Biden Says He Has Outperformed Expectations

Trump’s incessant b!tching and moaning about interest rates certainly didn’t help.

But I would definitely put a pandemic that yo-yoed the stock market and prices and included historic stimulus packages and government loans (which Republicans thought needed no oversight in distribution - fvcking brilliance) contributed chiefly to the situation we’re in with a bursting consumer price index.

my buddy traded his 2018 tundra for 36K, paid off his 16K left on that loan, and got a 2018 Malibu with 45K miles AND a few thousand left over in cash back. That truck gained thousands in value in just a few months.
Did you answer the question or are you trying to tell me about your friends? (I am here for you if you ever get lonely BTW. <--- that is real no troll)

Honestly is Trump the problem or COVID? one word answer will be ok.
Did you answer the question or are you trying to tell me about your friends? (I am here for you if you ever get lonely BTW. <--- that is real no troll)

Honestly is Trump the problem or COVID? one word answer will be ok.

you can’t say it was just covid, because he wouldn’t stfu about interest rates, and a 21% corporate tax rate is simply too low.
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My point is why in the holy **** are you all still talking about Trump.
The same reason Trump talked about Obama for four years. Also, until Trump is defeated for the '24 nomination or doesn't run, he is the face of the Republican Party right now. He is who many Republicans want to be the nominee in '24.

So it makes sense to contrast all that Biden has got done (in one year) that Trump promised but couldn't get done in four years!

you can’t say it was just covid, because he wouldn’t stfu about interest rates, and a 21% corporate tax rate is simply too low.

The same reason Trump talked about Obama for four years. Also, until Trump is defeated for the '24 nomination or doesn't run, he is the face of the Republican Party right now. He is who many Republicans want to be the nominee in '24.

So it makes sense to contrast all that Biden has got done (in one year) that Trump promised but couldn't get done in four years!

Both are a problem.
See you democrats talk about Trump more than a MAGA chimp. lol Man how does it feel to be a MAGA chimp? I mean Obama oh no I am not going to be racist like a democrat. I believe in freedom for all even the gay people. Sad bunch I quoted here.
See you democrats talk about Trump more than a MAGA chimp.
I simply answered your questions.

I'm sorry you don't like being shown how Biden has fulfilled promises that Trump couldn't. Or that Democrats aren't sleeping on a possible '24 Trump candidancy.
I want to say something here. My dad bitched and moaned about Obama and how the business losing money under the 8 years of Obama was all Obama's fault. I agreed that Obama did stuff to the trucking industry that hurt small trucking businesses (one thing about Brandon's speech and bringing back small business that made me laugh because Obama killed small businesses) but I wasn't sitting on my ass and crying for 8 years or really by then it 4 years and not making money. I had to pivot and learn how to adjust like most businessmen would do. Crying won't make me money. Now I have all you here that are going to scream Trump bad man the next 4 years and Brandon gets a pass? I will adjust and actually I have increased my pay every year, so I don't really care who is POTUS. I get jazzed for Senate votes those guys you know causing Brandon all the problems. Complaining about old administrations and not moving forward to better the country is absurd.
Weird those MAGA Chimps say the same thing only replace the Trump stuff with Obama. You are no different than them only play for the other side. Carry On though you might one day let go of the rage and be able to move forward thus making America great again.

Why, now you sound just like them.

Like I said, you sponsor a Trump, it doesn't just go away. Nor does your credibility. I wish you could shit in a punchbowl and once the next course is served, want nobody to talk about it, but it doesn't work that way.
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You can't make this stuff up.
What, are you claiming Biden hasn't fulfilled promises that Trump couldn't? Or that Trump isn't considering running in '24?

You aren't really making much sense right now. Perhaps that is why you invoked the poster who celebrated @Corndog2021's reasoning abilities!🤣🤣 You really want to align with those two nuts?🤣
Why, now you sound just like them.

Like I said, you sponsor a Trump, it doesn't just go away. Nor does your credibility. I wish you could shit in a punchbowl and once the next course is served, want nobody to talk about it, but it doesn't work that way.
So do we round up everyone who voted for Carter and knee cap them also then? You have to move on anf forgive people. You TDS people have a problem.
You can't make this stuff up. Please Please take @Sunburnt Indian test and pass it.
You gave me a good laugh with this one. You're okay. I really enjoy reading most everything you author.

