20% of Generation Z Is LGBT. How Did This Happen?

How did this happen. How about honesty?

What, you have a problem with individuals being honest now and identifying with what they are? You want them to be something different so they can'make you feel better about yourself? So they can align with your beliefs?

You are such a regressive. Your later years are going to be real tough if you insist on embracing such a hateful mindset.

Glad to see you’re still a ****ing tard.
As I stated, if that one poll is to be believed, it very well could just indicate that Americans are more honest today about who they are and they don't feel the need to hide who they are. Think about this for a bit, instead of just repeating what your hateful propagandists feed you on a daily basis.

Also, again, do you have a problem with individuals being honest now and identifying with what they are? You want them to be something different so they can make you feel better about yourself? So they can align with your beliefs? You know, force your own form of indoctrination upon them?

When you gonna cut your Dick off? Please do it soon
As I stated, if that one poll is to be believed, it very well could just indicate that Americans are more honest today about who they are and they don't feel the need to hide who they are. Think about this for a bit, instead of just repeating what your hateful propagandists feed you on a daily basis.

Also, again, do you have a problem with individuals being honest now and identifying with what they are? You want them to be something different so they can make you feel better about yourself? So they can align with your beliefs? You know, force your own form of indoctrination upon them?
Ah the crux of the debate. For 2 Pesos he starts by saying it's not a life choice, it's a I was born this way issue. But he fails in his argument when he wants to know if they align with your belief. This would also imply that he believes that it's a life choice. We couldn't force our indoctrination on them if they were born that way. So we can establish once and for all that it is in fact a choice.

But then thats not all of the debate with the alphabet family anymore. Now we are talking about kidnapping children from thier parental unit and performing life changing surgery because a 10 year old thinks he is a she. If the debate was over letting people choose who they want to love than most people will say fine. How about we have a female stripper in her stripper attire show up at a school and read stories in front if 1st graders, and call it acceptable.

Let's breakout it down like this. Turn it around. Would it be ok to have a female porn star come to school and strip tease for the high school basketball team in the locker room before the game? After all its just a life style isn't it. But if its just a life style then why are we debating about born this way or a choice?

If its a choice then it is not a right. If its not a right then I can keep your sick perverted crap out of my child's life. Now that is a right. My right to raise my kid without this crap trumps your right to be whatever you choose to be. Which has nothing to do with choosing who you love. Choose who you love I don't care, just not in front my kids story time in elementary school, in drag, so you can discuss cutting Jimmy's wewe into a whowho. Lines man..Iines.
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But he fails in his argument when he wants to know if they align with your belief. This would also imply that he believes that it's a life choice. We couldn't force our indoctrination on them if they were born that way. So we can establish once and for all that it is in fact a choice.
Wrong. I've never stated right-wing indoctrination could force them to choose something different from what they are. I've simply stated that such indoctrination could force them back into the closet. Force them to not be honest publicly with how they identify.

And let's be honest. That is what you want. You want them back in the closet and you want them to deny who they are so your hateful beliefs are honored.

My right to raise my kid without this crap trumps your right to be whatever you choose to be.
Wrong again.

You don't get to force your hateful view of some people upon all children and adults. You want to raise your children to embrace your hateful ideology, so be it. Send them to a private school that will indoctrinate them in that ideology or educate them at home. That is your right and I will defend that right.

But don't try to force your hateful ideology upon my children and all children in America.

This is the same argument we once had about race and public schools in this country. Back then, black children were being spit on because they dared to walk into a public school with white children.

It's the same hateful regressive ideology.
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Sorry, where did the propaganda that you swallowed blindly come from?
Tell me, did these individuals just appear on the scene recently? Or have they always been a part of the human experience?

When you can recognize the propaganda you fall victim to, maybe we can have a reasonable conversation. I doubt you will ever be able to do this though Styrofoam.
Tell me, did these individuals just appear on the scene recently? Or have they always been a part of the human experience?

