Anwan family IT scandal.


Jul 6, 2017
presented by Stefan nolyneux in bulletpoont text form.

i know many of you don't like to be bothered with videos or exposed to counter narrative ideas but this Anwan connection to Schultz and many others in power is highly troubling.

these guys are criminals with a history of fraud and blackmail who have been overpaid and protected by powerful congress people. why?

wikileaks confirmed durbing dnc leaks that they had access to schultz's email username and password.

presented by Stefan nolyneux in bulletpoont text form.

i know many of you don't like to be bothered with videos or exposed to counter narrative ideas but this Anwan connection to Schultz and many others in power is highly troubling.

these guys are criminals with a history of fraud and blackmail who have been overpaid and protected by powerful congress people. why?

wikileaks confirmed durbing dnc leaks that they had access to schultz's email username and password.

Nothing to see here. Focus instead on Russia like good establishment pawns.

giphy.gif know....think maybe both are worthy of looking into before declaring them a nothingburger.

Nah...that'd wouldn't be cheerleadery enough for the likes of you.
Evidence much? Something? Anything? Didn't think so. Just an establishment cheerleader. You like calling people cheerleader but you are the worst of the lot, and on behalf of the corrupt establishment to boot. You like to think of yourself as sophisticated and nuanced but you are just a boring, establishment rube.
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Evidence much? Something? Anything? Didn't think so. Just an establishment cheerleader. You like calling people cheerleader but you are the worst of the lot, and on behalf of the corrupt establishment to boot. You like to think of yourself as sophisticated and nuanced but you are just a boring, establishment rube.
Let's play nice.
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Evidence much? Something? Anything? Didn't think so. Just an establishment cheerleader. You like calling people cheerleader but you are the worst of the lot, and on behalf of the corrupt establishment to boot. You like to think of yourself as sophisticated and nuanced but you are just a boring, establishment rube.
Evidence much? Something? Anything? Didn't think so. Just an establishment cheerleader. You like calling people cheerleader but you are the worst of the lot, and on behalf of the corrupt establishment to boot. You like to think of yourself as sophisticated and nuanced but you are just a boring, establishment rube.


Bark for Professor Pavlov little puppy.

@WCPoke What's your call on how easily the Goon rustles?
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jd isn't a cheerleader. but he tries to hard to be dead center on russia which should be objectively obvious in its political purpose.

regardless, this IT story and it's lack of coverage thus far is illuminating.

What is that objectively obvious political purpose for my position on the Russia investigation...which is:

1. There is reasonable suspicion sufficient to justify an investigation;
2. That investigation is on-going and not for really all that long (especially from the special counsel perspective) to anyone that has a knowledgeable historical, legal, or law enforcement perspective, and;
3. Beyond that I call out people who say he is obviously guilty and should be impeached immediately as well as people that say there is obviously nothing thereto be investigated.

What do you think the political purpose for me advancing such a position is?

I am genuinely curious.
it's been investigated beyond reason....the investigation has been expanded beyond the single reason for the investigation. It's a joke from the word go. That is why no one relies on whatever they find or don't find...when a room full of democratic supporters/donors are investigating a republican it goes beyond a joke on every level and any semblance of an honest outcome. They will be digging for crap for years to come.
it's been investigated beyond reason....the investigation has been expanded beyond the single reason for the investigation. It's a joke from the word go. That is why no one relies on whatever they find or don't find...when a room full of democratic supporters/donors are investigating a republican it goes beyond a joke on every level and any semblance of an honest outcome. They will be digging for crap for years to come.
Keeps 'em out of mischief that way.
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it's been investigated beyond reason....the investigation has been expanded beyond the single reason for the investigation. It's a joke from the word go. That is why no one relies on whatever they find or don't find...when a room full of democratic supporters/donors are investigating a republican it goes beyond a joke on every level and any semblance of an honest outcome. They will be digging for crap for years to come.

You are aware a Trump appointee named the Special Counsel to do an investigation just a little over two months ago after he fired Comey for "Russia", right?
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What is that objectively obvious political purpose for my position on the Russia investigation...which is:

1. There is reasonable suspicion sufficient to justify an investigation;
2. That investigation is on-going and not for really all that long (especially from the special counsel perspective) to anyone that has a knowledgeable historical, legal, or law enforcement perspective, and;
3. Beyond that I call out people who say he is obviously guilty and should be impeached immediately as well as people that say there is obviously nothing thereto be investigated.

What do you think the political purpose for me advancing such a position is?

I am genuinely curious.

it's not you who has a political purpose beyond being seen as critically thoughtful and impartial - which I assume you are. im talking about the powerful coordinated entities who have been pushing this Russian fantasy.

as to your enumerations...

