10 Year-Old Rape Victim Denied Abortion In Ohio


2nd Team
Feb 4, 2003
Was in Ohio the last few weeks and this was a heavily discussed story. Kind of surprised I haven't heard anyone in this part of the country talking about it.

On Monday three days after the Supreme Court issued its groundbreaking decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Dr. Caitlin Bernard, an Indianapolis obstetrician-gynecologist, took a call from a colleague, a child abuse doctor in Ohio.
Hours after the Supreme Court action, the Buckeye state had outlawed any abortion after six weeks. Now this doctor had a 10-year-old patient in the office who was six weeks and three days pregnant. Could Bernard help? Indiana lawmakers are poised to further restrict or ban abortion in mere weeks. The Indiana General Assembly will convene in a special session July 25 when it will discuss restrictions to abortion policy. But for now, the procedure still is legal in Indiana. And so the girl soon was on her way to Indiana to Bernard’s care.

The Cincinnati Enquirer reports:
The shocking part is definitely the 10-year-old. Do they know who the rapist is, and has he been charged?

The story ends with the child receiving care in Indiana. So she received an abortion, the care her parents wanted for her.

What is the specific issue you have with the story? If Ohioans do not like the way their abortion law is written, then I would encourage them to change that to something they would be more comfortable with. That has nothing to do with my personal beliefs on the matter which will stay in Oklahoma. That is the beauty of the decision that came down.
I agree. But I'm interested in knowing how Oklahomans would like to see a situation like this handled.
Was in Ohio the last few weeks and this was a heavily discussed story. Kind of surprised I haven't heard anyone in this part of the country talking about it.

On Monday three days after the Supreme Court issued its groundbreaking decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Dr. Caitlin Bernard, an Indianapolis obstetrician-gynecologist, took a call from a colleague, a child abuse doctor in Ohio.
Hours after the Supreme Court action, the Buckeye state had outlawed any abortion after six weeks. Now this doctor had a 10-year-old patient in the office who was six weeks and three days pregnant. Could Bernard help? Indiana lawmakers are poised to further restrict or ban abortion in mere weeks. The Indiana General Assembly will convene in a special session July 25 when it will discuss restrictions to abortion policy. But for now, the procedure still is legal in Indiana. And so the girl soon was on her way to Indiana to Bernard’s care.

The Cincinnati Enquirer reports:
I've read and heard about this. I've also listened to anti-abortion advocates defend the inability for this ten year old child to receive an abortion in Ohio or anywhere else for that matter. Such arguments as we shouldn't correct one wrong with another wrong, life matters regardless of the circumstances, and God's will should be honored. You know, because apparently, it was God's will what happened to this ten year old child.🙄🙄

It absolutely sickening and shameful what anti-abortionists are putting this child through, along with the rest of our nation.
Holy shit, for every rape victim denied an abortion, two other random pregnant women should have abortions forced upon them. That’s the only way we will ever see real change happen.
What is the specific issue you have with the story?

How about the fact that a ten year old girl who was raped was forced to go to another state in order to obtain an abortion simply because the Supreme Court of this country told states they now have the ability to ban all abortions, including for a ten year old rape victim! Not to mention what Indiana and other states might do in the future, thereby forcing another 10 year old rape victim to have to travel even further to obtain an abortion.

Does extremism ring a bell with you?

That is the beauty of the decision that came down.
There is nothing beautiful about a state now having the ability to ban a ten year old rape victim from having an abortion.
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An Ohio lawmaker responding back in April to a hypothetical of a 13-year-old girl who is raped and becomes pregnant:

"It is a shame that it happens, but there’s an opportunity for that woman, no matter how young or old she is, to make a determination about what she’s going to do to help that life be a productive human being." - Rep. Jean Schmidt

Ohio lawmaker calls pregnancies from rape an ‘opportunity’ for victims
I agree. But I'm interested in knowing how Oklahomans would like to see a situation like this handled.
There are a lot of dynamics at play here. The gjrl is 10 so she will not be involved on the decision making. The parents will make the final call which is political hot potatoe itself. Lets put that aside for the moment.

My personal take on this is that I do not condone any abortion even in this case. I look at it as the child has committed no crime so why take out the crime on the child? I would support sever punishment for the rapist but I do not know the entire story here.

That being said the parents should be the ones to make the call up to the extent that the law allows. Why did they wait 6 weeks to test? Again I don't know the full story.

