Tulsi Gabbard leaves Democrat party

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Shouldn't a woman that is sexually active protect herself from an unwanted pregnancy.
That is a personal decision a woman has to make for herself. It isn't my place (or the government's place) to tell a woman what to do regarding birth control.

Again, what does this have to do with a woman being raped? Are you seriously trying to claim that all women should be forced to use birth control to protect themselves from rape and a possible unwanted pregnancy??
That is a personal decision a woman has to make for herself. It isn't my place (or the government's place) to tell a woman what to do regarding birth control.

Again, what does this have to do with a woman being raped? Are you seriously trying to claim that all women should use birth control to protect themselves from rape??
Absolutely not, remember they ain't angels. 🤣
Again, what does this have to do with a woman being raped? Are you seriously trying to claim that all women should be forced to use birth control to protect themselves from rape and a possible unwanted pregnancy??
Come on Champ you can't be this dumb.

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Shouldn't a woman that is sexually active protect herself from an unwanted pregnancy.
As painful as it is for me to agree with your counterpart, let me put it to you like this. As I understand it the argument against abortion claims it is killing/murder of innocent human life. A woman who has irreponsible sex and becomes pregnant should not be allowed to have an abortion, she brought it onto herself by being irresponsible. She should have no right to kill the innocent baby growing inside her body.

In order for that argument to remain consistent, one cannot make any exceptions, not even in the case of pregnancy caused by rape. The child growing inside a raped body is just as innocent as any other. Aborting such a human life would be just as murderous as aborting a child for convenience. So it seems to me if one is going to climb aboard the pro-life wagon, one must allow for no exceptions.

I recognize ther are many people who maintain that consistency, and you may be one of them. But as soon as one exception is made (rape victim) the consistency of the "protecting innocent life" argument falls apart.
That is a personal decision a woman has to make for herself. It isn't my place (or the government's place) to tell a woman what to do regarding birth control.

Again, what does this have to do with a woman being raped? Are you seriously trying to claim that all women should be forced to use birth control to protect themselves from rape and a possible unwanted pregnancy??
This is where we differ, you see it as a woman's personal decision, where I see it as a woman's responsibility. It's what I taught my daughter, what I will teach my granddaughter if one of my kids are ever blessed enough to have one and what I tell every woman in any discussion. This is not the 1950s it's a day and age where birth control is readily available, affordable, effective and convenient. Instead of celebrating the ending of innocent life we should be celebrating woman and men taking responsibility for themselves and the effectiveness of birth control.
Before you go off on the man, it is also his responsibility to protect from impregnating a woman. He and he alone is responsible for protecting against it. Now imagine a world where the majority of people are responsible for themselves.

What does it have to do with rape, if a woman has protected herself from an unwanted preganacy it's hard to get pregnant in the event of rape. Sure it's a cold way of looking at it but it's effective and goes a long way to solving the problem. Yes just like everything in life there are exceptions, which is why I do not support a total ban on abortion, but not anywhere close to hundreds of thousands every year. If I have to chose between abortion up to birth or a total ban of abortion, I will side with the total ban.
This is where we differ, you see it as a woman's personal decision, where I see it as a woman's responsibility.
Yes, I understand your position. You want to tell women what they are to do in terms of their reproductive choices. You, a man, believe you know better than every other woman what they all should do.

You love to claim on this board that you are all for individual freedom. But in this instance, you clearly are not.

Now imagine a world where the majority of people are responsible for themselves.
I can imagine such a world but you are opposed to such a world, in this instance. You want to force all women to adopt your version of responsibility.

Instead of simply being responsible for yourself and letting women be responsible for themselves.
Yes, I understand your position. You want to tell women what they are to do in terms of their reproductive choices. You, a man, believe you know better than every other woman what they all should do.

You love to claim on this board that you are all for individual freedom. But in this instance, you clearly are not.

I can imagine such a world but you are opposed to such a world, in this instance. You want to force all women to adopt your version of responsibility.

Instead of simply being responsible for yourself and letting women be responsible for themselves.
I'm not telling people what to do, I'm telling them they are responsible for their actions. Freedom has never and will never be free, it comes with responsibilities, specifically responsibility for your own actions. You seem to think freedom is do as you please all while expecting other to suffer the consequences. in this case the consequences is an innocent, defenseless unborn baby who has done nothing wrong suffer the consequence of death all because the woman was irresponsible.
I'm not telling people what to do, I'm telling them they are responsible for their actions. Freedom has never and will never be free, it comes with responsibilities, specifically responsibility for your own actions. You seem to think freedom is do as you please all while expecting other to suffer the consequences. in this case the consequences is an innocent, defenseless unborn baby who has done nothing wrong suffer the consequence of death all because the woman was irresponsible.
It is both shocking and disgusting that you seriously believe a woman who is raped and becomes pregnant was irresponsible. I truly feel sorry for every woman who has to deal with you in their life. Would love to see how many eye rolls you get behind your back.🤣

btw, your opinion about the status of a fetus is your opinion. It isn't shared by everyone, nor every woman. But I know you don't care about this. You want to force all women to embrace your opinions on this issue.
It is both shocking and disgusting that you seriously believe a woman who is raped and becomes pregnant was irresponsible. I truly feel sorry for every woman who has to deal with you in their life. Would love to see how many eye rolls you get behind your back.🤣

btw, your opinion about the status of a fetus is your opinion. It isn't shared by everyone, nor every woman. But I know you don't care about this. You want to force all women to embrace your opinions on this issue.

I feel sorry for all the innocent, defenseless unborn babies that are killed by irresponsible, self entitled women. In this day and age there is absolutely no reason for the number of abortion that are performed in this country. I could care less if you are anyone else is disgusted about it, what is truly disgusting and tragic is the killing and support of killing innocent human life.
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