I carefully present a question designed to measure one's ability to reason. Never anything which google can provide an answer.

How many degrees are in a triangle? is a no no.

Are there any among us who has a fear of heights? is my all time favorite. The correct answer is no. soonerinlOUisiana answered this one at the old SoonerSpinZone in under 3 minutes. iasooner1 answered correctly on these pages.

In my class room test session, 4 of us answered correctly out of 56. And yes. I'm bragging. It's certainly not me. A gift from the Great Father is the only reason I could answer the question.
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So do we round up everyone who voted for Carter and knee cap them also then? You have to move on anf forgive people. You TDS people have a problem.

Does this include the healthy portion of this board that still can’t move on from
“Trump won/ELectiON FraUD”???

Trump Deification Syndrome in full effect right there lolololololol
The same reason Trump talked about Obama for four years. Also, until Trump is defeated for the '24 nomination or doesn't run, he is the face of the Republican Party right now. He is who many Republicans want to be the nominee in '24.

So it makes sense to contrast all that Biden has got done (in one year) that Trump promised but couldn't get done in four years!
Trump barely said a word about Kenya Hussein- married to Michael you friggin liar. Make a sound argument- if you have to lie you have zero credibility. Hussein blamed POS Bush for 4 years- Pedo Joe blamed Trump....DJT couldn't give two shots about Kenya Hussein- married to a Michael- not two shits
Does this include the healthy portion of this board that still can’t move on from
“Trump won/ELectiON FraUD”???

Trump Deification Syndrome in full effect right there lolololololol
Weird I miss all those post from what all of 5 people. lolololololololol

How's the band? What kind of music you guys playing?
Trump kept Rosenstein, spent too much, kept sociopath Fauchi, Kept son in law- hell had many things you can point the finger at.

But he called out the fake media and the deep state, fought child trafficking leftists with much energy- only damn prez to do this, , achieved energy independence, lowered taxes, call him out for a lot of things but all the other prez on both sides were so much worse the DJT.

2 cents hero is damn child banger- what a POS 2 cents is
The same reason Trump talked about Obama for four years. Also, until Trump is defeated for the '24 nomination or doesn't run, he is the face of the Republican Party right now. He is who many Republicans want to be the nominee in '24.

So it makes sense to contrast all that Biden has got done (in one year) that Trump promised but couldn't get done in four years!
You want to talk about Biden's accomplishments, but when I shredded your 15 bullet list of his accomplishments, you never returned to the thread. Wonder why that is?
You gave me a good laugh with this one. You're okay. I really enjoy reading most everything you author.

I carefully present a question designed to measure one's ability to reason. Never anything which google can provide an answer.

How many degrees are in a triangle? is a no no.

Are there any among us who has a fear of heights? is my all time favorite. The correct answer is no. soonerinlOUisiana answered this one at the old SoonerSpinZone in under 3 minutes. iasooner1 answered correctly on these pages.

In my class room test session, 4 of us answered correctly out of 56. And yes. I'm bragging. It's certainly not me. A gift from the Great Father is the only reason I could answer the question.
I actually like you for the most part your test thing cracks me up for the most part. You kind of remind me of the Ents in Lord of the Rings. That is how I read your post.
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Trump kept Rosenstein, spent too much, kept sociopath Fauchi, Kept son in law- hell had many things you can point the finger at.

But he called out the fake media and the deep state, fought child trafficking leftists with much energy- only damn prez to do this, , achieved energy independence, lowered taxes, call him out for a lot of things but all the other prez on both sides were so much worse the DJT.

2 cents hero is damn child banger- what a POS 2 cents is
Holy Shit I am putting this down. I am in full agreement with Corndog. He even criticized Trump. Kinda blows you dem boys away on the MAGA chimps right?
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I actually like you for the most part your test thing cracks me up for the most part. You kind of remind me of the Ents in Lord of the Rings. That is how I read your post.
Early after showing up, someone popped off about me being smart and I believe it kind of pointed me in a certain direction. I have clearly pointed out that Mensa genius Geena Davis and I are idiots compared to James Woods.
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Early after showing up, someone popped off about me being smart and I believe it kind of pointed me in a certain direction. I have clearly pointed out that Mensa genius Geena Davis and I are idiots compared to James Woods.
I would never think you are unintelligent. Even when using idiot, I wouldn't say I am calling someone unintelligent. A couple people on here are slow witted no doubt but for the most part this is fan boy club raw raw around here. I like putting a turd in the punch bowl daily.
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2 cents hero is damn child banger- what a POS 2 cents is
You are one sick individual that seriously needs some mental help. You literally think anyone who disagrees with you is a pedophile. That is insanity.