As for a bit mire philosophical take: For rape cases it can be extremely tough situation for the female. That rape will be with her for the rest of her life regardless of what she decides to do with carrying the child or not. That is why I would encourage adoption at birth, and ensure that she knows she chose life over death, and because of that she is a far better person than the man who rapped her. Thus breaking the cycle of violence. Then provide as much counciling as she wants for the rest of her life. In the end there is no answer that will fix what happened to her and trying to legislate an answer to that will only make the situation worse.

How I would write the law: in the case of rape, abortion is legal up to 15 weeks. The rapist will pay for or forfeit property to pay for the either the abortion or the birth and the post councilors after conviction at trial. If they do not have the funds the state will pick up the tab, charging the rapist every year until they fully pay back the state. Every consideration for both adoption and abortion should be presented to the victim.

I'm sure I would need to work on the language but I would hope you know what I'm getting at here. Its a rough outline.

Sorry for the book but you asked a question that has no simple answer, and I felt as if you genuinely wanted to know.
I've read and heard about this. I've also listened to anti-abortion advocates defend the inability for this ten year old child to receive an abortion in Ohio or anywhere else for that matter. Such arguments as we shouldn't correct one wrong with another wrong, life matters regardless of the circumstances, and God's will should be honored. You know, because apparently, it was God's will what happened to this ten year old child.🙄🙄

It absolutely sickening and shameful what anti-abortionists are putting this child through, along with the rest of our nation.
So basically what you’re saying is that the baby is not a human being entitled to human rights.
So basically what you’re saying is that the baby is not a human being entitled to human rights.
I may be wrong, I frequently am when @my_2cents is involved, but I think what he means is the baby’s human rights do not supersede the woman’s human right to determine what grows inside the body she owns. While I personally would do everything possible to peacefully persuade her not to have an abortion, it’s her body not mine, so the choice is hers not mine.
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I may be wrong, I frequently am when @my_2cents is involved, but I think what he means is the baby’s human rights do not supersede the woman’s human right to determine what grows in the body she owns. While I personally would do everything possible to peacefully persuade her not to have an abortion, it’s her body not mine, so the choice is hers not mine.
Ok, but that position is not consistent with the Catholic faith that 2pedos professes to follow.

How about the fact that a ten year old girl who was raped was forced to go to another state in order to obtain an abortion simply because the Supreme Court of this country told states they now have the ability to ban all abortions, including for a ten year old rape victim! Not to mention what Indiana and other states might do in the future, thereby forcing another 10 year old rape victim to have to travel even further to obtain an abortion.

Does extremism ring a bell with you?

There is nothing beautiful about a state now having the ability to ban a ten year old rape victim from having an abortion.
I would suggest that people that support abortion lobby their state legislatures for reasonable access to abortion. By the way abortion up to birth is not reasonable.
I get it, having had a daughter that had a serious medical complication with her pregnancy. I do not support making all abortions illegal but I also do not support abortion up to birth. This is an issue that will require compassion, cooperation, tolerance and compromise. Sadly I do not see much of that anymore in this country but maybe this will be the issue that reminds people of how our country should be.
That was my first thought before I googled average age of menstruation beginning in Females, which is 8-12 years. I believe that if a Girl that young bleeds she should be provided advanced education of the ramifications and be given the choice of abortion or care to save the baby for adoption
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While I personally would do everything possible to peacefully persuade her not to have an abortion, it’s her body not mine, so the choice is hers not mine.
You would do everything possible to peacefully persuade a ten-year-old rape victim to not have an abortion?

If you daughter had been raped when she was ten years old, you would have strongly advocated for her to not have an abortion?
That was my first thought before I googled average age of menstruation beginning in Females, which is 8-12 years. I believe that if a Girl that young bleeds she should be provided advanced education of the ramifications and be given the choice of abortion or care to save the baby for adoption
I doubt the person exists. I doubt the age if she does exist. I doubt she was pregnant. I doubt the rape if she was pregnant. I doubt it was 6 weeks and 3 days. All too convenient.
This is an issue that will require compassion, cooperation, tolerance and compromise. Sadly I do not see much of that anymore in this country but maybe this will be the issue that reminds people of how our country should be.
You are right, this an issue that requires compassion, cooperation, tolerance and compromise. And we had all four before the Supreme Court overturned Roe and took a right away from women in this country.

What is tolerant about forcing a ten-year-old rape victim to continue with a pregnancy? How is that compassionate? How does that represent any form of compromise? Any form of cooperation?

What you fail to grasp is that with many anti-abortionists, there is no compromise available. There is no compassion for the woman, no tolerance for her to have the right to choose. Hence the laws forbidding abortions even in the case of rape.

