Who does Senator Dick Durbin work for?

This is no surprise to me, not sure what these people are thinking. They need to go, need to be gone from Washington, seems treasonous to me.
Trump has brought that upon himself via his words and actions lol. No amount of conservative fake news and propaganda can dispute that fact.

Carry on.

Durbin's past is checkered, fact. He is practicing racism against his own people by putting illegals before legal citizens, he admits it all for votes. Trump is doing what is best for this country, he could care less what the impact is when it comes to votes. Durbin is a vote whore and should turn in his citizenship and step down. From the same state that produced Obama, imagine that, home state to shady politicians.
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3.4 billion in net positive impact, 42 billion in annual GDP

Trump will give the Dems DACA IF the Dems will fix illegal immigration: Wall, no chain migration, no more lottery, vetting, etc...That is called compromise. Dumb@ss Durbin wants a one sided deal. Not gonna happen. If DACA blows up it is Dems fault. The real issue is illegal immigration. Illegal immigration costs American Taxpayers over $100 billion a year, I have given you the study several times and you refuse it. You are telling only one side of the story.

Trump won the election because those that voted him in want illegal immigration fixed, elections have consequences. Even some Dems want illegal immigration fixed, even Clinton and Obama said illegal immigration needs to be fixed.

Durbin so selfish he has personally tried to kill a compromise, phuck him.

So, either come to the table and negotiate and compromise, going to play politically hard ball let's play. No compromise and deal, kill DACA and ship them all out, besides these are not shit hole countries, they are great countries.
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If you read the link, it explains that, in fact, FAIR inflates their numbers lol.

Carry on.

You are so full of excuses, and you fail to see the realities of the compromise the Dems want to reject, that is not on Trump. Evidently you are ok with illegal immigration, good for you. It needs to be fixed, and frankly if we need to ship 800,000 back to fix it so be it. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, especially when talking about legal citizens versus illegals. Life is tough when you do not play by the rules, as it should be.
Last September, the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) estimated that undocumented immigrants impose almost $135 billion in annual costs at the state, local, and federal levels.[5] Included in this estimate are costs attributed to immigration enforcement and removals, Medicaid, welfare programs, and public education. FAIR used the most recently available data in its calculation, which was from 2014, 2015, or 2016, depending on the source.

FAIR’s cost estimate is likely an upper bound. It contends that 12.5 million undocumented immigrants live in the United States, which is higher than conventional estimates of around 11 million. To arrive at this number, FAIR counts undocumented immigrants who have qualified for legal status through executive action. Furthermore, FAIR argues that undocumented immigrants receive nearly $9 billion in welfare benefits each year, but included in this calculation is the cost of welfare benefits received by U.S. citizen children of undocumented immigrants.

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You are so full of excuses, and you fail to see the realities of the compromise the Dems want to reject, that is not on Trump. Evidently you are ok with illegal immigration, good for you. It needs to be fixed, and frankly if we need to ship 800,000 back to fix it so be it. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, especially when talking about legal citizens versus illegals. Life is tough when you do not play by the rules, as it should be.

Why do you wanna destroy the economy?
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Trump will give the Dems DACA IF the Dems will fix illegal immigration: Wall, no chain migration, no more lottery, vetting, etc...That is called compromise. Dumb@ss Durbin wants a one sided deal. Not gonna happen. If DACA blows up it is Dems fault. The real issue is illegal immigration. Illegal immigration costs American Taxpayers over $100 billion a year, I have given you the study several times and you refuse it. You are telling only one side of the story.

Trump won the election because those that voted him in want illegal immigration fixed, elections have consequences. Even some Dems want illegal immigration fixed, even Clinton and Obama said illegal immigration needs to be fixed.

“Chain migration” (immigration), lottery, vetting, are all issues related to LEGAL....not illegal....immigration.
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“Chain migration” (immigration), lottery, vetting, are all issues related to LEGAL....not illegal....immigration.

True, but if you add a wall, fix immigration, make sure immigrants can integrate and are not terrorists, ENFORCE the laws we have, we would have far fewer illegals here. By definition if we were enforcing our laws we would be doing what Israel and Japan does and ship the illegals back and we would not have near the number or problem we have today. By strike 3 we should incarcerate them, put them to work building their own prisons if needed, they can even grow their own food to.

The very fact Trump is attempting to enforce the laws has slowed down illegal immigration. Next step is filing charges against these elected officials not enforcing the laws, I think the DOJ is starting the wheels to make this happen, as it should.

I think the idea is to fix immigration, build a wall, and hence forth enforce our laws.
Trump will give the Dems DACA IF the Dems will fix illegal immigration: Wall, no chain migration, no more lottery, vetting, etc...That is called compromise. Dumb@ss Durbin wants a one sided deal. Not gonna happen. If DACA blows up it is Dems fault. The real issue is illegal immigration. Illegal immigration costs American Taxpayers over $100 billion a year, I have given you the study several times and you refuse it. You are telling only one side of the story.

Trump won the election because those that voted him in want illegal immigration fixed, elections have consequences. Even some Dems want illegal immigration fixed, even Clinton and Obama said illegal immigration needs to be fixed.

Durbin so selfish he has personally tried to kill a compromise, phuck him.

So, either come to the table and negotiate and compromise, going to play politically hard ball let's play. No compromise and deal, kill DACA and ship them all out, besides these are not shit hole countries, they are great countries.

