Who out there would have handled the pandemic to your satisfaction? Biden, Obama, Hillary, Newsome, Kamala, Big Mike, Bush, Chris Christie, DeSantis, Haley, Scott, JFK Jr, Cornell West or someone else? Who could have lived up to your standards out there in the face of the unprecedented pandemic, political division, the full court press of Democrats and the MSM with their disinformation and censorship actions. How about anywhere in the world that handled it any better? China, Russia, the EU, someone else?
You can lay blame on Trump if you want but you are ignoring the fact Democrats, the deep state and the MSM used the once in a 100 year pandemic to work against and try to destroy the Trump presidency. Think about that, a political party in this country put themselves above the welfare and safety of the people for their own benefit. That should scare the shit out of you but nope it makes you work against Trump, Republicans and keeps Democrats in control. SMFH some real good thinking there.
IMO Trump's gut instinct was right about Covid and his first reactions were correct. What failed was the unelected politically biased, corrupt government institutions whose sole purpose is to protect the American people. If you notice not a single thing has been to correct that problem or hold anyone of them accountable. What does that tell you? The CDC lied to us, Fauci lied to us, Democrats lied to us, the MSM lied to us, big tech censored anyone who dared question anything or spoke out against the insane government reaction to Covid yet nothing has been done to correct this. Why is that? Sadly critical thinking in this country has been lost by the vast majority and it is beyond terrifying.