When you can recognize the propaganda you fall victim to, maybe we can have a reasonable conversation. I doubt you will ever be able to do this though Styrofoam.



Just answer the question.

It’ll be educational.

Dave won’t go down this road either and I know why.

But you’re way smarter.
Wrong. I've never stated right-wing indoctrination could force them to choose something different from what they are. I've simply stated that such indoctrination could force them back into the closet. Force them to not be honest publicly with how they identify.

And let's be honest. That is what you want. You want them back in the closet and you want them to deny who they are so your hateful beliefs are honored.

Wrong again.

You don't get to force your hateful view of some people upon all children and adults. You want to raise your children to embrace your hateful ideology, so be it. Send them to a private school that will indoctrinate them in that ideology or educate them at home. That is your right and I will defend that right.

Ok why can't the alphabet community make their own private school where they have drag queens story hour all they want? See same argument you make but you will have a problem with it.

So someone from the alphabet community can force their hateful view that I'm a hateful person because I don't want my kid being shown a mans ding dong in a dress? Either way you are forcing someone to do something they don't want. You are forcing me to do something I don't want or I am forcing you to do something you don't want, so which is it? Who gets to force? Someone gets to. We live in a republic so each community should have to decide. If you leave it to the community to decide which side they want to enforce I would be ok with it. But then you wont be, and there in lies the rub.
But don't try to force your hateful ideology upon my children and all children in America.

This is the same argument we once had about race and public schools in this country. Back then, black children were being spit on because they dared to walk into a public school with white children.

It's the same hateful regressive ideology.

See I can type that as well, although in my case, you just prove my argument with your idiocy. Which is it man you have to pick, is this a life style choice, or are they forced to be part of the alphabet community? No one is spitting on the drag queens; the drag queens are spitting on the parents. That is what the debate is about. You crazy lefty idiots have to make it just like the civil right movement, when it's not. You make everyone out to be these hate filled monsters, when all they want is to protect their kids. I'm sorry, my kids, and my right as a parent trump you and your made up civil rights bs.
Ok why can't the alphabet community make their own private school where they have drag queens story hour all they want?
And why can't the integration community make their own private schools where they allow for integration and let the public schools remain segregated.

See. You are just recycling the same hateful argument.

Public schools are for the American public. The American public includes gay Americans. It includes bisexual Americans. It includes transgender Americans. Just as it includes black Americans. And other Americans who aren't white.

I'm sorry your hateful ideology wants to exclude these Americans. If you want to exclude them, go to a school that will do that. Or home school. I'll support your right to do this, even though I disagree with your hateful ideology.

Stop trying to force all Americans to embrace what they aren't. To hide who they are because you hate what they are. Stop trying to force all Americans into your extreme right-wing box. That isn't who we are as Americans.

btw, the more you do this, the more your political side will continue to lose elections.
And why can't the integration community make their own private schools where they allow for integration and let the public schools remain segregated.

See. You are just recycling the same hateful argument.

Public schools are for the American public. The American public includes gay Americans. It includes bisexual Americans. It includes transgender Americans. Just as it includes black Americans. And other Americans who aren't white.

I'm sorry your hateful ideology wants to exclude these Americans. If you want to exclude them, go to a school that will do that. Or home school. I'll support your right to do this, even though I disagree with your hateful ideology.

Stop trying to force all Americans to embrace what they aren't. To hide who they are because you hate what they are. Stop trying to force all Americans into your extreme right-wing box. That isn't who we are as Americans.

btw, the more you do this, the more your political side will continue to lose elections.
Acceptance of and grooming kids into sexual deviance has ZERO to do with equality based on race, religion, and gender. But you keep doing your ret@rded self.
And why can't the integration community make their own private schools where they allow for integration and let the public schools remain segregated.

See. You are just recycling the same hateful argument.

Public schools are for the American public. The American public includes gay Americans. It includes bisexual Americans. It includes transgender Americans. Just as it includes black Americans. And other Americans who aren't white.

