Tulsi Gabbard leaves Democrat party

What Dems have become is shameful.

At one time she fit right in.
Actually she never fit in. She tried very hard to accept what the Democrat Party was becomming, but ultimately she couldn't bring herself to sell her soul. When she first hit the scene the establishment recognized they had a potential winner if they could groom her according to their desires. When she realized what was happening she rebelled. And now she has left them completely, knowing there is nothing short of a people's rebellion that will reverse the trend the Democrat Party is following. Good for you, Tulsi!
I just watched Gabbard's first podcast. Damn, that woman is a crackpot! Everybody should watch it and get a good laugh. @ClintonDavidScott, if you watch it you might want to have a fainting couch close by, she scorches the Democratic Party with a blowtorch of whackiness that might be too hard for you to bear. And what's so disgusting about it is she speaks with such a calm and reasonable tone that a lot of people might believe her. I'm so glad we have you on this board to remnd us of what a whackjob she is.
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How many Democrat voters today would agree and support this.

“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”​

Sadly I think that number would be minuscule.

Now I'll flip it on your bearcat, how many Republicans would say this?
I would hope the overwhelming majority but I know from a personal standpoint we've cutback dramatically on what we did in the past.
I don't think many- they want to get elected and line their pockets. Almost all Rs
for big taxes, big govt, open or mostly open bordErs- look at the republican ran Austin swamp- it's pure Scum led by global Abbott Who to this day still has an emergency issue over Covid for the state so they can take away our liberties, property taxes are out of sight, the borders wide open and no don't let him blame the federal government....The Republicans after the 2020 election reduced the penalties for voter fraud from a felony to a misdemeanor- WTP?!?! Phelan is scum, Fallon is scum - it
Never ends

Yall need to remember it was Trump, not the Republican party that closed the border and built the wall, it was Trump who was going to get rid of income taxes, not the Republican party.

And I have joined the Republican party to try to make a difference, I was elected to a position in my area and we are working to change the party and get more America first candidates in. Right now it's even a swamp at the local GOP level.

As of right now it's pretty much a uniparty in Washington DC and I don't think there's much deliberation on it. There are some Republicans there that have a good heart and good
Intent but they are too scared to stand up the to the Cabal or the swamp. I have to give Tulsi credit for what she said and calling out the Cabal....But I still think we should elect non-politicians to office, I really don't think that government is even needed but it definitely needs to be taken all the way down to the bone and start back with everything local and small.
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I don't think many- they want to get elected and line their pockets. Almost all Rs
for big taxes, big govt, open or mostly open bordErs- look at the republican ran Austin swamp- it's pure Scum led by global Abbott Who to this day still has an emergency issue over Covid for the state so they can take away our liberties, property taxes are out of sight, the borders wide open and no don't let him blame the federal government....The Republicans after the 2020 election reduced the penalties for voter fraud from a felony to a misdemeanor- WTP?!?! Phelan is scum, Fallon is scum - it
Never ends

Yall need to remember it was Trump, not the Republican party that closed the border and built the wall, it was Trump who was going to get rid of income taxes, not the Republican party.

And I have joined the Republican party to try to make a difference, I was elected to a position in my area and we are working to change the party and get more America first candidates in. Right now it's even a swamp at the local GOP level.

As of right now it's pretty much a uniparty in Washington DC and I don't think there's much deliberation on it. There are some Republicans there that have a good heart and good
Intent but they are too scared to stand up the to the Cabal or the swamp. I have to give Tulsi credit for what she said and calling out the Cabal....But I still think we should elect non-politicians to office, I really don't think that government is even needed but it definitely needs to be taken all the way down to the bone and start back with everything local and small.
You do realize that Trump was a big government pol don't you?
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You do realize that Trump was a big government pol don't you?
He was far from perfect but I'm saying he was going to cut income taxes out all the way and shut the border down and I don't really see how that is big government?

He did some things because he had no support from the Republican POS party and they told him they wouldn't go along with no income taxes and other things.

I mean look what the man did in four years against the swamp? I don't think any of us know how bad, how corrupt, how demonic, how massive of a behemoth Washington DC is and the global Cabal. Trump failed on many things but I don't think any of us understand how hard it was just to make the changes he made. The Republican party is trash I'm sorry as I told them I didn't join the party for business as usual I came to make a change, I was hoping the patriot party would arise out of the election coup but Trump thought it would be best to try to take over the Republican party and change it.

This electing people like Greg Abbott just cause they're the tallest midget is sickening. If Beto comes Out and promises to leave guns alone and wipe out all property taxes then he stands a chance of getting elected, I would never vote for him either, I can't vote either one of them for governor, and I promise you I'm not the only one - why do you think Abbott lowered the penalties for voter fraud🤔
Good politicians know how to build consensus and coalitions.

Trump made funny tweets and enemies with just about everyone, including people he brought in to be a part of his administration.

