

Mar 20, 2013
should be a joke, again

sooners win two matches? maybe three?

Projected Lineup ('14 D1 Record)

125: Ryan Millhof (FR)
133: #3 Cody Brewer (21-10)
141: Dalton Dennis (5-2)
149: Shayne Tucker (1-2)/Tim Hamilton (2-2)
157: #12 Justin DeAngelis (15-7)
165: #27 Clark Glass (12-12)
174: Matt Reed (0-0/10-18 in '13)
184: Greg Wilson (0-0/2-11 in '13)/Brooks Climmons (0-0)
197: Brad Johnson (2-2)
285: #11 Ross Larson (16-12)

Ranked 34th (lol)
Didn't expect them to win last year and they did.I would think 6-4 with some bonus points making it worse. Maybe 21-12.
Originally posted by Orangebomber:

with some bonus points making it worse
I think that's right; sooners will be horrible at '41, '49 and '84.

Interesting to see if Dieringer goes '74. If he does, that could benefit the sooners. (Glass is very underrated / R12 potential)
cranberry wrote: "Interesting to see if Dieringer goes '74. If he does, that could benefit the sooners."

Hey, Cranberry. Why would Dieringer go to 74?

This post was edited on 12/1 12:40 PM by poke51
Ug. Ly.

OU is not a good team this year. At all. Possibly a top 20-25 team at the NCAAs.

Not that OSU will be world beaters, but OSU will hammer OU.
Originally posted by poke51:

cranberry wrote: "Interesting to see if Dieringer goes '74. If he does, that could benefit the sooners."

Hey, Cranberry. Why would Dieringer go to 74?

It was just a rumor I'd heard during the preseason. (And if he did go '74, Clark could probably beat whoever we had at '65.)

Here's how I see it:

125: Klimara maj. Millhof; OSU 4-0
133: Brewer maj. B. Crutchmer; 4-4
141: Heil dec. Blackwell; OSU 7-4
149: Kindig dec. Tucker; OSU 10-4
157: DeAngelis dec. Collica; OSU 10-7
165: Dieringer dec. Glass; OSU13-7
174: K. Crutchmer dec. Reed; OSU 16-7
184: Boyd dec. Wilson; OSU19-7
197: Schafer dec. A. Dixon; OSU 22-7
285: Marsden dec. Larson; OSU 25-7

Close call possibilities:

K. Crutchmer / Reed (Reed just beat #15 England from Missouri)
Schafer / A. Dixon (don't be surprised if Dixon keeps this very close)
Marsden / Larson (Marsden has lost to him before)
By Christian Potts For The Transcript

Bedlam brings out the emotions in Oklahomans from the rocky tip of the panhandle to the forests and hills of the southeastern corner of the state.
And in a week where Oklahoma and Oklahoma State will square off not just on the football field but also the wrestling mat (at 2 p.m. Sunday at Gallagher-Iba Arena in Stillwater), it's a good time for banter back and forth between coworkers, neighbors and often even family members.