I'm sorry your hateful ideology wants to exclude these Americans. If you want to exclude them, go to a school that will do that. Or home school. I'll support your right to do this, even though I disagree with your hateful ideology.

Stop trying to force all Americans to embrace what they aren't. To hide who they are because you hate what they are. Stop trying to force all Americans into your extreme right-wing box. That isn't who we are as Americans.

btw, the more you do this, the more your political side will continue to lose elections.
Sure, you keep attacking parents and kids and see how that goes for you.
I think a lot of it has to do with the “beta-male-ing” of American men from 50+ years of feminism. Outsourcing parenting (especially fatherhood) to Ritalin, day care centers, and the government probably hasn’t helped, either.
Man you guys are full of crap. The number is exaggerated because they are making fun of the idiots asking.
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Sure, you keep attacking parents and kids and see how that goes for you.
I'm not the one attacking parents and kids. You are.

And this political strategy isn't working for your side. It makes you look extreme and hateful. A majority of the American people are not where you are on this. And you know why? Because they know people who are gay, or who are bisexual, or who are transgender. Many of them are parents of human beings who are gay, bi, or transexual. And they love these human beings and don't like seeing hateful bigots such as yourself attacking them and trying to segregate them from society.
How about all those people you have encountered in your life whom didn't bother telling you what they were? Or perhaps were keeping it a secret from everyone else?

I have no clue what percentage of people I've met throughout my life would identify as LGBT. I know I've met a lot who publicly did, but I'm sure I've known many who were keeping it to themselves too.

You act like all of this is something new to the human experience, when it isn't.

I also don't understand your obsession with all of this. Why do you care if 20% of a generation identifies as LGBT? Why do you care so much about other people's sex and relationship life? Why do you feel the need to force on everyone your views of sexuality?

Get over it man. Drop the hate. Live your life and let others live theirs. Love who you want to love and let others love who they want to love.
Leave the kids alone and there is no problem but the leftist can't do that, they keep putting their BS in our schools.
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I'm not the one attacking parents and kids. You are.

And this political strategy isn't working for your side. It makes you look extreme and hateful. A majority of the American people are not where you are on this. And you know why? Because they know people who are gay, or who are bisexual, or who are transgender. Many of them are parents of human beings who are gay, bi, or transexual. And they love these human beings and don't like seeing hateful bigots such as yourself attacking them and trying to segregate them from society.
Honestly my side wins this one if they talk about it in terms of the truth. When the right speaks to this subject and places it in its real forms with truthful language it's an easy argument to win.

It's not that hard to say that gentile mutilation under the age of 18 is not ok on any level. It's not that hard to say that men dressed in drag telling kids stories in school is not ok. It's not that hard to say that schools should not be teaching sexual behavior and preference to kids under the age of 18 let alone under 12.

The Saul Alinsky is strong in you. I'll give you that, but the arguments being made today about the alphabet community are not about love, they are about attacks on the home and of traditional values.

Let me Saul Alinsky you. Traditional parents love their children and don't like seeing hateful bigots such as yourself attacking them and trying to segregate them from society. Every time they speak up to defend their children in their own communities that is what your side does. You call them hateful bigots, when you are the ones who actually hate them.

All that being said I will agree with one thing with you, and that is my side will chicken out after you call them hateful bigots. Which is why we should call you a hateful bigot as well. Your strategy has been used so much it's easy to spot these days.

"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."
Leave the kids alone and there is no problem but the leftist can't do that, they keep putting their BS in our schools.

Can you for once just stop repeating what your right-wing propagandists are feeding you?

Tolerance and acceptance isn't BS. There is no concerted effort by educators to "groom" children, regardless of what Fox News tells you and the random stories they find and twist to play in your hate and fear.

The fact that you think children can be "groomed" into being something they aren't actually speaks volumes about how you really view all of this.