Now that a liberal judge has stepped in and said that Mr. Obama's mandates can not be legally undone, and since the Dems are so confident that they will win back the House in the next round, what is the emergency? Why not just go ahead an continue to fund the gov't? Surely its not because they are just wanting to keep things tilted towards identity politics.
Now that a liberal judge has stepped in and said that Mr. Obama's mandates can not be legally undone, and since the Dems are so confident that they will win back the House in the next round, what is the emergency? Why not just go ahead an continue to fund the gov't? Surely its not because they are just wanting to keep things tilted towards identity politics.

DOJ supposedly going to go directly to the Supreme Court on this. Reps need to get smart and take action to get that judge thrown out, it can be done thru congress, not sure of how many votes it takes, but they need to get him out. Supreme court already over ruled him once.
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True, but if you add a wall, fix immigration, make sure immigrants can integrate and are not terrorists, ENFORCE the laws we have, we would have far fewer illegals here. By definition if we were enforcing our laws we would be doing what Israel and Japan does and ship the illegals back and we would not have near the number or problem we have today. By strike 3 we should incarcerate them, put them to work building their own prisons if needed, they can even grow their own food to.

The very fact Trump is attempting to enforce the laws has slowed down illegal immigration. Next step is filing charges against these elected officials not enforcing the laws, I think the DOJ is starting the wheels to make this happen, as it should.

I think the idea is to fix immigration, build a wall, and hence forth enforce our laws.

Changing the laws on legal immigration has no connection to dealing with the illegal immigration problem.

You originally said that Trump would give DACA is Dems compromised to fix illegal immigration and that it’s all about stopping illegal immigrants.

That wasn’t entirely accurate. He also wants significant changes to legal immigration rules.
Changing the laws on legal immigration has no connection to dealing with the illegal immigration problem.

You originally said that Trump would give DACA is Dems compromised to fix illegal immigration and that it’s all about stopping illegal immigrants.

That wasn’t entirely accurate. He also wants significant changes to legal immigration rules.

The wall is about illegal immigration, that is part of his compromise. Immigration needs to be fixed from both ends and I believe the total result will be less illegal immigration, more secure country, and fewer legal immigrants on assistance. You believe current state of immigration is ok? Illegal and legal?
The wall is about illegal immigration, that is part of his compromise. Immigration needs to be fixed from both ends and I believe the total result will be less illegal immigration, more secure country, and fewer legal immigrants on assistance. You believe current state of immigration is ok? Illegal and legal?

Again, this is NOT what you originally claimed.

Trump ISN’T just focused on illegal immigration. He isn’t just requiring compromise on illegal immigration.

I’ve expressed my views on his handling of ILLEGAL immigration (I’m good with the deporting he is doing), DACA (think it should be continued), “the wall” (a physical wall stretching the entire border is dumb and Mexico will never pay for it and Trump is incredibly inconsistent on what he even means when he talks about a wall). As far as changes to legal immigration, IMO reasonable minds can differ on the subject and a rational, fact supported policy discussion would be interesting to have on the topic. Unfortunately, there hasn’t been very much...if any...rational, reasonable policy discussions coming from this board (from any “side”) for a substantial period of time. Not much looking at room for compromise or areas of common agreement/understanding. Not much room to disagree with someone while conceding that reasonable minds can differ on an issue. Too much (metaphorical) screaming at each other from the extremes instead of discussions with each other. Don’t see that changing anytime soon so I mostly hang out here, lurk, comment much less than I use to (commentary about trying to be a “board referee” we’re well taken and seriously considered by interest in being that guy), and focus more on the crowd dynamic than the 100s of links and memes posted by everyone. Pretty much I’m only here for the personalities revealed through the posts at this point.

It’s all good.
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Again, this is NOT what you originally claimed.

Trump ISN’T just focused on illegal immigration. He isn’t just requiring compromise on illegal immigration.

I’ve expressed my views on his handling of ILLEGAL immigration (I’m good with the deporting he is doing), DACA (think it should be continued), “the wall” (a physical wall stretching the entire border is dumb and Mexico will never pay for it and Trump is incredibly inconsistent on what he even means when he talks about a wall). As far as changes to legal immigration, IMO reasonable minds can differ on the subject and a rational, fact supported policy discussion would be interesting to have on the topic. Unfortunately, there hasn’t been very much...if any...rational, reasonable policy discussions coming from this board (from any “side”) for a substantial period of time. Not much looking at room for compromise or areas of common agreement/understanding. Not much room to disagree with someone while conceding that reasonable minds can differ on an issue. Too much (metaphorical) screaming at each other from the extremes instead of discussions with each other. Don’t see that changing anytime soon so I mostly hang out here, lurk, comment much less than I use to (commentary about trying to be a “board referee” we’re well taken and seriously considered by interest in being that guy), and focus more on the crowd dynamic than the 100s of links and memes posted by everyone. Pretty much I’m only here for the personalities revealed through the posts at this point.

It’s all good.

Go back and read when I said "True" in my original post, seems that meant I agreed.
Go back and read when I said "True" in my original post, seems that meant I agreed.

You might want to go reread it yourself.

“True, but...” which doesn’t exactly mean you simply agreed and left it at that.

It’s all good though.

Not interested in a pissing match. There is no need.

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