Congressman Steve Scalise shot

“If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously,” Trump said. “Just knock the hell — I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise. I promise.”

Yeah that's exactly the same thing given the level of escalating violence Trump supporters were experiencing at the time of the (dumb) quote. I'm sure NZ has some links handy.


Sys is dumb AGAIN.

Sys, isn't it despicable that on this day you can't demonstrate a little introspection on yourself, the leftist sphere you are part of, and you political party's methodologies.
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Am I understanding this correctly?
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I know you are 47 now, but even you know that more than dozens of people attend GWAR shows on the regular. They have 387,939 likes on Facebook alone. Their videos have millions of views on YouTube. They have way more than dozens watch them annually at the GWAR B-Q festival in addition to any touring they do.

Just a few dozen people watching Obama get decapitated:

I know. It was a joke. I like GWAR.
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Sys is dumb AGAIN.

Sys, isn't it despicable that on this day you can't demonstrate a little introspection on yourself, the leftist sphere you are part of, and you political party's methodologies.
Chief Shitting Bullshys do any introspection? He can't because conservatives won't let him. Maybe he'll do it when the talking points instruct him to. He's right you know. Just ask him.
Let me know the next time GWAR is hired to host CNN's New Year's Special or is hired as anyone's spokesperson.

When did anyone suggest that NO ARTIST has EVER done such a thing?

I have seen no one suggesting that, but a lot of people are acting like it.

And you ask, I deliver. Here is GWAR's Circuit City commercial:

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So there was a Tyson lobbyist shot. The Republicans can't even play baseball without a lobbyist.

“If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously,” Trump said. “Just knock the hell — I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise. I promise.”

Yeah that's exactly the same thing given the level of escalating violence Trump supporters were experiencing at the time of the (dumb) quote. I'm sure NZ has some links handy.

He's a thug. Remember when he bragged how nasty his supporters were? Kill The Bitch? Lock her up? Blood coming out of her whatever? You're right as always, Biff is doing wonders for the national discourse.

Am I the only one who has no clue who in the hell GWAR is?
It is a mainstream metal band that has been around since the 80s. They are famous for their live shows in which they spew fake blood all over their audience. They do skits in between their songs and are all dressed in costumes.
It is a mainstream metal band that has been around since the 80s. They are famous for their live shows in which they spew fake blood all over their audience. They do skits in between their songs and are all dressed in costumes.

Mainstream? I would argue they haven't been considered anywhere near mainstream in almost 20 years....or popular for that matter.
So there was a Tyson lobbyist shot. The Republicans can't even play baseball without a lobbyist.
In honor of the completely unhinged cognitive dissonance you've exhibited today, I'm also going to award you a British royalty name, Duke Cognitive Dissonance the 2nd. I'm naming you the second because the only person on this board more separated from reality is some guy whose name sounds like Lintoncay Cottsay in pig Latin. You're giving him a run today though.

I ask me who is advocating violence against middle easterners? I abhor the Kansas attacks. I abhor today's attack. But I didn't see any orgs saying to be violent to Muslims. (Here's where you go look for that one isoteric nazi org in BFE that noone has ever heard of to rebut me). But mainstream groups like Antifa and BLM are more than happy to advocate violence against those they see as their adversary. Just look at today's twitter post from Antifa. (Maybe its a fake. I sincerely hope so). But I've seen the BLM chants about wanting "Pigs in a blanket" and "What do we want: Dead Cops...", and I lived in Dallas when that culminated into 5 dead police officers.
Mainstream? I would argue they haven't been considered anywhere near mainstream in almost 20 years....or popular for that matter.

In the metal world they are mainstream, easily. They're just as popular as ever. Not saying they're Metallica, Slayer, or Megadeth, but they're the step below them. They don't open for anyone. GWAR has always been member fluid, so the fact that they have zero original members anymore does not dilute their popularity at all.
In the metal world they are mainstream, easily. They're just as popular as ever. Not saying they're Metallica, Slayer, or Megadeth, but they're the step below them. They don't open for anyone. GWAR has always been member fluid, so the fact that they have zero original members anymore does not dilute their popularity at all.

Based on record sales, they certainly now appear to be fringe and nowhere near the popularity they original knew. 33k albums sold in the U.S. over the last ten plus years.
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Love, love, LOVE this answer by Rep. Mo Brooks of AL:

Spot on. And it bears repeating that good guys with guns stopped a bad guy with a gun. That could have been like shooting fish in a barrel. It speaks volumes to the value of concealed carry and even in some scenarios open carry. Most of us aren't privileged enough to have armed security provided to us outside of what we provide ourselves.
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Spot on. And it bears repeating that good guys with guns stopped a bad guy with a gun. That could have been like shooting fish in a barrel. It speaks volumes to the value of concealed carry and even in some scenarios open carry. Most of us aren't privileged enough to have armed security provided to us outside of what we provide ourselves.