1. some say there's not.
2. granted
3. acknowledged. i was actually defending you from the scurrilous charge of cheerleading.

I think you are honorably committed to holding binary "sides" accountable for homerisn. however i believe this creates a blind spot for you where common sense should reign ; russism collusion.

sides aren't binary anymore. at least not RvD, or conservatives / democrats. if you position yourself as center vs left right, I respectfully wonder if you are missing the fact that it's mire and more becoming a question of liberty vs socialism and nationalism vs the church of cultural diversity. you are clearly a champion of personal freedom so it's curious that you give credibility to something plainly designed to obfuscate crimes by the powerful and cripple the populist choice.
What is that objectively obvious political purpose for my position on the Russia investigation...which is:

1. There is reasonable suspicion sufficient to justify an investigation;
2. That investigation is on-going and not for really all that long (especially from the special counsel perspective) to anyone that has a knowledgeable historical, legal, or law enforcement perspective, and;
3. Beyond that I call out people who say he is obviously guilty and should be impeached immediately as well as people that say there is obviously nothing thereto be investigated.

What do you think the political purpose for me advancing such a position is?

I am genuinely curious.

it's not you who has a political purpose beyond being seen as critically thoughtful and impartial - which I assume you are. im talking about the powerful coordinated entities who have been pushing this Russian fantasy.

as to your enumerations...

1. some say there's not.
2. granted
3. acknowledged. i was actually defending you from the scurrilous charge of cheerleading.

I think you are honorably committed to holding binary "sides" accountable for homerisn. however i believe this creates a blind spot for you where common sense should reign ; russism collusion.

sides aren't binary anymore. at least not RvD, or conservatives / democrats. if you position yourself as center vs left right, I respectfully wonder if you are missing the fact that it's mire and more becoming a question of liberty vs socialism and nationalism vs the church of cultural diversity. you are clearly a champion of personal freedom so it's curious that you give credibility to something plainly designed to obfuscate crimes by the powerful and cripple the populist choice.

Your claim that it is no longer binary is specious. Trump supporters have fashioned the argument as Trump versus the uniparty. That's binary. As are all of the other "vs" statements. There are tons of positions to be taken between your definitions of each of them. That's exactly what I'm talking about with regards to the binary thought and argument. For instance, anybody that disagrees with or questions any a position of certain people's with regards to rights questions or government regulations is automatically a socialist. Anyone that disagrees with a total ban on immigration or whatever the position du jour happens to be is of the church of diversity.

Your characterization of my position on Russia as lending of credibility to something "plainly designed" to obsfucate other crimes and cripple populist choice is also a another example. I've been involved in criminal law for 28 years now, and my opinion re: the varying levels of proof (reasonable suspicion, probable cause, reasonable doubt) is based upon years of knowledge and experience in the area. It's not based upon blind spot leading me to abandon common sense. In fact, given the established and undeniable contacts between Trump administrative and election folks, I contend that repeatedly shouting from the rooftops that even the fairly low standard of reasonable suspicion is itself a fine example of abandoning common sense in favor of homerism.
You are aware a Trump appointee named the Special Counsel to do an investigation just a little over two months ago after he fired Comey for "Russia", right?

Rod J. Rosenstein The same Trump appointee who recommended the Coney firing.

Yep. Though for stated reasons unrelated to Russia. Which were promptly contradicted by Trump who said he had already decided to fire him at least in part.

And which also mitigates against the argument that there is not even reasonable suspicion justifying an investigation and the investigation has gone on too long.
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@CowboyJD regarding paragraph one, i did not state or imply that there aren't limitless positions of nuance along the spectrum of liberty and socialism. i simply stated that the traditionally assumed binary of left right is outmoded. in fact I am quite opposed to the inflexible tyranny of political labels.

however I'm confused. you at first tell me that my claim that politics are no longer the traditional binary are specious, inferring that while an attractive theory, I'm wrong. then you tell me there are tons of positions to take between my definitions. which position are you arguing?

regarding paragraph 2, i didn't intend to impugn your professional experience. im suggesting that philosophically you are so committed to being non binary that you've developed a blind spot by reverse engineering the collusion question to fit that position rather than simply recognizing the most likely explanation based on the evidence to coverage/talking point ratio is that it's an implausible absurdity which is wasting our time and insulting our intelligence. it seems like a reasonable conclusion absent a reason to simply want the investigation to be legit and professional - which may be some unintentional professional bias on your part.

