Biden Says He Has Outperformed Expectations

No you haven't Corndog Meds. You are just flailing around, as usual when you get asked to lay out your actual position on something. @davidallen is definitely right about you and the flailing!🤣

Again though, enlighten us all with your position on the Russia/Ukraine matter. What do you believe we as a nation should be doing in terms of Russia and Ukraine? Got any ideas on this besides naysaying everything Biden does?

How would we react if China/Russia started putting up defense systems on our borders?
That’s what happening.

We’re installing weapons and training soldiers on their border.

Seems kinda provokey to me.
And what have I agreed should be done regarding this?

And if what I think should be done happens, would you call Biden "weak" and claim he backed down to Putin?
No you haven't Corndog Meds. You are just flailing around, as usual when you get asked to lay out your actual position on something. @davidallen is definitely right about you and the flailing!🤣

Again though, enlighten us all with your position on the Russia/Ukraine matter. What do you believe we as a nation should be doing in terms of Russia and Ukraine? Got any ideas on this besides naysaying everything Biden does?
It is kinda funny how he can't simply answer your question.

You and some other posters had a good discussion about Russia and Ukraine on the other thread. I didn't notice much input from him on that thread either.

Kinda new to this board, but I've noticed some posters do nothing but troll on here. He appears to be one.
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It is kinda funny how he can't simply answer your question.

You and some other posters had a good discussion about Russia and Ukraine on the other thread. I didn't notice much input from him on that thread either.

Kinda new to this board, but I've noticed some posters do nothing but troll on here. He appears to be one.
Yeah, Corndog Meds is definitely a troll. All he is about is attacking Democrats and liberals. He never has an original idea or thought.

The reason he won't answer the question is that he doesn't want to put himself in a position where he might be in agreement with Biden in the future. That would hinder him from being the naysaying troll that he is.
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Yeah, Corndog Meds is definitely a troll. All he is about is attacking Democrats and liberals. He never has an original idea or thought.

The reason he won't answer the question is that he doesn't want to put himself in a position where he might be in agreement with Biden in the future. That would hinder him from being the naysaying troll that he is.
Is he really that bad off with Biden hate?
No you haven't Corndog Meds. You are just flailing around, as usual when you get asked to lay out your actual position on something. @davidallen is definitely right about you and the flailing!🤣

Again though, enlighten us all with your position on the Russia/Ukraine matter. What do you believe we as a nation should be doing in terms of Russia and Ukraine? Got any ideas on this besides naysaying everything Biden does?
Geezus, toon_cents. You are way obsessed. That's not healthy. So in the interest of your health and well being, here's my take on Russia and Ukraine...

I think Putin is trying to goad Biden into looking like the aggressor so he can justify his troop buildup and his stance against NATO. I think Biden would do best by not letting Putin do it. I think he needs to call Putin's bluff and continue focusing on painting Putin as the aggressor in the international community.

I think sending things like missiles and heavy weapons to Ukraine will exacerbate the problem. I think things like ammunition and such should continue to flow to Ukraine, but the Biden administration shouldn't publicly talk about what the specifics of the aid are.

I do not think Putin is dumb enough to invade Ukraine. Putin is in the long game to exert Russian influence on Ukraine to accomplish their objectives without more violence. And I do think someone needs to make sure they keep Biden on script. The "minor incursion" statement in his speech was absolutely stupid.

Do you need me to do anything else to soothe your obsessions? Maybe now you can get on with your day? I hope so, toon_cents.
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I don't think it is Biden per se. Rather it is @OffHisMeds has staked his whole persona to a set of talking points and opposition to certain others that he simply can not break from.

Bless your heart, dave. I'm sorry that I don't buy into leftist bullshit like you do. How's that white guilt going? Have you figured out what the legal definition of rape is yet?

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I think Putin is trying to goad Biden into looking like the aggressor so he can justify his troop buildup and his stance against NATO. I think Biden would do best by not letting Putin do it. I think he needs to call Putin's bluff and continue focusing on painting Putin as the aggressor in the international community.

I think sending things like missiles and heavy weapons to Ukraine will exacerbate the problem. I think things like ammunition and such should continue to flow to Ukraine, but the Biden administration shouldn't publicly talk about what the specifics of the aid are.

I do not think Putin is dumb enough to invade Ukraine. Putin is in the long game to exert Russian influence on Ukraine to accomplish their objectives without more violence. And I do think someone needs to make sure they keep Biden on script. The "minor incursion" statement in his speech was absolutely stupid.

Do you need me to do anything else to soothe your obsessions? Maybe now you can get on with your day? I hope so, toon_cents.
Thank you.

How do you believe Biden should call Putin's bluff and continue focusing on painting Putin as the aggressor in the international community? What concrete actions should he take?

