Biden Says He Has Outperformed Expectations

When it comes to you yes since you basically do the same to Trump voters.
When I have I ever called all Trump supporters pedophiles?

I truly hope you aren't going over to the Q side with Corndog. That guy has mental issues.
When I have I ever called all Trump supporters pedophiles?

I truly hope you aren't going over to the Q side with Corndog. That guy has mental issues.
Q are you kidding me they have a buffalo as their religious leader. Come on man. You do a lot of lumping of Trumpism as I like to call them from the TDS and you lump all Trump voters into one brand just like Corndog did to you. Did I explain it well enough? Don't take Sunburnts test you have no chance.
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Q are you kidding me they have a buffalo as their religious leader. Come on man.
Well, you said you agreed with Q supporter Corndog labeling Biden a pedophile. Do you think Biden is a pedophile like Q supporters do?

and you lump all Trump voters into one brand just like Corndog did to you.
What brand have I lumped "all" Trump supporters into? Note, "all."
Well, you said you agreed with Q supporter Corndog labeling Biden a pedophile. Do you think Biden is a pedophile like Q supporters do?

What brand have I lumped "all" Trump supporters into? Note, "all."
Dude I had a whole debate with about the JAn 6th and how all Trump people condoned it or all Trumper supporters or voters think the election was stolen. My god come on man. Do you not have a memory? I was joking with corndog and you once again think there is a bone but it's just my dick and you're on it.
Toons brain right now...


Close, would be in black and white though not color.
Dude I had a whole debate with about the JAn 6th and how all Trump people condoned it or all Trumper supporters or voters think the election was stolen.
Yeah, go back and read that debate. Did I ever post "all" Trump supporters condoned January 6? Did I ever post "all" Trump supporters think the election was stolen?


Try again.
It’s good…we’re still waiting to hear back from the first sound guy we recorded with on our first 2 studio songs.

We’re folk/Americana/bluegrass/jam/blues/country. We even cover some Latin. Not a rock band, but not a str8-up country band either. Eclectic and harken back to older eras
Let us know when you put something on YouTube or whatever.
But when the FBI starts doing pre-dawn raids over a supposed diary, it certainly feels like a validation of the filth within it.
Not at all. No reason not to think those who stole it (if it is her diary) wouldn't also add parts to it for their political purposes.

Again, no one knows what is going on here. But it doesn't stop the crazies from doing what they do.
Not at all. No reason not to think those who stole it (if it is her diary) wouldn't also add parts to it for their political purposes.

Again, no one knows what is going on here. But it doesn't stop the crazies from doing what they do.
Yes, its common place to act like something that is insignificant has significance. But then again you'd know about 'adding parts for political purposes' wouldn't you, after the years of chasing the Russian Dossier and the so-called piss tapes.
Q are you kidding me they have a buffalo as their religious leader. Come on man. You do a lot of lumping of Trumpism as I like to call them from the TDS and you lump all Trump voters into one brand just like Corndog did to you. Did I explain it well enough? Don't take Sunburnts test you have no chance.
I don't know scoring order between aix_xpert and SquatchinPoke in an M test session. Do I know who would score lowest among my_20mils and the aforementioned principals? You bet I do. All 3 shout it to me with virtually every post they author.
Yeah, go back and read that debate. Did I ever post "all" Trump supporters condoned January 6? Did I ever post "all" Trump supporters think the election was stolen?


Try again.
You about the biggest shit on the board playing the victim now- poor thing
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I don't know that he did this and neither do you.

Yes they are and they were. How do you think it makes the children of Joe Biden fell when their dad is slandered as a pedophile? What if someone called your dad a pedophile simply because that person disagreed with your dad's politics?

Also, this isn't really about the "kids" to you. This is a way for you to attack a politician you don't like. Simple as that.

Running around calling everyone a pedophile or pedophile supporter simply because you disagree with their political stance. You are sick man. Get some help.
How you avoid seeing the reflection of the mirror when you look into it is one of life's mysteries.
I don't know that he did this and neither do you.

Yes they are and they were. How do you think it makes the children of Joe Biden fell when their dad is slandered as a pedophile? What if someone called your dad a pedophile simply because that person disagreed with your dad's politics?

Also, this isn't really about the "kids" to you. This is a way for you to attack a politician you don't like. Simple as that.

Running around calling everyone a pedophile or pedophile supporter simply because you disagree with their political stance. You are sick man. Get some help.

Oh the irony in this gem you posted. Member all of your ilk's screeches of NAZIs and every other foul thing Team Regressive called or portrayed Trump as? Lots of the dingbats on your side were advocating violence because Trump kicked your scummy corrupt Queen to the bin of irrelevance. We can do a review if you'd like.

