Understanding the Global Rise of Authoritarianism


Gold Member
Nov 27, 2023
It's not technically Communism or Socialism or Fascism that Western Civilization faces degradation from, but more generally good ole Authoritarianism in various flavors. The type of slow creeping bureaucratic expansion throttling freedom of the individual Citizen.

On why nationalism and authoritarianism is spreading globally:

The first was the excess of globalization, the excess of capitalism, and the creation of exploding inequality happening at the same time that globalization is kind of encroaching on people's national identity or tribal identity

Another trend through line was the post-9/11 securitization of the American superpower. When we turn our national purpose into this war on terror, not only do we militarize our engagement with the world, which I think was generally bad for democracy, but we also provide a template and a justification for autocrats to expropriate that for their own purposes.

Then lastly, technology is big difference maker in the sense that these platforms that at first were connecting people became the perfect vehicles for disinformation and surveillance


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