Tell me, who "groomed" you to be heterosexual?
Honestly my side wins this one if they talk about it in terms of the truth. When the right speaks to this subject and places it in its real forms with truthful language it's an easy argument to win.
Again, you are wrong.

Most polls show that over 60% of Americans disagree with you on this issue. They disagree with your version of the "truth."

This isn't a winning issue for your side. You know what this is? This is an attempt by right-wing leaders to ensure you keep coming out to vote for Republican candidates so they don't lose elections in a landslide. This is a means to energize the shrinking Republican base. That's it.

but the arguments being made today about the alphabet community are not about love, they are about attacks on the home and of traditional values.
Again, your "traditional values" are not shared by a majority of Americans. They no longer embrace your hate, hidden behind what you call "traditional values."

And they also recognize your hypocrisy btw. They see how you will attack someone who is gay but celebrate a man who is married and sleeps with a porn star. Then tries to cover it up.

They see how you will support a candidate for the Senate who pays women to have abortions after sleeping with them. While he claims he is anti-abortion.

Are these examples of your "traditional values"??


Let me Saul Alinsky you.
lol, I see you are another one who has fallen prey to the right-wing propagandists.

You are more obsessed with Saul Alinsky I think than any liberal is. Dang man, most liberal American voters don't even know who Saul Alinsky is. Same goes for most moderate and Independent-minded Americans. But they do know someone who is gay, someone who is bi, someone who is transgender.

You just don't get it, do you? Stop listening to your propagandists. Stop wallowing in your hate and bigotry.

"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."
And what are you ridiculing right now?

Acceptance. Love. The human experience and reality.

Keep ridiculing this and see how it works out for you at the polls. You are on the wrong side of history. As regressives always have been.

Can you for once just stop repeating what your right-wing propagandists are feeding you?

Tolerance and acceptance isn't BS. There is no concerted effort by educators to "groom" children, regardless of what Fox News tells you and the random stories they find and twist to play in your hate and fear.

The fact that you think children can be "groomed" into being something they aren't actually speaks volumes about how you really view all of this.

Tell me, who "groomed" you to be heterosexual?
Wonder why a 12 year old is being sent home from school if as you say schools are not making a concerted effort to push the LGBTQ BS. Kids are subjected to the LGBTQ narrative every day in school but when a opinion that differs from that narrative the opinion has to be crushed and punished? Yea tell me again it's not a concerted effort. LMAO good grief you are so brainwashed you can't tell night from day.
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Wonder why a 12 year old is being sent home from school if as you say schools are not making a concerted effort to push the LGBTQ BS. Kids are subjected to the LGBTQ narrative every day in school but when a opinion that differs from that narrative the opinion has to be crushed and punished? Yea tell me again it's not a concerted effort. LMAO good grief you are so brainwashed you can't tell night from day.
Just keep proving my point Bearcat.

"Regardless of what Fox News tells you and the random stories they find and twist to play in your hate and fear."

And what do you do? Link to a Fox News article.

Just keep proving my point Bearcat.

"Regardless of what Fox News tells you and the random stories they find and twist to play in your hate and fear."

And what do you do? Link to a Fox News article.

Random stories? You said this wasn't happening and there was no concerted effort, now it's just a random story. LMAO it's people like you who are so entrenched in your ideology you can't see reality, you are the problem in this country.
How did this happen. How about honesty?

What, you have a problem with individuals being honest now and identifying with what they are? You want them to be something different so they can'make you feel better about yourself? So they can align with your beliefs?

You are such a regressive. Your later years are going to be real tough if you insist on embracing such a hateful mindset.

Says the Groomer trying to lay blame elsewhere. 🤣
Pose a coherent question I'll answer it.

Go ahead. Stop flailing around for once.

I know who convinced you, but let’s pretend you arrived at your conclusions through education instead of the usual indoctrination via propaganda.

What science are you following to arrive at the hilarious claims you’re making in this entire thread?

Names of the people who’s work convinced you would be a good place to start.