You have zero self-awareness, toon_cents. It's remarkable. Regarding Biden's "children," one is dead and the other is a grifting loser crackhead. They'll survive. Or cry. Or whatever. I don't care. Pedo Joe has been on camera inappropriately sniffing and groping children for decades. Pedophiles do pedophile things like that. Sorry, maybe you shouldn't have voted for a kiddie diddler. Just sayin.
Oh the irony in this gem you posted. Member all of your ilk's screeches of NAZIs and every other foul thing Team Regressive called or portrayed Trump as?
Trump is a neo-fascist. That is just the truth and this has been shown to you over and over again.

Has absolutely nothing to do with this conversation though. Nice attempt at defelect though.
Trump is a neo-fascist. That is just the truth and this has been shown to you over and over again.

Has absolutely nothing to do with this conversation though. Nice attempt at defelect though.

Were you not the one that is crying about a pedophile being called a pedophile in this thread?

And no, Trump is not anything remotely fascist despite your phantasies. Your ilk have shown us what real fascism looks like. Sorry. Do better. Stop voting for and supporting authoritarian losers.
Were you not the one that is crying about a pedophile being called a pedophile in this thread?
Biden isn't a pedophile though.

But again, my criticism of Trump has to do with his political beliefs. Calling Biden a pedophile has nothing to do with his political positions. It is just the type of disgusting nonsense we are use to hearing from you right-wing loons.

And no, Trump is not anything remotely fascist despite your phantasies.
Neo-fascist, and sure he is. This has been shown and discussed numerous times on this board.
Biden isn't a pedophile though.

But again, my criticism of Trump has to do with his political beliefs. Calling Biden a pedophile has nothing to do with his political positions. It is just the type of disgusting nonsense we are use to hearing from you right-wing loons.

Neo-fascist, and sure he is. This has been shown and discussed numerous times on this board.
Sorry, the evidence says otherwise. I'm starting to think you have a DodgeAllen take on what a pedophile looks like. Let me help...

See I thought it was dumb other then he lied under oath.
A President lying under oath was an impeachable offense in my opinion. Along with his obstruction of justice.

Clinton and his political team did a good job convincing a majority of Americans that it was all just about a consensual affair. That never excused his illegal actions in my view though.
Glad to see you agree that they are both trash.
I don't think HRC is trash although I did disagree with how she handled Bill's treatment of women.

As for Bill, I have mixed views on him. I definitely thought he should have been impeached and removed from office.

I realize though they both are miserable scum, like Trump is, in your opinion.
A bright person can say, "I did not have sex with that woman." With only 2 witnesses, it is reasonable to believe witness II will not go public.

"I remember landing in Bosnia under heavy sniper fire," from a 2008 speech. With Sheryl Crow, Sinbad the entertainer and a troop of reporters in tow, only an idiot would make such a declaration.
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A bright person can say, "I did not have sex with that woman." With only 2 witnesses, it is reasonable to believe witness II will not go public.

A President who is having an affair with a young intern would be stupid to think that she isn't going to tell people. Would be stupid to think that in Washington D.C., such an affair wouldn't become public and that his political opponents wouldn't take advantage of the young intern. Especially when that same President is dealing with a sexual harassment civil lawsuit at the same time.

You aren't very bright are you Sunburnt?
I don't think HRC is trash although I did disagree with how she handled Bill's treatment of women.

As for Bill, I have mixed views on him. I definitely thought he should have been impeached and removed from office.

I realize though they both are miserable scum, like Trump is, in your opinion.

There you go lying again. You do realize its a character flaw right? My ex wife lied all the time, didn't like that cvnt either.
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A President who is having an affair with a young intern would be stupid to think that she isn't going to tell people. Would be stupid to think that in Washington D.C., such an affair wouldn't become public and that his political opponents wouldn't take advantage of the young intern. Especially when that same President is dealing with a sexual harassment civil lawsuit at the same time.

You aren't very bright are you Sunburnt?
I'll assure you. Bill Clinton has a little bit higher IQ than you. So does Hillary. How do I know? You prove it to the board with virtually every post you author.
I'll assure you. Bill Clinton has a little bit higher IQ than you. So does Hillary. How do I know? You prove it to the board with virtually every post you author.
I could care less what you think. You still believe the 2020 election was stolen.🤣 That right there tells anyone with half a brain how ignorant you are.

But you were completely wrong about how bright Clinton was. He was very stupid when it came to his affair. Go back to your cut and pasting now.
Yep, and I've provided it to you numerous times.

We both know what you said. That is why you flail around like crazy everytime I remind you!🤣

Sorry you can't find it liar.
You are the one that flails around about it daily and the past 2 days you have been playing the victim when its done to you lol. Its fun to watch you dance around. Your little word game didn't work out for you did it? Maybe try a new game you aren't very good at that one. 🤣
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Sorry you can't find it liar.
You are the one that flails around about it daily and the past 2 days you have been playing the victim when its done to you lol. Its fun to watch you dance around. Your little word game didn't work out for you did it? Maybe try a new game you aren't very good at that one. 🤣
I'm not dancing. I stated a fact. And everytime I do, you flail around like crazy. It is so predictable.

And it is hilarious to watch. Keep it up Mr. Trump is miserable scum.🤣🤣

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