Congressman Steve Scalise shot

Your last paragraph points out an important factor that may have been overlooked...."training to engage and eliminate active shooter threats".

That's why I am in the middle somewhere on carry restriction limits.....between no restrictions (so called constitutional carry) and registration of weapons/bans/major limits. Hell, even Scalia said in Heller (paraphrasing....can go get exact quote if challenged)...the 2nd Amendment, like many other rights is not an absolute. The 2nd Amendment is not a right to carry any weapon, anywhere, for any purpose. There are reasonable regulations that do not amount to a ban that are available to the state to combat gun violence/death of it's citizens.
Very much agreed and if anyone challenges you on Heller I'm calling them stupid right now.

I'm a believer in conceal carry of handguns for self defense. But I also think people need to demonstrate firearm proficiency and safety through a real course rather than a 4 hour class that focuses purely on legal aspects, not that the legal stuff is unimportant. Unfortunately I know people who carry that have no business because they aren't capable of responsibly handling a gun. I think if you expect to exercise a right to carry a firearm in public, concealed or not, that you owe the general public some level of assurance that you aren't more likely to kill 10 of them while trying to shoot at a single bad guy.
Very much agreed and if anyone challenges you on Heller I'm calling them stupid right now.

I'm a believer in conceal carry of handguns for self defense. But I also think people need to demonstrate firearm proficiency and safety through a real course rather than a 4 hour class that focuses purely on legal aspects, not that the legal stuff is unimportant. Unfortunately I know people who carry that have no business because they aren't capable of responsibly handling a gun. I think if you expect to exercise a right to carry a firearm in public, concealed or not, that you owe the general public some level of assurance that you aren't more likely to kill 10 of them while trying to shoot at a single bad guy.


The firing qualification for a public carry license in Oklahoma is a joke.

I know of more than one legally blind (and at least one completely blind) person with a SDA license because they met the shooting requirement....which is basically don't shoot yourself or someone else on the range while you fire the required number of times.
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The firing qualification for a public carry license in Oklahoma is a joke.

I know of more than one legally blind (and at least one completely blind) person with a SDA license because they met the shooting requirement....which is basically don't shoot yourself or someone else on the range while you fire the required number of times.
True story. In the course I took there were people who I'm pretty sure never hit the target standing almost point blank to it with a .22.
In honor of the completely unhinged cognitive dissonance you've exhibited today, I'm also going to award you a British royalty name, Duke Cognitive Dissonance the 2nd. I'm naming you the second because the only person on this board more separated from reality is some guy whose name sounds like Lintoncay Cottsay in pig Latin. You're giving him a run today though.

You've given me two nicknames in one day. Why the constant, personal vitriol? On some level it doesn't get old?

(Here's where you go look for that one isoteric nazi org in BFE that noone has ever heard of to rebut me).

No, I wouldn't post something from an antifa spin off of some kind with 144 retweets. This antifa whatever it is has an astounding 144 retweets and you're lapping it up and preemptively bitching about me posting some "isoteric" org in BFE. Ya'll didn't whole cloth fabricate that antifa stuff, but pretty close. Nobody heard of it outside of right wing media. Feels good to whip up some hate about that huge, Soros-funded monolith though.

Spot on. And it bears repeating that good guys with guns stopped a bad guy with a gun. That could have been like shooting fish in a barrel. .

Well he shot Scalise like a fish in a barrel. Good guys got there in 3 minutes, someone said? How many lives ruined or turned upside down in that 3 minutes? Multiple people get killed or hideously injured and you guys act like this somehow is a win for the SA.
You've given me two nicknames in one day.
You've earned them. There is no way I would deny you what you've rightfully earned. As for vitriol, that's yet another reason you got both of your new nicknames today. Take a glance at your own posts. There's a reason people engage the way they do here sometimes, on both sides.

Well he shot Scalise like a fish in a barrel. Good guys got there in 3 minutes, someone said? How many lives ruined or turned upside down in that 3 minutes? Multiple people get killed or hideously injured and you guys act like this somehow is a win for the SA.
There were good guys already there. The Capitol Police were providing security. Imagine how many could have been killed if two armed people weren't already there? That's why I carry. When your side decides to take inner city violence seriously I may be open to discussing what gun reforms you think will stop these fairly rare events from happening. Until then you're just barking at the mail carrier.
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We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence."

Terry Mccauliff
I thought that number would be higher. I literally have to bulldoze my street each morning to clear the thousands of victims of gun violence in my neighborhood. Maybe I get proportionally more than others. Maybe it's time to move.
We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence."

Terry Mccauliff

LOL Like clockwork, you bring up the FOX talking points!! I'm watching it, and they're blaming "the left" for all this, and not a peep about the constant mantra of second amendment bullshit we hear about constantly. I just saw FOX replay the 93 million quote, the talking heads tutted... and then they showed where he corrected himself. I just can't imagine where the division and dehumanization comes from. They're squarely blaming "the left" and "liberals" and liberals are just supposed to sit there and patiently listen to the lies and join the unity, I guess.

The nut acted pretty consistent with conservative dogma, if you ask me. He's frustrated, sees corruption everywhere and takes up arms to resist his government. Isn't that what the Second Amendment is all about?

Also, Fox is taking the same victory lap as badge bunny Medic. It's so great we had guns around, etc. Big win for the SA.

The imagery and idea of shooting government people is a constant message from the second amendment crowd and they lose their shit when their words turn to action.
The entire thing is a great argument for less gun laws. Which we might get in Trump's 2nd term.

Yes, let's make sure that the second amendment is airtight so that we can take up arms against our own government.