maybe not. just an opinion
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Evidence much? Something? Anything? Didn't think so. Just an establishment cheerleader. You like calling people cheerleader but you are the worst of the lot, and on behalf of the corrupt establishment to boot. You like to think of yourself as sophisticated and nuanced but you are just a boring, establishment rube.
Drunk posting... not your best moment.
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it's been investigated beyond reason....the investigation has been expanded beyond the single reason for the investigation. It's a joke from the word go. That is why no one relies on whatever they find or don't find...when a room full of democratic supporters/donors are investigating a republican it goes beyond a joke on every level and any semblance of an honest outcome. They will be digging for crap for years to come.
Ken Starr says "hello"... Get over it. Your boy did this to himself, you got no choice but to live with it.
it's been investigated beyond reason....the investigation has been expanded beyond the single reason for the investigation. It's a joke from the word go. That is why no one relies on whatever they find or don't find...when a room full of democratic supporters/donors are investigating a republican it goes beyond a joke on every level and any semblance of an honest outcome. They will be digging for crap for years to come.
Unfortunately, there are a couple of people on this board that don't get or, more probably, don't want to understand that. To them investigating for 9 months with the help of just about every MSM member and still nothing has come up means ... we need to investigate more.

Also, It should be PAINFULLY obvious that when the MSM has Russia stories, that amount to nothing, ruining ad mauseum and quite literally nothing about Debbie Wusserwoman Schultz's aide arrest and destruction of a computer that we live in a biased media world. But again, unfortunately, many are blinded by that and just want Russia, Russia, Russia.
Unfortunately, there are a couple of people on this board that don't get or, more probably, don't want to understand that. To them investigating for 9 months with the help of just about every MSM member and still nothing has come up means ... we need to investigate more.

Also, It should be PAINFULLY obvious that when the MSM has Russia stories, that amount to nothing, ruining ad mauseum and quite literally nothing about Debbie Wusserwoman Schultz's aide arrest and destruction of a computer that we live in a biased media world. But again, unfortunately, many are blinded by that and just want Russia, Russia, Russia.
Nine months huh?
@CowboyJD regarding paragraph one, i did not state or imply that there aren't limitless positions of nuance along the spectrum of liberty and socialism. i simply stated that the traditionally assumed binary of left right is outmoded. in fact I am quite opposed to the inflexible tyranny of political labels.

however I'm confused. you at first tell me that my claim that politics are no longer the traditional binary are specious, inferring that while an attractive theory, I'm wrong. then you tell me there are tons of positions to take between my definitions. which position are you arguing?

regarding paragraph 2, i didn't intend to impugn your professional experience. im suggesting that philosophically you are so committed to being non binary that you've developed a blind spot by reverse engineering the collusion question to fit that position rather than simply recognizing the most likely explanation based on the evidence to coverage/talking point ratio is that it's an implausible absurdity which is wasting our time and insulting our intelligence. it seems like a reasonable conclusion absent a reason to simply want the investigation to be legit and professional - which may be some unintentional professional bias on your part.

maybe not. just an opinion

Actually what I told you is that the traditional assumed binary of left right has been replaced by Trump supporters with the equally binary Trump populism v the Uniparty (establishment). Thus, you claim that is was no longer binary on the whole was specious because the traditional right/left binary had been replaced with an equally binary Trump populism/Uniparty.

Then the two examples you stated it is becoming "more and more about" we're both directly binary. I'm not a socialist, but I do believe in the social contract that is our Constitution the government has a role and there is a reasonable defensible level of regulation of citizen conduct. I'm not a nationalist, but I also don't worship at the Church of Cultural Diversity (your term).

I don't define myself as "center vs left and right". I focus on the issue at hand and evaluate it using my reason, logic, and personal to come to a conclusion and opinion. I don't care where that conclusion and opinion actually ends up falling on the left/right or Trump populism/Uniparty scale or whatever scale you want to use.

I absolutely disagree that "the most likely explanation based on the evidence to coverage/talking point ratio is that it's an implausible absurdity which is wasting our time and insulting our intelligence". Particularly when Mueller was appointed by a Trump appointee.

I find the totality of the connections between Trump election people administration members (Manafort, Flynn, Page) suspicious. I find the meetings between such officials and Russian during the election suspicious. I find Trump Jr., Manafort, and Kushner meeting with people after an e-mail saying Russian government officials have information about Hillary that will help Trump suspicious. I find Trump asking for a recommendation from Sessions and the Deputy AG on whether he should fire Comey, then using that as justification, and then turning around and saying he was going to fire him anyway because of Russia suspicious. I don't have to reverse engineer anything or worry about where that puts me on any left/right or Trump/Uniparty spectrum to do so.

