The Warmist religion is 0-52 in dire predictions.
Wow! They're batting a thousand!!
The Warmist religion is 0-52 in dire predictions.
And I think you believe this "climate myth" because all your sources are junk science and cherry picked data. Here's a great article that just came out today. But, of course, since it was printed from Fox News you'll dismiss it out of hand and continue to put your head in the sand and believe the same leftie drivel that always leads you to an intellectually dead end and mass delusion. You know, like the belief that Biden is innocent and the Justice Dept isn't corrupt.
It's not climate change that's causing heat waves this summer but no one wants to explain why
Climate change isn't causing this summer's heat waves. In the 1930s, the U.S. Heat Wave Index was four times higher. But now, the media pounce on the idea the earth is
Citing this guy is your go-to? jfc lol
Justin Haskins - The Heartland Institute
Justin Haskins is the director of the Socialism Research Center and editorial director at The Heartland
carry on
Exactly how would I know if you've read anything about the groundwater pumping thing, David?That you don't have an answer to?
I responded in a friendly, non-combative format and you respond with a snarky, sarcastic retort. It is sad to observe people who attempt to show their treatment of fellow Americans in such a vile and hateful way. You truly are a card carrying member of the party of love and inclusion.How very reasonable of you. Congratulations. I am proud of you.
I'm asking you. Jeu no?Exactly how would I know if you've read anything about the groundwater pumping thing, David?
You're asking me if you've read about the effects of groundwater pumping on the climate?I'm asking you. Jeu no?
Do ju neau?You're asking me if you've read about the effects of groundwater pumping on the climate?