What's a little more unusual this week is a person who has been squarely on both sides of the rivalry. Enter Sooner Wrestling Coach Mark Cody, in his fourth season leading the OU program but had two stints as an assistant coach on the Cowboy staff, most recently from 2000-02 for current Cowboy leader John Smith.
"I surely have grown to appreciate this rivalry," Cody said. "It's a little different as a coach, since I haven't competed at either school as a wrestler. But you get a great appreciation for the passion that goes into it."
Cody spent nine seasons away from Bedlam as the head coach at American University before returning to OU in 2011. In all his years around the wrestling scene it's built his respect for the passion the teams, fans and communities bring to this rivalry.
"A lot of schools don't have an in-state rival quite like this, where both are able to compete at such a high level," he said. "It has been exciting and fun to be able to coach at this level."
It also provides a chance to compete against his old boss, and one of the legends of the sport, in Smith, who Cody considers definitely to be a friend.
"But business is business," Cody said. "Once you get out there in competition, it's just like coaching against anybody else, and your focus is on winning."
OSU sports a 133-27-10 advantage in the series, with the teams splitting last year's two duals. OU's win at home in December snapped a six-year losing streak to the Cowboys.
This year's numbers on paper appear in the Cowboys' favor. OSU has six wrestlers ranked in the top 20 in their divisions while two unranked Cowboys, Nolan Boyd and Anthony Collica, are returning off conference championships last year. Alex Dieringer at 165 is a defending national champion and Josh Kindig at 149 was a national finalist last year.
Just three Sooners are ranked. Cody Brewer looks the part of a national title contender and is off to an undefeated 8-0 start and a No. 3 ranking at 133. Also ranked for the Sooners are Justin DeAngelis, No. 15 at 157, and heavyweight Ross Larson, who is No. 12 and will face No. 5 Austin Marsden of the Cowboys. Larson defeated Marsden in the final match to clinch a Sooner Bedlam win last December.
The Sooners come in off a pair of defeats at the Northeast Duals last weekend, falling 20-18 to No. 24 Rutgers and 27-9 to No. 5 Missouri.
Freshman Ryan Millhof returns at 125 after missing those two duals with the stomach flu. He and fellow true freshman Trae Blackwell, at 141, will get their first taste of Bedlam in two of several bouts that look closely matched and could go a long way to deciding the outcome Sunday.
"As a team, they just have to wrestle like they're capable of," Cody said of his team. "There are some matches on paper that are toss-ups and, if they see themselves the way we as coaches see them in how they work, they really have a good chance."

Projected matchups
Oklahoma vs. No. 8 Oklahoma State
125 - Ryan Millhof (6-2) vs. No. 14 Eddie Klimara (4-0)
133 - No. 3 Cody Brewer (8-0) vs. Brian Crutchmer (3-6)
141 - Trae Blackwell (7-4) vs. Dean Heil (4-1) or Davey Dolan (7-1)
149 - Shayne Tucker (8-6) vs. No. 2 Josh Kindig (3-0)
157 - No. 15 Justin DeAngelis (9-1) vs. Anthony Collica (5-2)
165 - Clark Class (6-3) vs. No. 1 Alex Dieringer (8-0)
174 - Matt Reed (11-4) vs. No. 18 Kyle Crutchmer (5-2)
184 - Greg Wilson (5-3) vs. Nolan Boyd (6-1)
197 - Brad Johnson (7-3) or Andrew Dixon (6-4) vs No. 20 Austin Schafer (4-2)
HW - No. 12 Ross Larson (8-2) vs. No. 5 Austin Marsden (7-0)
I think you are about right. I could see brewer picking up bonus, Collica picking up the win and bonus could come from klimara, Heil, AD, and Boyd.
I will add that kindig could add bonus.
This post was edited on 12/6 11:57 PM by april racer
I could see it getting uglier for OU, as well.

My only hope is that the OSU wrestling team watched Hendrick's fight tonight and feel as empty as I do now.

Maybe there will be a letdown because they feel so sick.
I just realized that watching MMA might be like certain people watching wrestling. That was really boring until the last few seconds.
Just found out the match will be televised live on FCS (Fox College Sports), at least where I am in Maryland.
For those not watching.

started HWT:
First period:
No points scored, marsden was aggressor.

Marsden started down. Escaped and scored TD.

Escape by Larson, TD by Marsden after desperation shot by Larson.

Final 5-2 Marsden.
TD by klimara, Milhof escape.

Milhof starts down.
Klimara has RT established.
Rides him out.

Escape Klimara.

Final 4-1 w RT.
133: brewer v Crutchmer.
TD brewer.
Escape Crutchmer.
TD brewer.
Escape Crutchmer.
TD brewer.
10-4 at the end of first.

Crutchmer starts down.
Brewer rides him, works for turns but doesn't get them.

Brewer starts down.
Get reversal and cuts him.
TD and cuts him.
TD and NF.
Stall point for brewer
Team score 6-5.
141: Heil v Blackwell
Quick TD Heil.
Almost had cradle locked up.
TD Heil with duck.

Blackwell start down.
Another duck for Heil.
Escape, near reversal.