People advocating continued/new investigations of Hillary, Wasserstein, Seth Rich in connection with the DNC leaks have less to base their suspicions on than what I find suspicious about Trump/Russia (IMO)....yet in one situation they want investigations started and one they advocated that it's all manufactured nonsense that never justified an investigation.

My thought process then goes to if I find it suspicious, what is the next logical reasonable conclusion/step? My opinion is the next reasonable step is an investigation. Is there a possible completely innocent explanation for all that behavior I find suspicious? Maybe...maybe even probably. That doesn't mean an investigation to explore the truth of those claims should be jettisoned. That is the most likely explanation for "Russia". Trump and his people have done some inherent suspicious things re: Russia. That's why an investigation is warranted, appropriate, and needed. Then, knowing what I know about large scale criminal corruption investigations based upon my experience and knowledge of history regarding similar investigations, I know that nine months (or a little over two in the case of Mueller) isn't really that long at all.

My position on Russia/Trump has nothing to do with a desire to position myself anywhere on a political spectrum.
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Actually what I told you is that the traditional assumed binary of left right has been replaced by Trump supporters with the equally binary Trump populism v the Uniparty (establishment). Thus, you claim that is was no longer binary on the whole was specious because the traditional right/left binary had been replaced with an equally binary Trump populism/Uniparty.

Then the two examples you stated it is becoming "more and more about" we're both directly binary. I'm not a socialist, but I do believe in the social contract that is our Constitution the government has a role and there is a reasonable defensible level of regulation of citizen conduct. I'm not a nationalist, but I also don't worship at the Church of Cultural Diversity (your term).

I don't define myself as "center vs left and right". I focus on the issue at hand and evaluate it using my reason, logic, and personal to come to a conclusion and opinion. I don't care where that conclusion and opinion actually ends up falling on the left/right or Trump populism/Uniparty scale or whatever scale you want to use.

I absolutely disagree that "the most likely explanation based on the evidence to coverage/talking point ratio is that it's an implausible absurdity which is wasting our time and insulting our intelligence". Particularly when Mueller was appointed by a Trump appointee.

I find the totality of the connections between Trump election people administration members (Manafort, Flynn, Page) suspicious. I find the meetings between such officials and Russian during the election suspicious. I find Trump Jr., Manafort, and Kushner meeting with people after an e-mail saying Russian government officials have information about Hillary that will help Trump suspicious. I find Trump asking for a recommendation from Sessions and the Deputy AG on whether he should fire Comey, then using that as justification, and then turning around and saying he was going to fire him anyway because of Russia suspicious. I don't have to reverse engineer anything or worry about where that puts me on any left/right or Trump/Uniparty spectrum to do so.

People advocating continued/new investigations of Hillary, Wasserstein, Seth Rich in connection with the DNC leaks have less to base their suspicions on than what I find suspicious about Trump/Russia (IMO)....yet in one situation they want investigations started and one they advocated that it's all manufactured nonsense that never justified an investigation.

My thought process then goes to if I find it suspicious, what is the next logical reasonable conclusion/step? My opinion is the next reasonable step is an investigation. Is there a possible completely innocent explanation for all that behavior I find suspicious? Maybe...maybe even probably. That doesn't mean an investigation to explore the truth of those claims should be jettisoned. That is the most likely explanation for "Russia". Trump and his people have done some inherent suspicious things re: Russia. That's why an investigation is warranted, appropriate, and needed. Then, knowing what I know about large scale criminal corruption investigations based upon my experience and knowledge of history regarding similar investigations, I know that nine months (or a little over two in the case of Mueller) isn't really that long at all.

My position on Russia/Trump has nothing to do with a desire to position myself anywhere on a political spectrum.

all that being said what's the penalty for filing a vpo under false pretenses?

or does one get to snipe willy nilly?
I find Trump Jr., Manafort, and Kushner meeting with people after an e-mail saying Russian government officials have information about Hillary that will help Trump suspicious.

this is how smear works

if it was a quiet investigation that didn't affect a mans ability to carry on a normal course of business that's one thing

but when this plays out on cnn

in a manner in which you have described this incident

smear is just as good as prosecution

in fact it's better and more cynical because what you've done is hamstrung the political process in the same way in which your accusations have done with zero culpability
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this is how smear works

if it was a quiet investigation that didn't affect a mans ability to carry on a normal course of business that's one thing

but when this plays out on cnn

in a manner in which you have described this incident

smear is just as good as prosecution

in fact it's better and more cynical because what you've done is hamstrung the political process in the same way in which your accusations have done with zero culpability

Jr released the emails himself.

You can read them.

It is suspicious.

It is newsworthy.