Please, seek out some counseling. It would help you greatly.
You want to talk about Biden's accomplishments, but when I shredded your 15 bullet list of his accomplishments, you never returned to the thread. Wonder why that is?
You didn't shred anything.🤣🤣

I didn't see your post till you mentioned it here. I've since responded to your weak attempt at a response to the successes I listed.

One of your responses was literally "lol"! That is now considered shredding an argument??

You are one sick individual that seriously needs some mental help. You literally think anyone who disagrees with you is a pedophile. That is insanity.

Please, seek out some counseling. It would help you greatly.
No- I only call you and the other leftist that enable pedophilia- pedos. It's what you are and support. As usual you lie your ass off to make a point.

I have big time disagreements about the shots with 22, medic, et al and NEVER called them a pedos- bc that's what leftist are- not conservatives. Conservatives catch you leftist child banging we would fix you so it never happened again.
Trump barely said a word about Kenya Hussein- married to Michael you friggin liar. Make a sound argument- if you have to lie you have zero credibility. Hussein blamed POS Bush for 4 years- Pedo Joe blamed Trump....DJT couldn't give two shots about Kenya Hussein- married to a Michael- not two shits
Except he vowed as a candidate in 2016 to kill Obamacare lol

“nOt tWo sHiTs”
Except he vowed as a candidate in 2016 to kill Obamacare lol

“nOt tWo sHiTs”
So did every Republican running for office that election. Where Republicans screwed up and screw up they did, they didn't have a replacement plan that was worth a shit. For that they deserve every bit of criticism thrown at them.
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No- I only call you and the other leftist that enable pedophilia- pedos. It's what you are and support.
Again, no leftist on this board supports pedophilia. Not one.

Again, you need help if this is what you truly believe.
Except he vowed as a candidate in 2016 to kill Obamacare lol
The whole reason Trump ran for President was because of Obama. I think the night Obama insulted him (as Trump took it) at the White House Corespondents' Dinner is when Trump decided to eventually run for President.

How's the band? What kind of music you guys playing?
It’s good…we’re still waiting to hear back from the first sound guy we recorded with on our first 2 studio songs.

We’re folk/Americana/bluegrass/jam/blues/country. We even cover some Latin. Not a rock band, but not a str8-up country band either. Eclectic and harken back to older eras
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Again, no leftist on this board supports pedophilia. Not one.

Again, you need help if this is what you truly believe.
No- FBI and media cover up his laptop and diary and most every bad thing Dems do.

You're condoning showering with his 13 year old daughter- really? He F'ed up his kids dude- his son is a POS but daddy had most to do with that most are quite certain. Open borders equals child trafficking you scumbag. All y'all care about is your narrative. I and other conservatives call Trump and Bush out for
Their shortcomings- yalls ends justify the means so you won't call out Pedo Joe- you're bad as he is bc you're an enabler- you leftists, FBI and media, big tech- pure sickos. These are KIDS we are talking about you freak show
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It’s good…we’re still waiting to hear back from the first sound guy we recorded with on our first 2 studio songs.

We’re folk/Americana/bluegrass/jam/blues/country. We even cover some Latin. Not a rock band, but not a str8-up country band either. Eclectic and harken back to older eras
Latin interesting. I love that style. Good luck and I wish success.
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You're condoning showering with his 13 year old daughter- really?
I don't know that he did this and neither do you.

These are KIDS we are talking about you freak show
Yes they are and they were. How do you think it makes the children of Joe Biden fell when their dad is slandered as a pedophile? What if someone called your dad a pedophile simply because that person disagreed with your dad's politics?

Also, this isn't really about the "kids" to you. This is a way for you to attack a politician you don't like. Simple as that.

Running around calling everyone a pedophile or pedophile supporter simply because you disagree with their political stance. You are sick man. Get some help.

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