Pretty impressive that cops with pistols took down a motivated individual with an automatic/semi-automatic rifle before more damage was done.
Based on record sales, they certainly now appear to be fringe and nowhere near the popularity they original knew. 33k albums sold in the U.S. over the last ten plus years.

Record sales really don't say much about popularity in this day and age. Not many bands not named Metallica are selling very many albums these days. You'd need to look at streaming numbers and downloads to get a real sense of what a band is doing commercially these days. They are known among anyone in the metal community and they command large crowds at their live shows still to this day.
Record sales really don't say much about popularity in this day and age. Not many bands not named Metallica are selling very many albums these days. You'd need to look at streaming numbers and downloads to get a real sense of what a band is doing commercially these days. They are known among anyone in the metal community and they command large crowds at their live shows still to this day.

It's not unusual for bands to build a grass roots following more via tours than albums - especially one as visually theatric as GWAR. It's a live performance experience, not a listen for deeper meaning to the album kind of thing. But there are lots of bands that did well without tons of album sales or radio hits to point to.
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It's not unusual for bands to build a grass roots following more via tours than albums - especially one as visually theatric as GWAR. It's a live performance experience, not a listen for deeper meaning to the album kind of thing. But there are lots of bands that did well without tons of album sales or radio hits to point to.

Exactly. I've been watching GWAR shows live for 20+ years now, and I own exactly zero albums from them. They are something to be experienced live, not on a CD. For example, no one wants to hear a KISS tribute band on CD, but they'll go to a show for the experience. :)

Metal these days has pretty much moved on to acceptance of the fact that no one buys albums anymore. They of course still put them out and push them at their shows, but metal has moved into only expecting to get paid from live work for the most bands. It is a much harder life, but that's the reality of the music business these days.
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Pretty impressive that cops with pistols took down a motivated individual with an automatic/semi-automatic rifle before more damage was done.
That's the reason officers train continuously as you likely already know. Some don't know and that's why I bring that up. You fight like you train and the Capitol Police and Alexandria PD are no douches in training and markmanship.

I doubt it was an M4 as described by the media earlier today, which are automatic weapons. Unless he had an FFL Class 3, there's no way he could get his hands on one outside of stealing from the military. SWAT teams outside of specialized government teams rarely carry that type of rifle because of bullet accountability. Based on witness accounts so far, it was a semi auto AR15 style rifle.

Immediate guns on target with good shooting by the good guys and training to engage and eliminate active shooter threats along with bad shooting and lack of training on the bad guys part saved lives today. This is one glaring example of why I carry and shoot regularly.
Yeah I heard cops were on the scene within three minutes. That is some next level response time.
The advantage of having an armed security detail with radio coverage. You aren't depending on panicked civilians dialing 911. Your shots fired call is heard across the channel and everyone in the vicinity smokes the tires.
Record sales really don't say much about popularity in this day and age. Not many bands not named Metallica are selling very many albums these days. You'd need to look at streaming numbers and downloads to get a real sense of what a band is doing commercially these days. They are known among anyone in the metal community and they command large crowds at their live shows still to this day.

Just glancing at their concert attendance figures from Metal Injection and other sources it appears they draw on average 500 or so per show. Is that considered large in the metal world? I do assume they have a few shows which drew more and less. I found figures on three shows at three different venues in the past 3 years.

I had in fact heard of them because of their outrageous stage behavior. As posters have noted that are an equal opportunity offender which I respect. Shock is what they do.
That's the reason officers train continuously as you likely already know. Some don't know and that's why I bring that up. You fight like you train and the Capitol Police and Alexandria PD are no douches in training and markmanship.

I doubt it was an M4 as described by the media earlier today, which are automatic weapons. Unless he had an FFL Class 3, there's no way he could get his hands on one outside of stealing from the military. SWAT teams outside of specialized government teams rarely carry that type of rifle because of bullet accountability. Based on witness accounts so far, it was a semi auto AR15 style rifle.

Immediate guns on target with good shooting by the good guys and training to engage and eliminate active shooter threats along with bad shooting and lack of training on the bad guys part saved lives today. This is one glaring example of why I carry and shoot regularly.

Your last paragraph points out an important factor that may have been overlooked...."training to engage and eliminate active shooter threats".

That's why I am in the middle somewhere on carry restriction limits.....between no restrictions (so called constitutional carry) and registration of weapons/bans/major limits. Hell, even Scalia said in Heller (paraphrasing....can go get exact quote if challenged)...the 2nd Amendment, like many other rights is not an absolute. The 2nd Amendment is not a right to carry any weapon, anywhere, for any purpose. There are reasonable regulations that do not amount to a ban that are available to the state to combat gun violence/death of it's citizens.

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