Recognizing that isn't a "smear".
Jr released the emails himself.

You can read them.

It is suspicious.

It is newsworthy.

Recognizing that isn't a "smear".

it's newsworthy sure

worthy of investigation bullshit

btw you left out the part about how this broad got into the country and when that happens this narrative starts building and it devolves into smear
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it's newsworthy sure

worthy of investigation bullshit

btw you left out the part about how this broad got into the country and when that happens this narrative starts building and it devolves into smear

Bullshit it's not worthy of investigation.

Btw, how she got into the country is worthy of being looked at during the investigation rather than just accepting your particular narrative of what that indicates.
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Bullshit it's not worthy of investigation.

Btw, how she got into the country is worthy of being looked at during the investigation rather than just accepting your particular narrative of what that indicates.

you left it out
the media left it out

blah blah blah
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tell you what let's move the goalposts here
leaving junior out

make the investigation

the usAG hustled in a russian attorney to hustle junior into a meeting under the pretense of political meddling

the AG obtains fisa warrants to bug trump tower

blah blah blah

comes back looking real bad for the dems

do you think trump wants to play these games or get down to doing the job he was elected to do?
if it was a quiet investigation that didn't affect a mans ability to carry on a normal course of business that's one thing
Trump could actually carry on a normal course of business, but he chooses not to. That's on him, not any other person or investigation. When we reflect on the Trump presidency, I don't think "leading" through infantile Twitter rants is something that will be found to have been productive or effective.
Trump could actually carry on a normal course of business, but he chooses not to. That's on him, not any other person or investigation. When we reflect on the Trump presidency, I don't think "leading" through infantile Twitter rants is something that will be found to have been productive or effective.


All this whining about Trump being mistreated, overlooks the FACT, that he has handled the entire situation terribly, and bears significant responsibility for the things that are hurting his ability to do his job.
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Jr released the emails himself.

You can read them.

It is suspicious.

Let me preface by saying I'm drinking today. So if I make absolutely no sense here I apologize. I also want to point out I believe JD to take great pleasure in taking a contrarian stance regardless of actual belief and I'm not assigning a team. That said, I also believe he works hard to apply critical thought to every situation.

However, I believe this is where we see a lose lose situation and a difference in media bias.

Hillary Clinton had a private server, deleted over 30,000 emails, and destroyed previously used equipment. According to team blue this is a "right-wing" pizzagate worthy conspiracy. Nothing to see here folks. Team Red is screaming suspicious activity and calling for a full investigation.

Whether a real investigation occurred also depends on team perspective.

Don Jr had something that was about to come to light. So he preemptively releases the emails for all to see. Is this a move of transperancy? Nope, it's suspicious. Team Red calls it a witch hunt because he displayed transparency and team blue feels there's more to be suspicious of here than Hillary's situation.

What my drunk ass sees coming to light is a situation that's lose lose regardless of how you handle it. However, how it's reported is the significant difference in my biased Democrat hating opinion. Yes, I dislike Republicans but I fvckin hate neocons and Democrats.

Since the media is mostly a team blue cheerleading sycophant one has received far more media attention and desire to expose than the other.

/drunk post

Let me preface by saying I'm drinking today. So if I make absolutely no sense here I apologize. I also want to point out I believe JD to take great pleasure in taking a contrarian stance regardless of actual belief and I'm not assigning a team. That said, I also believe he works hard to apply critical thought to every situation.

However, I believe this is where we see a lose lose situation and a difference in media bias.

Hillary Clinton had a private server, deleted over 30,000 emails, and destroyed previously used equipment. According to team blue this is a "right-wing" pizzagate worthy conspiracy. Nothing to see here folks. Team Red is screaming suspicious activity and calling for a full investigation.

All definitely suspicious. All worthy of investigating.

Whether a real investigation occurred also depends on team perspective.


Don Jr had something that was about to come to light. So he preemptively releases the emails for all to see. Is this a move of transperancy? Nope, it's suspicious. Team Red calls it a witch hunt because he displayed transparency and team blue feels there's more to be suspicious of here than Hillary's situation.

Releasing something preemptively when you know it's going to come to light isn't transparency by any stretch. It's trying to get ahead of the story. Furthermore, it's the content and response that is suspicious.

What my drunk ass sees coming to light is a situation that's lose lose regardless of how you handle it. However, how it's reported is the significant difference in my biased Democrat hating opinion. Yes, I dislike Republicans but I fvckin hate neocons and Democrats.

Since the media is mostly a team blue cheerleading sycophant one has received far more media attention and desire to expose than the other.

No doubt. I agree completely.
/drunk post


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