Then, when some loon takes up arms against the government, act surprised that someone takes up arms against the government.
OMG I've been waiting up all night long for my talking points to arrive! It's time to go hump conservative leg!

Dang you woke up triggered. Or did you even bother to sleep? I'm sure the morning liberal talking points had you all hot and bothered. You had get an early start on the deflection spin cycle away from the disturbing but factually true reality that the shooter was a hardcore lefty psycho who no doubt had been sucking the constant psycho sore loser titty pudding coming from you lefties. Trump!

You've got your pants off furiously scooting your butt back and forth across the carpet. You can claim that your butt isn't a raging itch fest but we've all seen this before. Your ass is on FIRE! Today is going to be entertaining. Don't let me down Duke.
Dang you woke up triggered. Or did you even bother to sleep? I'm sure the morning liberal talking points had you all hot and bothered. You had get an early start on the deflection spin cycle away from the disturbing but factually true reality that the shooter was a hardcore lefty psycho who no doubt had been sucking the constant psycho sore loser titty pudding coming from you lefties. Trump!

You've got your pants off furiously scooting your butt back and forth across the carpet. You can claim that your butt isn't a raging itch fest but we've all seen this before. Your ass is on FIRE! Today is going to be entertaining. Don't let me down Duke.

Yes, but I'm in a hotel and woke up pretty early to a chundering a/c and turned on Fox. It's my fault.

I kind of like "Duke" but Chief Sitting whatever is a little cumbersome. I may take "Bunny" for a test drive for you.


Bring something new today. You're on my all-outrage team for a reason. Now Napolitano, who's been frothing for years, is bemoaning the incendiary rhetoric. The Judge says it's an attempt to change the government by killing. No mention of the Second Amendment....
Yes, but I'm in a hotel and woke up pretty early to a chundering a/c and turned on Fox. It's my fault.

I kind of like "Duke" but Chief Sitting whatever is a little cumbersome. I may take "Bunny" for a test drive for you.


Bring something new today. You're on my all-outrage team for a reason. Now Napolitano, who's been frothing for years, is bemoaning the incendiary rhetoric. The Judge says it's an attempt to change the government by killing. No mention of the Second Amendment....
I'm not dumb enough to watch Fox News. Ever.

I'd take badge bunny if it was a clever item that actually demonstrated some correlation to my postings. It isn't. It's just you grasping for a comeback. I'll assist you in finding something that's actually relatable if you'd like.

How does a loud A.C. wake you up? I sleep like a baby on heroin with those things roaring like jet engines. Surely you aren't staying in a hotel where stuff actually comes out of the unit when it comes on.
I guess I'm missing the comparison between using the second ammendment to defend yourself from a tyrannical government and attacking some old unarmed men at a softball practice. Sys are you being intellectually dishonest? No can't be.
I guess I'm missing the comparison between using the second ammendment to defend yourself from a tyrannical government and attacking some old unarmed men at a softball practice. Sys are you being intellectually dishonest? No can't be.
Probably not. The lefties have literally convinced their lap dogs that Trump is a tyrant and dictator. Most of those cute little wagon riders don't remember anything from social studies except eating those delicious crayons, so they are a susceptible bunch.
Perfectly on cue, our board liberal sycophant is towing the talking points he got from yesterday. He's a well trained parrot. It's clear the elitists on the left starting working harder to achieve that uninformed and compliant base they love.

Here's some more brilliance from the party of progressive smarties...
Yes, let's make sure that the second amendment is airtight so that we can take up arms against our own government.

Then, when some loon takes up arms against the government, act surprised that someone takes up arms against the government.

How does it feel knowing the SCOTUS is now inoculated by Trump to protect the Constitution you want to shit on?

It's funny watching you carry gun control water. Never gonna happen.
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How does it feel knowing the SCOTUS is now inoculated by Trump to protect the Constitution you want to shit on?

It's funny watching you carry gun control water. Never gonna happen.
But peeeeeeople will continue to diiiieeeee because they get shot. Gun control will solve all of it. You'll see. The criminals will gleefully flock to the streets to fling their killing machines into the pits of eternal hell so they can be on the right side of the law. They'll go back to committing drivebys and armed robberies with sticks and home invasions with knives. Or they may even quit committing crimes because nobody can shoot back. You'll see. None of those criminals will want to be on the wrong side of gun control because it's morally wrong. You'll see.
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I guess I'm missing the comparison between using the second ammendment to defend yourself from a tyrannical government and attacking some old unarmed men at a softball practice. Sys are you being intellectually dishonest? No can't be.

Re: intellectual honesty... At least he's gone straight to making it a 2A issue rather than pretending gun control has a chance.

He hates the Bill of Rights and wants to change it.
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Perfectly on cue, our board liberal sycophant is towing the talking points he got from yesterday. He's a well trained parrot. It's clear the elitists on the left starting working harder to achieve that uninformed and compliant base they love.

Here's some more brilliance from the party of progressive smarties...

So no introspection or mea culpa from the left for their part in the hyperbolic rhetoric that radicalized this guy? Shocking.
It would be suicisdal and who would be armed? Those soft little antifa netds?
I think those keyboard warriors often forget who owns most of the guns in real life. Blame Battlefield and Call of Duty.
But peeeeeeople will continue to diiiieeeee because they get shot. Gun control will solve all of it. You'll see. The criminals will gleefully flock to the streets to fling their killing machines into the pits of eternal hell so they can be on the right side of the law. They'll go back to committing drivebys and armed robberies with sticks and home invasions with knives. Or they may even quit committing crimes because nobody can shoot back. You'll see. None of those criminals will want to be on the wrong side of gun control because it's morally wrong. You'll see.


Is life more difficult when you're a moron?!

I know it's a ton more difficult for those around the moron.
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