Trump does not portray himself as anywhere near a Reagan conservative. You have been bamboozled if you think he’s a conservative at all. Classic conservatives are small government free market advocates. Trump is neither of those.
As for Bearcat I read his responses as “how dare you!” Not steam coming out of his ears from fury, but absolutely offended that someone says something negative about a man in whom he has great trust. I told Bearcat I like him and respect him and his opinions, and I do. But I disagree with him about who Trump is and what he stands for and whether he could fulfill Bearcat’s expectations to stop the Democrats cold - or even if he actually wants to or would even try. I do not trust Donald Trump. I think he’s a charlatan, a grifter, a con man who has a world class ability to trick people into believing his promises, promises which disappear in thin air as soon as he no longer needs you to focus on them. And I think there are far more people who see him that way than the slobbering drooling devotion of the fanatics who think he is a magic man.