Here's where our miscommunication lies. It seems in your mind Palestinian = Hamas. I say Palestinian = Palestinian and Hamas = Hamas. You seem to think the Israel government = Jew, any criticism of actions perpetratedby the Israeli government = antisemitic hatred of all Jews. I say actions by any government that fences in other people with no chance to escape is wrong no matter which government it is. I do not condone the actions of Hamas, I condemn Hamas with all I've got. By the same token I condemn the conditions the Israeli government has foisted on the Palestinian people and beg it to change tactics or the murder and mayhem will never end.
As for your contention that no one wants to accept the Palestinians into their country. Leave aside the question of why the Palestinains should be removed from their homeland, the fact is no one wanted the Jews after WW2. No country in the West including America wanted to bring them into their country. I'll ask you the same question: why is that?