My theory as to where our board's libs and lefties went....


Heisman Candidate
Dec 1, 2015
They didn't go anywhere. They're around, but are just too shy and ashamed of themselves to post here because they now know President Trump did a great job as president, and will do it again if the Democrats don't steal another election. You can post here guys. We won't hound you too much.
Meanwhile in New Jersey.... NEW JERSEY????

The Neo Marxists (excepting Hillary and Ponca) won't tolerate getting overwhelmed by Redneck Grunting that goes on here.

I'm more an "institutes" guy so get bored with the idiotic Trope wars. There is so much meaningful conservative thinking coming out of Hoover Institute, Federalist Society, Manhattan Institute,... to see so much self-excitement on Team Marxism's bullshite propaganda.

There isn't much here of interest, but since I popped for a subscription and it's football off-season I check in occasionally.

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