You know all of the Q mess is nothing but a bunch of BS don't you?
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Good politicians know how to build consensus and coalitions.

Trump made funny tweets and enemies with just about everyone, including people he brought in to be a part of his administration.

You know all of the Q mess is nothing but a bunch of BS don't you?
Really bring up Q?! I am not Q and will say again most all of them are super patriots tired of the corruption of BOTH PARTIES.- aka the uniparty and tired of stealing our money they call taxes when they can print all of the money they want- and they call it out and you and youR lovely GOP fo NOTHING.

Can't believe you rag on Q and prop up Republicans- that's funny.

And only reason most hate Trump is because the media coerced everyone to hate him, if they weren't dogging him 24 seven 365 and painted a beautiful picture of him like they do some of these grubby politicians then y'all would love them to death, they control the sheep like clockwork- lead y'all around with a Bull ring- fake media tells you to dismiss Q so you do- they got ya.

Q fights election fraud and child trafficking - your GOP enables it
Good politicians know how to build consensus and coalitions.

Trump made funny tweets and enemies with just about everyone, including people he brought in to be a part of his administration.

You know all of the Q mess is nothing but a bunch of BS don't you?
"OMG Trump tweeted mean things" lol Funny how the evil of all evil attacked him 24/7 and you wanted him to be nice- like Bush I guess- Bush squares killed millions with their fake wars but hey- they were gentleman- laughable
Yeah, Corndog might deny it, but he's Q-Anon.
Excuse Me What GIF by Nickelodeon
Tulsi is too liberal for me personally. Her voting record in Congress was to the left of AOC.

That being said, my side is losing the culture wars. Leftists are winning nearly every ideological battle.

Though I don't agree with Gabbard on much, we need sensible people like her who stand against the rot that is eating away at the principles that made America exceptional.
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Yeah, Corndog might deny it, but he's Q-Anon. @okcpokefan12 too.
If I was I'd be proud of it- Unlike your horse$hit GOP you put your faith in. Yes that party that not only didn't stop a coup of a sitting president - but HELPED The shadow Biden anti American regime in place- you should be so proud AC- everyone's lives are so much better- but hey -#mean tweets

It's funny bc your tv programs you to say stuff like "Q" and "anti Vax" and you think it's a cut down bc your tv told you how to think.

Signed: Qorndog- proud anti Vaxxer and Q supporter- oh and Alex Jones and Trump have been right about most everything and Your loveable soldier killing Bush orchestrated or enabled 911- but Go GOP yee haw!! Love me some McConnel, Romney, Crenshaw, Abbot, Phelan, McCarthey, Murkowski, Fallon, Sasse, Cornyn - tell us how great they are Ac? Tell us about the rabbits George
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If I was I'd be proud of it- Unlike your horse$hit GOP you put your faith in. Yes that party that not only didn't stop a coup of a sitting president - but HELPED The shadow Biden anti American regime in place- you should be so proud AC- everyone's lives are so much better- but hey -#mean tweets

It's funny bc your tv programs you to say stuff like "Q" and "anti Vax" and you think it's a cut down bc your tv told you how to think.

Signed: Qorndog- proud anti Vaxxer and Q supporter- oh and Alex Jones and Trump have been right about most everything and Your loveable soldier killing Bush orchestrated or enabled 911- but Go GOP yee haw!! Love me some McConnel, Romney, Crenshaw, Abbot, Phelan, McCarthey, Murkowski, Fallon, Sasse, Cornyn - tell us how great they are Ac? Tell us about the rabbits George
Is this what Q told you to post?
Only decent citizens would.
I doubt that Tulsi carries a lot of clout within the establishment of the Democratic Party, but as miserably as they are performing it might be best if they cared a little bit. They're a stubborn bunch, though, the establishment Democrats, and are probably willing to go down with the ship as they continue to sink in the polls. They probably would be better off if they cared. They are going to need all the help they can get in the next two years, but they seem intent on driving sane people away.
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Is this what Q told you to post?
Yes bc I'm a Q drone like you're a faux news drone so they tell me what to say😳

Sorry word is Q has people to research- doesn't tell them what to do- Unlike you- lock step with Fox.

If you'd have listened to Q you could have avoided the poison Shots- not Q but all of the researchers- but hell you may be tickled you listened to Fox over Q peeps on the gene therapies so if so-
More Power to you.

Q researchers said to look back at Ukraine overthrow (color revolution) in 2014
And NATO expansion /US biolabs as the cause of the war- but bet you listened to Fox and thought Zelensky was the GOAT?

Q peeps are right 90 plus percent of the time and Fox tells you what they want you to believe (sponsored by Pfizer and Moderna POS might I add)again you won't get me offended by calling Q or anti Vax- but I am 100 percent anti Vax and put Q peeps so far ahead of your tv and radio it's not Even funny

Signed Qorndog (that sig just for you AC)
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