. The only difference is that you are now hearing about the liberal faction because you are hyper sensitive to it and because you frequent conservative publications and web sites.

In addition, the liberal faction became more mobilized and more aggressive when Trump won. Conversely, the conservative faction was more mobilized and aggressive when Obama was POTUS.

Unfortunately, its called "The way it is".

There's an element of truth to what you say regarding mobilization when the other side is in power,

But open your eyes to what's different now.

Remember all those shooters stirred up by Limbaugh?


Remember a shooter asking this morning if peeps were Rs or Ds, because he WANTED TO SHOOT THE RIGHT ONES?

Mobilization this cycle is different and disproportionate.
Then you were not paying attention when Obama was POTUS.

So, there were plays co-opting Shakespeare to depict the assassination of Obama? Comedians or conservative commentators depicting a beheaded Obama?

Conservative reporters and commentators for well known publications/websites calling for Democratic Congressmen to be lined up and shot or suggesting they got what they deserved if something bad befell them? Did that happen with Gabby Giffords? No, liberals tried to pin her shooting on "conservative rhetoric" with flimsy evidence to support it, all the while many of the folks saying such nonsense had before and/or since used significant incendiary language to describe conservatives and/or Republicans.

We are going to have to agree to disagree.
I am 47 years old. I have seen a whole shitload of presidential elections. I am not sensitive to it. In fact I would say I am quite desensitized. Which makes this post election cycle all the more remarkable in that it stands out so starkly against everything else I've seen in my entire life.

The liberal faction you are referring to is Tim Kaine Hillary Clinton and Democratic Congressional leadership. It is the very top. It is not some random group of you use on the Internet. These are the faces of the resistance.

The D party did not accept that it lost.

It, therefore, had no reason to be introspective and learn, to ultimately offer better ideas.

Introspection requires the ability to critically evaluate yourself. Instead of doing that, the D party creates a groupthink environment that kicks Gays for Trump out of a gay parade (as example one of eleventy billion).

Since they refuse to learn, their only resort is escalation and more escalation.
You are unhinged.

Tell me more about the Limbaugh Massacre while we're here.

He doesn't know what to say until he absorbs the approved spin. But he knows it'll likely be "gun control" instead of addressing Trump Derangement Syndrome at the upper government and media level. The narrative must survive.
I don't have anything new to say that hasn't been said 5 times over on here. It is Groundhog Day. Nobody would give a shit if it was not politicians. Thousands of people are unjustly killed by Firearms every year and the national news does not melt down or call for an end to the senseless violence. Let a politician get the same treatment, and the narrative is we are on the precipice of Anarchy.

I do not even know the facts about this, but I will go out on a limb and say some loser Got The Power of life and death and used it. Again.
I don't have anything new to say that hasn't been said 5 times over on here. It is Groundhog Day. Nobody would give a shit if it was not politicians. Thousands of people are unjustly killed by Firearms every year and the national news does not melt down or call for an end to the senseless violence. Let a politician get the same treatment, and the narrative is we are on the precipice of Anarchy.

I do not even know the facts about this, but I will go out on a limb and say some loser Got The Power of life and death and used it. Again.

Unhinged AND stupid.
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Every time a person gets in a car they have the power of life or death in their hands.
He doesn't know what to say until he absorbs the approved spin. But he knows it'll likely be "gun control" instead of addressing Trump Derangement Syndrome at the upper government and media level. The narrative must survive.
It's too bad he's too myopic to figure out that good guys with a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun mid massacre attempt. If the liberals want to pony up money for me to hire an armed protective detail to cover my ass 24/7, we can discuss their thoughts about me owning guns. In the meantime, this lefty inspired terrorist is the exact reason I own and carry firearms.
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I don't have anything new to say that hasn't been said 5 times over on here. It is Groundhog Day. Nobody would give a shit if it was not politicians. Thousands of people are unjustly killed by Firearms every year and the national news does not melt down or call for an end to the senseless violence. Let a politician get the same treatment, and the narrative is we are on the precipice of Anarchy.

I do not even know the facts about this, but I will go out on a limb and say some loser Got The Power of life and death and used it. Again.

This is your problem. You think this is a event centered around guns.

The issue is that we all hate each other and can't be civil towards our fellow man.
The shooter was apparently a member of the left wing group "Terminate the Republican Party" among others. Maybe it's time to step back from the hate and violence in politics? Heck....we have a widely funded play in NYC which depicts the assassination of the POTUS....and the libs rejoice about it. Sad commentary on where we are today. Both sides need to change.

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