Women shouldn't have to lobby their state legislatures for reasonable access to abortion. State legislatures shouldn't have the ability to ban a ten-year-old rape victim from having an abortion. Women had a right to make this decision and that right should be returned to them immediately under a legal framework similar to what Roe provided. That would be true compassion, true tolerance, true cooperation, and true compromise.
You are right, this an issue that requires compassion, cooperation, tolerance and compromise. And we had all four before the Supreme Court overturned Roe and took a right away from women in this country.

What is tolerant about forcing a ten-year-old rape victim to continue with a pregnancy? How is that compassionate? How does that represent any form of compromise? Any form of cooperation?

What you fail to grasp is that with many anti-abortionists, there is no compromise available. There is no compassion for the woman, no tolerance for her to have the right to choose. Hence the laws forbidding abortions even in the case of rape.

Women shouldn't have to lobby their state legislatures for reasonable access to abortion. State legislatures shouldn't have the ability to ban a ten-year-old rape victim from having an abortion. Women had a right to make this decision and that right should be returned to them immediately under a legal framework similar to what Roe provided. That would be true compassion, true tolerance, true cooperation, and true compromise.
Impassioned speech on tolerance and compassion from an adherent of the death cult.

Next I'll hear arguments on ethnic harmony from Heinrich Himmler.
Impassioned speech on tolerance and compassion from an adherent of the death cult.

Next I'll hear arguments on ethnic harmony from Heinrich Himmler.

As opposed to swallowing one’s own conspiracy theory believing newspapers have taken such a pro-choice stance that they made up a story about a 10-year-old rape victim getting an abortion across state lines and put it on the AP wire for widespread publication by other papers?

carry on
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Impassioned speech on tolerance and compassion from an adherent of the death cult.

Next I'll hear arguments on ethnic harmony from Heinrich Himmler.
Interesting you brought up Himmler. Himmler and his cronies loved to claim the truth was a lie, loved to deny reality to protect their power and political ideology, etc. You know something akin to . . . it isn't true millions of Jews are being killed. That's fake news. German people, don't believe such lies. These false claims by our political opponents and Zionists sure is convenient timing!🙄

btw, I'm not an adherent of a death cult. I simply support a woman's right to choose. I have compassion and tolerance for women and their ability to make these choices for themselves.
2 pesos is suddenly concerned about children ... except if they're in the womb.

Then bring out the razor sharp knives and stick a vacuum hose in a vagina
What is your position on this AC? Do you believe government should be able to force a ten-year-old rape victim to continue with a pregnancy resulting from that rape?
What is your position on this AC? Do you believe government should be able to force a ten-year-old rape victim to continue with a pregnancy resulting from that rape?
You believe children should be butchered and torn in pieces.

I believe in a women's right to choose.

When a women chooses to have unprotected sex, she's likely going to have a baby.


Did this 10-year-old girl choose to have sex, let alone be unprotected? Is it her fault she didn’t have an IUD in at 10 years old?

Is that the card you’re seriously gonna play?
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I believe in a women's right to choose.

When a women chooses to have unprotected sex, she's likely going to have a baby.

Ok. What about the woman who doesn't choose to have unprotected sex and becomes pregnant?

This ten-year-old rape victim in Ohio didn't choose to have unprotected sex. Again, do you believe government should be able to force a ten-year-old rape victim to continue with a pregnancy resulting from that rape?
State sanctioned murder as a remedy for poor decisions and luck.

Anything that costs me opportunity or alters my preferred life path.
Did this ten-year-old old girl make a poor decision or did she just have bad luck in your opinion?

I alsowonder, speaking of equality, do you believe child support payments should start for all men who impregnate a woman at conception? Should all men who impregnate a woman be required to pay 50% of all medical costs associated with the pregnancy?
Did this ten-year-old old girl make a poor decision or did she just have bad luck in your opinion?

I alsowonder, speaking of equality, do you believe child support payments should start for all men who impregnate a woman at conception? Should all men who impregnate a woman be required to pay 50% of all medical costs associated with the pregnancy?

Your first question is moronic.

You break it, you buy it.
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How about the fact that a ten year old girl who was raped was forced to go to another state in order to obtain an abortion simply because the Supreme Court of this country told states they now have the ability to ban all abortions, including for a ten year old rape victim! Not to mention what Indiana and other states might do in the future, thereby forcing another 10 year old rape victim to have to travel even further to obtain an abortion.

Does extremism ring a bell with you?

There is nothing beautiful about a state now having the ability to ban a ten year old rape victim from having an abortion.
Instead of blaming the Supreme Court, which is simply carrying out the Constitution, how about “blaming” the states. After all, they are the elected officials.