If Putin does invade Ukraine, what do you think should be done then. Not by Biden, but in general. How do you think we should respond if Putin invades the Ukraine?
How do you believe Biden should call Putin's bluff and continue focusing on painting Putin as the aggressor in the international community? What concrete actions should he take?
Biden made a serious mistake when he undercut Blinken's negotiations of "diplomacy or severe consequences" with his clumsy statement during his press conference. That was an unforced error. The administration's attempt to walk that back didn’t move the needle. See Ukraine's response. The administration needs to move on quickly and not let that fester.

Biden should focus on supporting Blinkin's negotiations, continuously pointing out that he wants a peaceful solution and that Putin will be in violation of international laws and will face economic ruin via sanctions if he does invade. Biden needs to keep direct military response as an option, but only if it's to protect US citizens. That needs to stay tight lipped.

If Putin does invade Ukraine, what do you think should be done then. Not by Biden, but in general. How do you think we should respond if Putin invades the Ukraine?
Well, that's going to be a shitshow most of us hope doesn't happen. But if it does, no US troops. The administration should send in heavy weapons to initiate and arm an insurgency. Like arm them to the teeth. Make Putin realize that the body count on his side will be very high in a US backed guerilla war. In addition, do absolutely everything possible to isolate Russia economically. Putin loves his billions and he hates personal pain.

Any other questions?
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Thank you.

How do you believe Biden should call Putin's bluff and continue focusing on painting Putin as the aggressor in the international community? What concrete actions should he take?

If Putin does invade Ukraine, what do you think should be done then. Not by Biden, but in general. How do you think we should respond if Putin invades the Ukraine?
One additional thing...

I think Biden needs to engage our European allies intensively. Rally support and commitments much like we did when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait.
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Biden should focus on supporting Blinkin's negotiations, continuously pointing out that he wants a peaceful solution and that Putin will be in violation of international laws and will face economic ruin via sanctions if he does invade. Biden needs to keep direct military response as an option, but only if it's to protect US citizens. That needs to stay tight lipped.
Isn't this essentially what Biden is doing?

Well, that's going to be a shitshow most of us hope doesn't happen. But if it does, no US troops. The administration should send in heavy weapons to initiate and arm an insurgency. Like arm them to the teeth. Make Putin realize that the body count on his side will be very high in a US backed guerilla war. In addition, do absolutely everything possible to isolate Russia economically. Putin loves his billions and he hates personal pain.
Thank you.

But you oppose the administration sending military aid to Ukraine right now? Only after Putin invades?
Isn't this essentially what Biden is doing?
It was until he had his press conference.
But you oppose the administration sending military aid to Ukraine right now? Only after Putin invades?
The kind of stuff I'm talking about? Yeah, only if Putin invades. Sending it now would be an escalation and will increase the probability of one side taking provocative action.
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It was until he had his press conference.
He still is though. Press conference didn't change the strategy that the Biden administration is pursuing, which is essentially the strategy you are advocating for.

The kind of stuff I'm talking about? Yeah, only if Putin invades. Sending it now would be an escalation and will increase the probability of one side taking provocative action.
He still is though. Press conference didn't change the strategy that the Biden administration is pursuing, which is essentially the strategy you are advocating for.
It may not have changed the strategy, but it was a costly blunder, if it was actually a blunder. If it was, that's very scary, don't you agree? And if it wasn't a blunder, what was Biden thinking?
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It may not have changed the strategy, but it was a costly blunder, if it was actually a blunder. If it was, that's very scary, don't you agree? And if it wasn't a blunder, what was Biden thinking?
I don't think it was a blunder. Biden clearly knows more about what is going on behind the scenes than we do. Hence, his comment the next day about a question from a reporter being a stupid question. Biden is getting more in-depth briefings on the situation than any of us are. We are simply following the media's reporting. We are probably about ten steps behind.

If he did misspeak (again doubtful), I don't think it was costly or scary. Mistakes can be made in a two-hour press conference. Just ask Trump.
I don't think it was a blunder. Biden clearly knows more about what is going on behind the scenes than we do. Hence, his comment the next day about a question from a reporter being a stupid question. Biden is getting more in-depth briefings on the situation than any of us are. We are simply following the media's reporting. We are probably about ten steps behind.

If he did misspeak (again doubtful), I don't think it was costly or scary. Mistakes can be made in a two-hour press conference. Just ask Trump.
Yeah, you might check out what our allies and Ukraine thought about his comment. Yes, it was a costly blunder, intentional or not. Undercutting your Secretary of State in his negotiations isn't a smart thing to do. And if it was unintentional, God help us.
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It may not have changed the strategy, but it was a costly blunder, if it was actually a blunder. If it was, that's very scary, don't you agree? And if it wasn't a blunder, what was Biden thinking?
That statement came out as a inside look at what Biden is thinking. Biden just put the actual negotiation on the table. It is centered around containment of the bad situation, which does harken back to 1950. If you believe in the military industrial complex then this is the best scenario for them. They don't want direct confrontation with Russia. They want Korea and Vietnam back. The way you get that is to bring back the conditions of the cold war that these "wars" were fought in. In fact they are just skirmishes in the cold war. We made a killing selling arms to the "free" world. Russia sold to everyone else.
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