Heil starts down.
Nice high crotch for another TD.
Cuts him.


Team 9-5
149: kindig v tucker
TD kindig.
TD kindig, after scramble after nice low single attempt by tucker.
Rides him out.

Kindig starts down.
Quick escape.
TD by kindig.
Rides him out.

Escape tucker.
Nice TD by kindig.
Rides him out.

Kindig with 10-2 major

Team 13-5.
Phone froze on me.
157: Collica v DeAngelis
Couple near TDs by each.
Ends 0-0

Second Collica escspes.

DeAngelis escspes and gets 2 Tds.

DeAngelis wins 5-2

Team 13- 8
165: AD v Glass
Rides him out.

AD down
Rides him out.

Start neutral
Nice ankle pick by AD


Team 16-8
174: rogers v reed
TD rogers
TD reed and 2 NF

Rogers starts down

Reed down
Jordan starts back neutral

Reed wins 6-3.

Team 16-11
Boyd starts back on bottom after restart.
Boyd reversal, escape, TD.

Injury default.

Hope he is ok, looked like knee got bent in a way it didn't want to.

Team 22-11
197: Schafer v A Dixon
0-0 pretty uneventful. One quasi shot attempt by Schafer.

Second: Schafer starts down
Nearly got turned

Dixon down
TD schafer

3-2 final

Final team score 25-11
Originally posted by MiccoMacey:
26-6, OSU.
Micco, you were close-final score 25-11 and OU had two good wins and then got an unexplainable win at 174. I nominate Jordan Rogers as the nicest wrestler I have ever met. He is a great kid and so friendly and personable. Maybe he is too nice and that is his problem in wrestling. He has much more talent than he shows. Granted Matt Reed ran for two periods after scoring a takedown and back points but Jordan has to be more aggressive and he just has not shown it. Third year at OSU and based on his highschool career he should be doing much better than he is and separating from wrestlers like Reed. This was the low light of the dual today. The first minute of the Nolan Boyd match was the highlight. Talk about a wrestler that came to wrestle and you would have to show a picture of Nolan. Sorry the OU wrestler got injured but he had chance before the injury. We need more Nolan Boyd attitudes on this team.

Eddie looked good and much bigger than Milhof who will be a good wrestler for OU in the future. I am fearful of Brian Crutchmer's psych after his last several matches where he has been totally over-matched. He gives his all but just does not have the skill and horse power of his opponents and in particular Dardanes and Brewer. Dean Heil had two takedowns in the first period, One TD in the second period and one in the third period along with over a minute of riding time to win 10-5 and although he looked tired he was able to suck it up for that third period takedown which should have made John happy.
Josh Kindig dominated Shayne Tucker with four takedowns and riding time for a10-2 win.

Anthony Collica came out aggressive but could not finish his shots on DeAngelis. First Period was scoreless and Collica escaped in the 2nd for a 1-0 lead. However, in the third DeAngelis escaped and got two takedowns forf the5-2 win. I think Anthony can beat DeAngelis in the future but he will have to wrestle 3 periods. Alex Dieringer was dominant in his 8-1 win over Clark Glass with a takedown and a ride out in the first, escape and takedown in the 2nd but looked to be somewhat gassed in the third but managed to get a takedown for 8-1 win.

Austin Schafer gave way too much respect to his former Edmond North team-mate. He managed one takedown in the match and an escape. That one takedown was one more than the number of takedown attempts made by Andrew Dixon who as Abe Lemon would have said, " he had the same number of takedown attempts that a dead man would have had"

Austin Marsden made the only attempts for a takedown in his match with Ross Larson and managed to turn two of these attempts into takedowns. He should have had two other takedowns and again looked strong in all three periods to win 5-2 in a match that was not that close.

Most fans came away from the dual feeling that with the exception of 1-2 weights we did not wrestle well and did not have much fire in our bellies. The OU wrestlers appeared to love the black lines enclosing the wrestling area and should have been called for stalling more often PARTICULARLY at 174 but nobody expected OU to be good and they did not disappoint.